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Posts posted by sachmo

  1. Originally posted by allen

    is it that the movie where a comet goes by the earth, people start turning into zombies, and the survivors take over a radio station? tre' eighties, rigth?


    if so, i love that movie. (i know, i know... no accounting for taste...)


    Ummm...seconded. I'm so ashamed.

  2. Originally posted by DocSubtlety

    My first baby steps as a GM were all done under Gamma World, and to this day, post apocalypse settings are my favorites.


    For a look at the ways the world could end, I strongly recommend: Exit Mundi.


    Great site! Thanks for posting!



    Well, if you are going to pull out brain-cell killing series such as The Wingman and C.A.D.S., we would have to pay our respects to the greatest post apocolypse series of them all, The Survivalist. As I remember, this series actually started out rather well, for what it was. Then they started messing with cryogenics and it all went downhill from there. Not as out there as The Wingman, but still pretty bad. I think I owned the Guardians books also, and thought they were pretty decent.

  3. Maybe the difference between KS: Military and PS: Military. There are people (geeks like me! :D) who have a decent working knowledge of military hardware, ranks, formations, etc. but have never served a day in the military. While my KS would help talk about military subjects or identify equipment and such, without the PS, if I were to try to impersonate a soldier for a day I would probably fail miserably.

  4. Thanks for all of the input, folks! I'll probably keep the book for source material. I really like the story, and I'm going back to the Wizards store to check out what they have left. I think it's just the resource kit, but for 70%, who's counting? Well, besides my wife? :P


    BTW, I'm not sure if all WOTC stores are having the same sale, but the store manager did tell me that they were getting rid of all non-WOTC games and were no longer going to carry them. If that is a chain-wide decision, your local store should have the same deal.

  5. Originally posted by Killer Shrike

    Oops...should have bought the Resource Kit instead -- C: NM is an artifact of previous paradigm.


    In fact IIRC, the '5th ed' compatibility of that product was founded on a different intended '5th ed' -- one that never materialized.


    Read Chapter 7 of the big black 5th edition rules I hope you have; its the final chapter before the Index and is comprised of 3 pages only. It gives a fairly succint history of the HERO legacy including the near fatal lapse into obscurity from which Steve Long and the DOJ saved it....


    Thank you so very much. Since everything is 70% off, I may just go back and buy the resource kit, too! I can always use this book for source material.

  6. First post...and I hope it isn't a stupid one. :D


    I'm a relative newbie to the Champions universe. I played a few times (twice, actually) many moons ago and enjoyed the game. Recently, I decided to buy the 5th Edition rulebook and see if I could get my band of geeks into some superhero roleplaying. So i bought the 5th Edition Hero rules, and the Champions sourcebook. Today at lunch, I wander into a Wizards of the Coast store and noticed that all non-wizard products are 70% off! Squealing with delight, I peruse the Champions section and I see the Resource Kit and Champions: New Millennium. I page through the New Millennium book, and notice that it is compatable with 5th Edition rules, and so I choose it.


    Reading the background story has me thirsty for more. The book tells me that this book is the first in a series of 5. The next books will add to the history of the universe, and I get the impression that this book is a compilation of a number of old Champions Universe tales. I decide to follow a link to http://www.herogames.com/fuzion/fuzion.html mentioned in the book to see how much the other books will cost for me to follow this interesting story. Well, it seems I can't find any mention of any follow up books, nor even the one that I own.


    Does anyone know anything about this book? Do they exist for sale anywhere in the universe (well, besides Ebay?) Are they worth the trouble to track down, or is there a better place to find the history of the Champions Universe?


    Thanks for the help.

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