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Rick R Mortis

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Posts posted by Rick R Mortis

  1. Re: weird villain concepts


    Superfluous Man II: He has the power of duplication. nothing else, just duplication, and lots of it. He can be a one man, competent normal crime spreee. Or you can give each Superflouous Man II a zap gun or something. Or you can cut down on your Faceless Minion budget or...


    He's the second villain to wear the Superfluous Man name. And yes, that is kind of Superfluous...

  2. Re: Your favorite PC vs..


    Hmm... Sandra versus The Mechanic or Robot Master owuld be a very short and silly fight. Heck, Sandra versus the pair of htem would be a very short fight.


    That is, save for the dialouge.


    "Frell it. I am being chased by a fat tool in a jumpsuit carrying a pair of space ray guns. He is taking orders from Woody Allen in a spandex bodysuit designed to fit Mr T. And today wasl ooking so nice. So comfortable. So sane."

  3. Re: weird villain concepts


    One of these days, I will use some of these guys. And htne i will die a horrible, screaming death.


    The Unstoppable Man: Actually, he isn't. He's got 75% resistant energy and physical DR, lots of double-hardneed armour and... um... that's it. Attributs all in the "average" range, no other powers, nothing else. All he can do is bounce bullets and most other attacks.


    Dr Otaku and the Catgirl Menace: Inspired by one too many webcomics, a wannabe mad scientist decided to create the perfict feline-human hybrid. Graceful, agile, skilled and equipped with pointy ears and stubidly big breasts. He's perfecting hte process, but has had osme success so far. His attack squad, the Killer Kittens are a quartet of genrtically reconstructed ex-strippers clad in swimsuits and carrying assualt rifles.


    Deathfist: Overloaded on steroids, an average hood blown out to Leifield-esque proprtions. His firsts are bigger then his head, and he can smash people real good with them. Heck, he can smash tanks real good. But he has no defensive powers at all. Well, maybe a bit, but...


    Pinball: A speedster/brick who is super fast and super tough. Problem is, he can't control himself at speed - he can't turn, can't stop, jsut run. So he rams into things (cars, buildings, historic landmarks, player chracters) and bounces off them to turn.


    More to come. You haff been varned.


    Rick R.

  4. Re: Batman vs Midnighter


    In The Authority. Midnighter would punch a thinly disguised Batman clone in the head. His head would then explode in a shower of gore. Midnighter would make some plucky comment before or after. Of course this "Batman" would be a brutal racist stooge that beats up on the "Helpless poor", minorities, woman, student protestors and jaywalkers so we'd all get a good laugh out his humiliating and effortless defeat. The rest of the JLA clon- "homages" would shortly follow of course.




    ..and this is why, if I ever do run a serious superhero game, I will have a villain team who are thinly vield versions of the Authroity. True, they're probably gonna be one-off villains, but...

  5. Re: Oddball Parties: list yours here!


    And last, but definitely not least, is the Multi-Culture Pals. A different world and different GM this time. The party wouldn’t hold together without a common goal, and this one is to save the world from their evil village-burning duplicates. Then again, they may just kill each other first.


    Oskar Thordin Ungar of the Sentinels – Dwarf Cleric. Oskar is by far and away the most sensible member of the party, which makes him a lone voice crying in the night. He set out from his home to see the world and bring its wisdom to his people, but quickly discovered that the greater world didn’t have any, so he decided he’d bloody well give them some. Despite being wise and intelligent, he is an awful wimp who gets winded easily and drops with the first hit. Something approaching the party’s leader; more to the point, he keeps them on the track they’ve set for themselves.


    Sasha – Human Rogue. A young, attractive blonde woman introduced herself to the party by saying that she worked at the docks, and it went downhill from there. What she omitted was that she worked for the local thieves’ guild, and has powerful underworld connections pretty much everywhere. Has her own idea about the party’s direction, and spends hours at a time arguing the point with Oskar.


    Jill Vader (aka the Insanely Powerful Jill Vader) – Human Fighter. Tall, sinister and with a disturbingly friendly grin, Jill makes up the party’s frontline muscle. She thinks nothing of plowing through two or three opponents at a time, but holds a special place in her heart for spellcasters. That is, she has trained especially to kill them. She comes from a weird religious background and believes that magic is a dangerous power that should only be wielded by those responsible enough. Unfortunately, she decides who that is.


    Ro – Gnome Druid. Ro lives so close to the earth and nature that she often takes it with her. A firm believer in the natural order, Ro does most things in a traditional way – such as eating raw meat, sleeping out in the open and not bathing. Rides upon Ferret the Wonder Dog, an animal companion and trained attack dog who is also the party’s third strongest fighter. Arguably the second most sensible party member which is a real problem.


    Teandra – Halfling Sorceress. Teandra was content with a simple, comfortable home life, which became a real problem when she was dragged up on charges from her evil doppelganger. She provides the party with home-cooked meals on the road and heavy fire support, just as long as she doesn’t have to work too hard or take a share of the watches. Refuses to go anywhere without a hearty breakfast


    Lyssa – Elven Wizard. A simple student at a magical college, Lyssa was swept up into events only for having an evil duplicate. She is one of the least suited adventurers ever, and will not even go near a fight, preparing to use her spells to bolster the party’s combatants and then run away. She originally seemed to be a delicate and harmless girl until she started slaughtering captive orcs wholesale.


    Horri – Elven Ranger. A well-presented, impeccably mannered archer who refuses to tell anyone just where he’s from. He mostly hangs back and provides fire support, letting Jill do all the real killing. One of the most morally flexible party members, he seems to have little trouble with torturing and killing surrendered or captive opponents, as long as they’re orcs.


    Iggy Ug – Human Barbarian. And odd young woman from the plains who was sent to the big city to attend “barbarian finishing school.†This encompassed lessons on when to and not to rage, how to pick out the best leather and furs for each season, and just what a chamber pot is used for anyway. She ran into the party and helped them kill the local highlord a couple of times, then decided to travel with them because they seemed like fun. Almost as scary in a “happy killing machine†way as Jill Vader.

  6. Re: Oddball Parties: list yours here!


    Second up is the Quack Experimental D&D team. The name says it all, really. They run under the same GM in the same campaign world and the same timeframe, constantly jumping a month or two ahead or behind the jokes due to matters of travel times, downtime, character death and replacement and the entire party being turned to stone. The practical upshot of which is that they are responsible for 70-80% of everything bad going on in the campaign world by accident.


    Although they shift members a lot, the current roster is Taphalt, Fish, Vincent and Yorda.


    Taphalt Spring – Explosive Human Sorcerer. If the team is responsible for most of the badness in the world, then Taphalt is responsible for most of the team’s stupid mistakes that unleash such badness. He’s the closest thing they have to a leader, which is a problem given that he’s an impulsive, reckless and foolhardy maniac with the attention span of a two-year old on a sugar buzz. Not actually a bad person, but never really thinks things through. Taphalt is played by a government employee who knows precisely what he’s doing, and loves every second of it. Oh yeah, and he looks like Vash the Stampede.


    Taph’s two favourite quotes are “What does this do?†and “I shouldn’t have done that.â€


    Fish (aka the Large Armoured Knight Guy, and Citizen Fish) – Human Fighter. The eternal straight man to Taphalt’s madcap antics. Remarkably sensible, but ends up going along with Taphalt anyway when his objections are ignored. Carries the ‘Moral Clarity’ sword, a holy weapon that lets him know if someone deserves to be hit after he hits them. It doesn’t really matter; Fish has a tendency to kill people, giants, trolls, monsters, mutated chimera thingies, defective hydras, snake men, etc. in a single blow anyway. Letitia’s twin brother.


    Steve – (aka Steve the Barbarian) Human Barbarian. Steve wandered into civilization one day looking for a horse and decided he didn’t like it. Once he had a horse, he realized the rest of his tribe had wandered off, and decided to hang around with Fish and Taphalt. Steve didn’t believe in such advanced concepts as doors, books, writing, cities or agriculture, and thought that anything you couldn’t pack onto a horse and ride off with was a very bad idea. Took up hunting bizarre monsters for fun. Was eventually killed by an enraged troll that was at least three times his size. The party honoured his barbarian traditions by burying him on a longboat that they put out to sea and set fire to. With his horse.


    Enadar – Human Cleric. Replacement character for Steve. Often referred to as the world’s dodgiest cleric. Enadar was drawn to the party while investigating the odd goings-on that followed them around and were often their fault. Enadar was constantly looking for ways to swindle those around him (party included!) and get into trouble, and only seemed to encourage Taphalt. Their morgue raid plan is still spoken of in hushed tones wherever thieves gather. Enadar was turned to stone with the rest of the party and carted off, current whereabouts unknown.


    Vincent – Human Rogue. Replacement character for Enadar. Hired by Colin, the only survivor of the petrification incident, to find and save the party. For a wandering wilderness folksy traveling sort, it’s surprising how much of his life revolves around money. Nobody really knows what he does with it all. Has seen more of the campaign world than most people, but the rest of the party still manage to surprise him on a daily basis. Remarkably concerned with the current state of the world; he likes it and doesn’t want it to go away.


    Despite having a lot of PCs, there are only three players, so the party has been filled out with successive NPCs…


    Colin – Raven Familiar. Taphalt’s wisecracking, sass-talking familiar, Colin is remarkably afraid of a fair fight despite the fact that he’s survived worse than the rest of the party and, thanks to a pile of leftover magical gear, is practically indestructible. Colin runs messages for the party and joins in fights only when he thinks no-one will see him or Taphalt insists. His greatest moment was killing the owl familiar of a powerful wizard because “It was giving me sass.â€


    Igor – Dwarf Cleric. Igor was a very sensible, no-nonsense kind of guy who mostly stuck with the rest of the party to keep them out of the worst of their own trouble. Didn’t do much more than heal them and get dragged along. Was killed by a combination of giant beetle and psychotic kobold when Taphalt abandoned his watch in the middle of the night to go look for shiny things.


    Twitzel Zappa – Innocent Human Bystander. A mysterious woman that Taphalt found in suspended animation under a wizard’s tower. Naturally, he had to ‘save’ her, and drag her across country. Lacking any memory, she was arbitrarily named Twitzel Zappa by Taphalt, and wandered behind the party for a while, acting as a sounding board for Steve and Taphalt. Eventually ran across a magical staff that spoke; Taphalt thought it was a good idea to give it to the confused girl, and it lead her to release a devil prince. Also Taph’s fault. Eventually regained her memory and is now the party’s sworn enemy.


    Mauser – Human Ranger. A bodyguard, hired for Enadar as he set about his mission for his church. Despite his combat prowess, Mauser was as thick as a block of wood, but was at least sensible enough to know how dull he was, and just kept his mouth shut all the time. Bore the brunt of Enadar’s mistakes and kept him out of trouble. Petrified along with the rest of the party; current whereabouts unknown.


    Yorda – Elven Wizard/Cleric. On again, off again associate of the party, Yorda spent most of her time in the luxury of civilization, researching the various ancient disasters Taphalt had let loose. Of course, spending most of her time researching fiends from the lower planes caught a bit too much attention, and she soon found herself being dragged off. Rescued by the party, and has been following them since, providing support and pulling their heads out from between their shoulders. Hasn’t had a decent bath in weeks, and doesn’t mind telling everyone.

  7. Re: Oddball Parties: list yours here!


    OK, they're D&D, but I think they define Oddball...


    Actually, there's three parties of Oddballs from three different games. Group one are called the "Jokes", short for the "Sunday Night Jokes".


    Anna Conda - Human Atheist cleric. She has the power of non-belief, a power that has done amazing things. She has bought people back to life with her refusal to believe in an afterlife. Anna is amazingly rational and has a belief in the greater human consciousness, despite all evidence to the contrary. She is also very large and carries a morningstar to add weight to her augments. Party Co-leader.


    Ryan – Human, um, thief. Ryan is the most nondescript man in the universe. He’s a tallish, shortish, fat, thin, blond brown haired man who’s about yay tall and looked a bit like that other guy, you know. He’s a troublemaker, an opportunist, an independent-minded rebel, danger magnet, smartest man around and the party’s co-leader. There is surprisingly little else to say about him, which is just how he likes it.


    Tyesha – Elf Monk. Elves are patient, serene and delicate. Tyesha is a crazed screaming maniac who makes people’s heads explode with her fist. She screams, charges around the landscape and gets antsy if she can’t kick someone in the head. Probably insane. She wears magical panties of armour. Don’t ask. Likes to spend “quality time†with Ryan, in which they devise new ways to get in trouble.


    Danae – Human sorceress with huge charisma. No, really. Vain, self-centered, self-important and egotistical. She’s also easily excitable and likes to blow sh!t up. Her favorite quote is “FIREBALL FIREBALL FIREBALL FIREBALL!†followed by, well… a fireball. Flirts with all the men in the party, with a handful of exceptions. Likes shiney things, the easy life and explosions. Hates the arch-villain with a passion only for sharing her name


    Belgarith (aka “Bel) – Human Paladin. Thick as a plank, but very wise. And shiny. Just smart enough to know how stupid he is. Athiest, but in a different way to Anna. Favorite quote: “Dieeeeuuhhh…â€. All in all one of the party’s most sensible members, which says a lot. Has a horse called Binky who’s far smarter then he is.


    Rosalind – Elf Ranger. She is a real problem for the party, in so far as she’s normal. No, really. Everyone else is nuts. She has made up for this by, of late, whinging about her lack of a sex life. She has an animal companion, a dire wolf called Fluffy. She set out on a quest searching for something. She has no idea what, but will know it when she finds it.


    Letitia – Human Fighter. Letitia is a big scary woman who carries a very big sword. But she’s surprisingly nice, actually. Tends to get intro trouble and then end up laying waste to everything around her. Spectacularly violent when she wants to be. She’s the long-lost twin sister of one of the PCs from another group.


    Cristilite (aka Chris) – Elf Wizard. A trainee wizard who joined the group in the latest session, He’s on a mission to find someone, but he has no idea who. But he’ll know them when he sees them. Makes lots of rookie mistakes, like killing innocent bystander people.


    There’s a number of recurring NPCs, but only one has worked with the group on a long-term basis.


    Dean – Human mage. A student wizard, totally wusse-boy. He’s nice, but inexperienced and a little clueless. Enjoys magic theory, but helpless in the field. Tyesha toys with him constantly. I think he likes her.


    There’s also a pair of PCs who are no longer around… but have had some profound effects.


    Rand Cadfael (aka Rand the Joke, Piss Off Rand, That elf, Menace to Society, Tyesha’s bitch, etc) – Elf Ranger. Rand was useless. This is because his player was either incredibly stupid or had no idea what she was doing. Rand would stand at the back of the party and shoot arrows at random people. He would start fights and then run away. He once helped to torture a helpless prisoner who had already confessed everything, shot a Dragon that was watching the party and not doing anything else, and let a dangerous necromancer go free because he “seemed like a nice blokeâ€. Rand was completely mindless and would do anything he was told.


    The player left the game, so he became an NPC. Was later executed for treason.


    Firebrand Garl (aka Torch) – Half Orc Fighter. Brutal, amoral and ruthless. Liked Rand because Rand did whatever Torch told him to. Had no truck with subtlety, manners, and other niceties of civilization. Unlike Rand, he was being played by someone who knew exactly what they were doing. Loved getting into fights and collecting monster trophies. Kinda just wandered off.

  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    The fantasy party's co-leader to the rookie mage on his first adventure...


    "That's very impressive, Chryss. Dropping a giant in one shot is very, very good. But next time, lets actually see if thy're hostile beofre we open fire."


    And that's when the Giant's big dragon buddy shows up and asks to know what's going on.

  9. Re: Batman vs Midnighter


    Batman has been aorund since, what, 1938. He;s probably the second or third most famous superhero in the world (Behind Supes and possibly Spide). Most people say "Who" when you mention the Midnighter. Justl ook at htis thread.


    In twenty years people will be reading Batman comics, wathcing Batman cartoons or discussing batman movies. And they will stioll be going "who" whenever oyum ention the Midnighter. Unless its discussion of the mpost over-rated comics of the early 21st century.


    So, by silly law, Batman wins.


    Rick R.

  10. Re: Punisher Vs Batman


    This was covered in JLA/AVengers.


    Bats dropped in on the Punisher and bet him up off panel, then got back to what he was doing. And it didn;t even look like he was bothereed or worked up or anyhting afterwards.


    So the answer would be Batman.

  11. Re: This week on "Champions"...


    The Swashbucklers: The crew investigate a mysterious abbey. Sebastian turns into a ninja and gets stuck in a box. A Monk turns nasty when faced with axe murderes, and a discussion of the merits pf pterodactyls aginst forensics labs is conducted. (May be delayed by farm report)

  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    The Fantasy hero group wanted to examine some clothing to see if it wasa really made in France. In 12th century Englad. Of course. This leads to the following player exchange...


    "Lets analyse the htreads and see where hty're from."

    "How? What are oyu going to analyse htem with? We don't have a forensics lab here."

    "And we don't have a pterodactyl either."

    "That's the problem with the middle ages. Too late ofr pterodactyls, too early for forensics."


    ...which lead to an ongoign series of skits aobut the use of pterodactyls in forensics lab, CSI: Jurassic Park and so on.


    Rick R.

  13. Re: This week on "Champions"...


    (Actually, its a Fantasy Hero game, but...)


    3:00 AM The Swashbucklers: The unnamed Mercenary rampages across Scotland in an effort to hunt down rebels, while his Axe Murderers foloow behind him. The Captian goes nuts again, and questiosn are raised aobut people's loaylties. Many Farm Animals are threatened in the process!

  14. From various concepts lying around:


    Panzerfaust (Iron Fist) - Power Armour


    Feedback - EP with Absorbtion


    Siphon - EP with Drain


    Taz - Wolverine Clone/Parody from Tasmania (natch)


    Flashfire - Flying EP with light SFX


    Skyguard - Flying EP with force walls


    and, my favourite...


    Superflous Man II - Duplicator


    Rick R.

  15. The Worst Villains In Europe


    Membership: Mammoth (Leader), Das Wall, Hood, Napoleon of Crime, Thespian, Yorrik (Thespian's prop skull.) Facet and Piper are reserve members for when others are unavailable. (Facet proudly claims to be the "Sixth worst villain in Europe.") Doppelganger is an associate of the team, but doesn't usually work with them.


    There is a rumoured third reserve member, but nobody knows who it actually is.


    Origin: Mammoth only wanted to rule the world. Is that too much to ask?


    Well, apparently, it was. At every step he had been thwarted and humiliated. First, Eurostar admitted that they only tried to recruit him because they were drunk at the time. Then he was beaten up by a group of American superheroes that were on holiday at the time. Then Eurostar foiled another plan and beat him up for the fun of it. And so on.


    Somewhere along the line, he decided that he needed a team to work for him. A team would have the strength to fight off his enemies, beat up superheroes and make him a name to be feared. There would be other benefits as well. A team would be able to contribute ideas for world domination. Combined with Mammoth's own mighty intellect and power, a team lead by him would be unstoppable.


    All he needed was the right people.


    What he got instead was Hood, Thespian, Das Wall and The Napoleon of Crime.


    He put out a "help wanted" ad in the underground supervillain press. The ad said that he wanted the most evil men in Europe. Unfortunately, his Icelandic accent and his improbably constructed mouth (Everything he says sounds like he has a shoe in his mouth) meant that it came out as "the worst villains in Europe." He got what the ad asked for; a loonie, a moron, a ponce and a gay actor in pantyhose with a prop skull.


    Of course Mammoth was unaware of all this. He thought he'd gotten some of the most dangerous villains in Europe (who weren't members of Eurostar, of course). It wasn't until their first team meeting that the problems came up. Mammoth asked for ideas on world domination, and there was silence. Then Thespian nominated Yorrick as a new member, and it passed with a three-fifths majority. Then Das Wall suggested that they all break for lunch, and that passed with a four-fifths majority.


    Their public debut was a farce. Mammoth attacked the European parliament and publicly announced the teams' existence to the press. Unfortunately, it once again came out as "The Worst Villains in Europe" and the name stuck. Then Belgium's national superhero team showed up, and it all went downhill from there. The WVoE fled.


    Since then, they have tried to conquer the world on innumerable occasions, and failed on each and every occasion. More often then not, they mess up due to the team's own incompetence, and the intervention of heroes (Or other villain teams out to ruin the competition) is merely the icing on the cake. Thespain and Hood are also prone to tipping off the press in advance so they can have an audience.


    Goals: As the leader of the WvoE, Mammoth's goals of World Domination are the team's goals. Everyone else is along for the ride. Every now and then another member of the team will hijack them to achieve their own goals. This usually results in more public humiliation. The best was when Hood led the team in a robbery at the palace of Versailles. Mammoth tried to swing on a chandelier.


    Group Relations: Mammoth is clearly the team's leader, and everyone else is pretty happy to follow him. Unfortunately, he tends to overestimate the capabilities of the rest of the team. It wouldn't be so bad, except the rest of them do nothing but encourage this opinion of them. The end result is that Mammoth is convinced that he has the best team in all of Europe, and they are pretty much unstoppable. Then reality strikes, and hard.


    Relations with Other Teams: The WVoE considers Eurostar to be their archenemies. The end result is that the occasional fight breaks out between the two teams, which results in the WVoE being smacked around. They are also on bad terms with Triad (who they once managed beat up, resulting in the WVoE's only ever clear victory), and Eclipse (Who claim the title of "Worst Villain Team in Europe") They also once clashed with the Ultimates during their '02 US Tour. This resulted in another smacking down.


    After all this, their loss rates against Superheroes only seem worse.


    Tactics: The WVoE have no team tactics whatsoever. They like to loudly announce who they are and then wait for the media to show up before they start smashing things. Das Wall is fond of throwing expensive sports cars at things, but he often forgets to look where he's aiming.


    Reputation: Mammoth thinks they're awesome. Everyone else thinks they're idiots.


    Scenario Use: The GM has been double dog-dared to use a team from European Enemies, and can't back out.

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