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Posts posted by SimComm

  1. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal


    Another question to all, and this may seem silly (Sorry!):

    But do military officers (like a Major) have any problems with dating non-military or people who are being commanded by him/her? Do they have to do some kind of regulations?



  2. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM!



    Thank you!


    Actually, I think it would be very cute if Saffron and the Thing could be going on a date together! :)

    Saffron would not be put off by the Thing (I've never been scared of his face, he was the nicest character in the movie), and she could actually hug him and it wouldn't hurt! :)

    Saffron has not been hugged/been able to hug in a long time...

    She did do it once to Harry and nearly put him in a hospital :)



  3. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM!


    As an aside, my favorite moment with Saffron was when a giant monster was summoned by a group of renegade wizards to devour New Jersey! (Harry joked that it would just die of indigestion :) )

    They saved the day with Saffron by dropping her from a very high altitude with a lot of explosives. She was strong enough to penetrate through its skin and then the explosion was made from inside. The PC's picked her up after that, and they all went out for ice cream sundaes! It was the best adventure ever! :)



  4. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal



    Sorry to ask, but is it too much to think that the Justice Battalion could be a combination of army forces? There are a lot of government super-heroes, and they could be very powerful if they were put together into one group.

    I would like Major Victory actually to fly :)

    There are very few super-heroes in the city that fly (well) and she could be a nice surprise visitor from time to time.

    How old would Majors be?




    Edit: Also, is there a strong rivalry between the different army forces? It would be nice if the heroes were maybe recruited by various forces (I hope I am using the right word to describe the divisions), but would it be impossible to combine them together into one unit?

  5. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal



    I like that name too! Maybe he can show up for inspections from time to time and give the Sgt more to worry about (as if he needs that :) ). It would be interesting if I could make the character a woman though...

    Are there a lot of high-ranking women in the US Military?



  6. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal



    Oh this is a great idea!

    I did not know anything about US Military, but I have hinted that the Sgt may not be totally in charge! Perhaps this could just be one unit of a much larger group!

    Now I can make someone in charge of Sgt Superior :)

    Edit: I did not know much about the Thing's history. I really only know the heroes from their movie characters. I am glad that he is smarter than he seems though. He was my favorite in the movie.


    Thank you!


  7. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM!



    Her father is actually a very powerful man, and is based in New York City. He wants to be close to her so he can see her on a daily basis. The city itself actually is ALWAYS worried that Saffron is so close, but it is hard to argue with powerful people :) Although it is not said, I think her father is hoping that the powers are temporary, so is more willing to have people keep an eye on her rather than hire people to teach her about her abilities...

    The Sgt actually has a healthy respect for Saffron, as he scared her one time and she threw him across the Hudson River :)

    What is PS238?



    Edit: Oh, I just saw your thread! Is PS238 your campaign?

  8. Hi All,

    I wanted to make a post about one of my favorite character types:

    The Chibi of DOOM!

    They are usually young girls who are small, usually cute but very dangerous!


    My current Chibi is Saffron.

    Saffron is about 10 years old, very cute (usually pigtails, long hair) and is normally adorable.

    However, she is one of the STRONGEST metahumans in the campaign world.

    (She has STR 70, where the very strong metahumans are STR 50).

    She is also very nearly invulnerable, and can leap very long distances.

    Her powers are accidental, as her mother was affected by a mysterious ray that was fired at a crowd a people during an alien invasion, giving them all strange powers that were temporary. However, Saffron's abillities turned out to be not so temporary, and recently manifested.

    She is actually a very nice girl, but is prone to episodes that have city-levelling potential. She is easily scared, and when she is frantic, she does not know her own strength and can easily do a LOT of damage.

    The world keeps her in a very secure facility off the coast of New York City, where she is kept with medication and a large group of Staff.


    The PCs have been invovled with her for two different plot types:


    1. The PCs are one of the few people that Saffron trusts (she has a crush on Harry, the lead PC), so the city will call them out if Saffron somehow gets loose. Sometimes, just to distract ALL of the law enforcement of the city, villains will let Saffron out and put her in a potentially Saffron-mayhem situation (i.e. a Halloween parade). As a side note, the code for Saffron danger is "Code Saffron." :)


    2. The other type is when the PCs actually break Saffron out herself as they need a "Saffron Bomb," when a very dangerous creature or horde is loose and they need her to do some extreme damage. Harry has also broken her out on her birthday, as he felt she shouldn't stay in a facility on her birthday :)


    Please feel free to use Saffron (she wouldn't mind visiting!) and let me know if you have any Chibi of Doom in your worlds :)



  9. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal



    I have been to that website, started looking and then noticed the sun went down! :)

    So if I understand it, a Mary Sue is a character who cannot do wrong and is a wish fulfillment of the writer?

    I do not think the Sgt is anything perfect at all (Kate would definitely not think so), and although he is a good leader, he is far from a perfect man (although maybe it is hard for him to admit that some days :) )



  10. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal


    Thank you all for the replies and suggestions! I am already trying something to get them to work together :)

    The plot hook will be Kate, who will get involved in the villain's scheme, and the PCs and the Sgt will have to work together to save her.

    I don't want to give up too much in case my PCs are reading this (my BFF/also PC now knows about this website, and I don't think she'll look, but you never know :) ), but it will involve two organizations working together that are usually taboo, and will make some things more complicated.

    Who knows, I might be able to make the Sgt a more returning character and get Kate to be another repeat NPC in the bargain :)


    A general question: What is this "Mary Sue" people are talking about? I googled the name, but I'm not sure if what I am reading is right...



    Sgt Superior is the code name given to him by the people who made the super-science that gave him his powers (The government scientists sort of gave him a goofy name :) ). His last name is not Superior. He does like to use it a lot though:

    "You think they named me Sgt SUPERIOR because you maggots could take me down? If you really want to get a hurting, then step right up!"



    The other PCs do not seem to mind the feud between Harry and Sgt Superior. They sort of watch it with the detached feeling you get watching monkeys in opposing cages scream at each other. (Or in this case, maybe a small monkey and a big gorilla...)

    The Justice Batallion is the name of the Sgt's team. It is supposed to be rather big, but there are two major characters that tend to show up. They are Rockhead and Shark-Man.

    Rockhead is a Thing-pastiche, made of granite and not very bright. He hits things and chortles at bad jokes.

    Shark-Man is the character who is a bit of a complainer. Doesn't really like his job, but it's hard to find work when you're a Man-Shark (or rather Shark-Man). Still, very good for underwater work (The campaign is in New York City, so there is water adventures).



  11. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal


    Dear All,

    Thank you for the many replies!

    Please don't worry if I did not reply to you by name, as I appreciate all of them :)


    Supreme Serpent:

    Thank you for this idea! I do like it a lot.

    I would also like Kate and Harry to date (Harry though is not hot on the idea as the Sgt almost tore his head off for being near naked Kate; see above post :) )

    I think something that bothers the Sgt a lot is that Harry gets a lot of attention from Kate for "just saving her once," while Kate doesn't show her father as much attention even though he's saved the world many times...



    I do like the idea of them being "forced" to work together to save the day. Although I'm not sure how to keep things secret from the Sgt and let him still work with them. Another idea I guess would be to bring the Sgt into the "magic conspiracy" but then would he be ok with keeping everything secret from his superiors?



  12. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal


    Actually, now that I think about it, Harry has been the one who has inadvertently been the troublemaker, as the entire campaign is based around a group of secret mages (of which Harry is one) that keeps magic secret and from threatening the normal world.

    The Sgt and his group will show up after one of these events, and ask what is going on, and Harry at first starting making up somewhat convincing explanations, but the Sgt could tell something more was going on (but he couldn't prove it).

    So I guess as far as the Sgt sees it, Harry is a liar and a danger to everyone around him, but somehow gets more attention than he does from people. (For example, his daughter Kate)

    The two also push each others' verbal buttons a lot.


    And from Harry's point of view, the Sgt is a big bruiser who keeps pushing him around when he's trying to save the world from unexplainable horrors.

    The Sgt is not very delicate in his handling of people, and Harry doesn't like being pushed around at all.



  13. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal


    Harry and the Sgt have had a very juvenile rivalry for some time now.

    I think it started small with Harry accidentally barging into the Sgt's media coverage spraying magical goo on everyone (they had the wrong room number).

    But the big one that really made the Sgt mad was when Harry was chasing (I think it was a werewolf) through the local University and found it about to kill a girl in the showers. So Harry picked her up and ran out, eventually going on a very long (and unfortunately recorded) running away scene. The Sgt finds out on the evening news when he sees his daughter, Kate, naked, being carried screaming through the public street with Harry. Things were eventually sort of explained (by Kate after the Sgt smashed into Harry's hideout and nearly took off Harry's head), but there is a big grudge between the two.



  14. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


    I wish that the internet was not so dangerous that I could just give everyone my name.

    It seems that many of my friends (mostly girls) have had a bad internet relationship.

    This one is my first real internet social activity, and I have been having a good time :)



  15. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal


    Hello all,

    Please do not feel any need to apologize to me.

    I try not to insult anybody, but I'm still not so good at it at times.

    I forget that many people have many different backgrounds, and I should be sensitive to others.

    I have asked my BFF (who is an American) to look at the following post, and she says that it is clear. I hope you will be able to understand better what I am trying to ask:


    Please understand that I meant no offense about Sgt Superior.

    I actually like the character very much.

    He has been in a number of different adventures as a rival for the heroes.

    He is actually a very successful hero, having made his own Super group and is pretty well known.

    However, the problem is that he has had to sacrifice a lot of his personal life.

    He is divorced (mostly due to that he was saving the world instead of spending time with his family) and has a daughter, Kate, who I personally like very much, as the Sgt spends a lot of time trying to help her. Unfortunately, he does not really know the best way to do so, and spends a lot of time trying to give her super-powers by all of the “conventional methods” while trying to be the best father possible. However, he has missed most of her childhood saving the world, and I think he regrets it, so he can be very doting on her.

    Harry makes him very upset, as he sees the younger PC as being something he could have been (as Harry has been doing local work and investigations) and dislikes Harry’s attitude (Harry does not wear a mask, and does not seem to take saving the world very seriously).

    I want him to not be just a two-dimensional character, but the problem is that Harry (our main PC) is more inventive than I am, and I cannot seem to be able to do any plots that are taken apart rather quickly.

    I would like the Sgt to win. Maybe just once, so he can be seen as a credible rival.



  16. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal




    Oh that's very good, I'm just... I'm just SO stupid at times...


    I can't stand even the thought of violence and then I make something stupid against the people who fight for everyone else?

    How insensitive and stupid can I BE??

    Even in Japan, we still show respect for the people who died in World War 2, even though we didn't necessarily believe in the necessity of the war...


    If you saw this thread, please check your PM, I tried to explain about what I had done.





  17. Re: How does your world handle Magic/Psi?


    Bubba Smith:

    Doitashimashite (You're welcome)

    Thank you for the Japanese :)


    SSgt Baloo:

    That is good to see that two cultures, despite being radically different in so many ways, have found a similar way to effectively beat people's heads in. :)



  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Oh, this is really addictive.

    One more.

    Same superhero party, in which the new PC is being hit on/"recruited" by Sgt Superior, one of the PC's rivals.


    Sgt. Superior: And besides a healthy salary, medical, dental, you get to look at these guns (flexes bicep) every day! What do you think of that, huh?


    Maiden (new PC): Uh, well... its...


    Harry (PC leader, just coming back from the bar): What the heck do you think you're doing Sgt Stupid?


    Sgt Superior: Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Browncoat. I'm just introducing my new friend here to a better class of superhero. You people don't even wear masks! Do you understand what the whole genre is trying to do? You're a disgrace "Hellraiser" and you know it.


    Harry: Now, I'm going to let that off as you being drunk. And stupid. Now leave her alone.


    Sgt. Superior: You're kidding right? What are you gonna do, hit me? Go on, I'll let you. Give me a whipping with those little girly arms of yours.


    Harry turns to Rockhead, Sgt Superior's Thing-pastiche granite-like not-too-bright teammate who's been STANDING THERE the ENTIRE time.


    Harry: Hey, Rock, this guy just said something really nasty about your mother. (rolls persuasion. REALLY WELL. GM (Me) rolls eyes).





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