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About rekres

  • Birthday 09/03/1970

rekres's Achievements

  1. Is there an advantage/adder for transferring Absorption points to any characteristic or power, one item at a time, selectable when hit by an attack? For example, char named "Sponge" gets hit by an energy attack for 5 BODY (after defenses). He then spends those 5 points on STR. The second attack hits Sponge for another 5 BODY which he spends on DEX. A third attack hits Sponge for 5 more BODY which he decides to spend on increasing his BODY. I keep seeing (ONE POWER) of a limited group, or (TWO POWERS SIMULTANEOUS) of a limited group, or (ALL POWERS SIMULTANEOUS) of a limited group. But nothing that says (ONE POWER) of *ANY* char/power. (unless of course you can define the limited group as every characteristic and power that the character has)
  2. Is there anything specific about having a characteristic Drained (or otherwise negatively affected) to zero or below? I'm assuming Draining stun to zero would knock someone out, while Draining body to zero might be fatal. What if you Drained constitution or ego to zero or less? Related question: How low can you Drain a characteristic?
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