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Everything posted by Xelif

  1. Re: Easily Forgettable You don't pay much since I used one dice, as it is cumulative and always on, as long as your gm lets you I think is fine, and to turn them into apples you'd need at LEAST 3d6 of effect As an other option invisibility might be fine altought a bit stretched rules-wise
  2. Re: Easily Forgettable Sounds like a Transform to me. Easily Forgettable: 1d6 Major Transform [Humans who know of the character and DON'T have the Psychological Limitation: Will Not Include Character in Plans (Uncommon, Total) into Humans who know of the charaters and DO have the Psychological Limitation: Will Not Include Character in Plans (Uncommon, Total), heals when the target realizes he has not included character in plans]; Reduced END (0 END, +½); BOECV (+1); Works on EGO (+¼); Area Of Effect (1 Hex, +½);Megascale (Planet; +1¼); Continuous (+1); Persistent (+½); 90 AP; Always On (-½), Limited Target (Humans who know of the character and DON'T have the Psychological Limitation: Will Not Include Character in Plans, -1); 36 RP. This is a clear exploitation of the rules. Basicaly this thing turns eveyone who knows of the character into someone who will forget of them at the right moment. It has an AOE of the whole planet and is Always on . Other then that, since it is Always on, it will keep making attack rolls, accumulating Transform damage, on targets without the disadvantage until they succumb to the power's effect. Because of this your GM may force you to take the All of Nothing limitation, and then you would have to increase the number of dice and the cost would be prohibitive. But since the effect of the power is somewhat minor and only relatively useful ( a villain either doesn't expect to be disturbed in his plans at all or will make sure that his plan has countermeasures against all kinds of hindrance), he/she may let you use it. Maybe even a Minor Transform would have been enough, but because of the situation it is best left as a Major. The healing happens when the target realizes he has not included Character in his plans (i.e.: when character shows up and stops him, or whem someone, like character himself, tells him so), but even then he will NOT include character in his plans because the transform would still be active and affect him again, only he would probably realize his/her power. This power is based on the Psionic Surgery (pg 238) and The Midas Touch (pg 284) examples on the Hero System Rulebook 5ed revised. PS: note that this works on the other PCs and NPCs too, or it would be too good to be true IMO, but, if your GM lets you, apply the Selective (+¼) Advantage.
  3. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) Yay for Ms Marvel! Totally the coolest superheroine ever And Havok
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