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Posts posted by Memona

  1. I've made my share of strange characters over time. One of the ones that I've always wanted to try out was MMOGIRL, a character who gains her powers from playing too many Online Games. She was empowered by a Singularity that sucked her into the game yet at the same time placing her soul outside of the game. It just doesn't make sense!


    I have also made one other character that would measure as strange. He whole concept that he knew he was inside of game and thus he metagamed! His stats were odd and his powers even stranger. He even had a nice power metagame power. What was it you ask? Detect Character Sheet. His name was, you guessed it, the Character Sheet.






    Value Cost

    15 STR 5 HtH 3d6 Lift 200kg END (3)

    20 DEX 30 OCV 7 DCV 7

    13 CON 6

    10 BODY 0

    10 INT 0

    15 EGO 10 ECV 5

    10 PRE 0 Presense Attack: 2d6

    30 COM 0

    3 PD 0 10 (20) rPD/13 (23) PD

    3 ED 0 10 (20) rPD/13 (23) ED

    5 SPD 30 Phases:

    7 REC 0

    26 END 0

    36 STUN 0


    MMO Powers


    11 Mana Pool: 60 END, 2 REC, 6 REC if sitting

    20 Link Death: Invisability to Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, Taste and Radio groups, Cannot Move, OAF

    8 l33t Speak: 3d6 Suppress INT, OAF

    30 Nerf Powers: 3d6 Suppress Powers, the highest point power a character has, OAF

    10 Lack of Customer Service: 6d6 Mental Illusions, only to show that something failed that seem to be your fault but was because something suddenly stopped it, OAF

    23 /tell: 5d6 Telepathy, Megascale, Anyone on Planet Earth as long as you know their FULL name, Communication Only, OAF

    30 Macro Attack: 8d6 EB, Autofire: 5, OAF 3

    3 /shout: +10 to PRE attacks, Can speak loudly over a mile, OAF

    15 Spam shout: 25" Darkness to Hearing Group, OAF

    18 Utility Map Programs: Radar: +14 to PER checks, OAF

    3 In game Clock: Absoulate Time Sense, OAF

    15 Alkhazam's Realm: Find Weakness, 14- with Macro Attack, OAF

    67 Respawn System: 20 BODY Healing, Regeneration, Trigger PLUS Teleportation, Megascale, Gate, Leaves a Corpse Behind that must be retrieved to gain any powers back, OAF

    8 Fully Buffed: 10 rPD/10 rED Forcefield, Extra Time to Activiate: 1 minute, OAF

    15 l33t Purple Epic Armor: 10 rPD/10 rED Armor

    3 Con: Analyze: General Power 11-, OAF

    15 Lag: 3d6 Drain SPD, OAF



    10 Physical Limiation: When in hero form, pestered by idiots and horny teenagers

    10 Distinctive Features: Large bosumed woman with 1 and 0s around her spandax costume

    25 Hunted: The GMs

    20 Hunted: Code Versus Killing

    15 DNPC: Code programmers, 16x

    20 Secert Identity

    5 Rival : Men dressed as women

  2. Re: Various Star Damage


    The core, where the nuclear reactions occur (15,000,000º C): 975d6 Killing Damage, Continuous, Armor Piercing (x8), Penetrating (x16 "pfft..."), per Segment.


    Penetrating x16? Christ, now that is potent. 975d6 Killing Damage I guess shoulds about right...I think I understand why Superman keeps throwing his enemies into the sun.


    Desolidation will have to work out it appears.

  3. So here’s the idea. I want the community to make a Supervillain group based on the concept of a Casino. Anything in a Casino is up for grabs, but it must have a strong leaning towards gambling or the games involved. I don’t want a super villain dedicated to dogs because ever once in awhile their favorite casino’s exposition center has a dog show. A character that uses dog fights, on the other hand, might be a bit more approachable.


    Anyways, I’m sure people have some concepts. Just post them in this thread with ideas or thoughts. Once a character has been finished, I will edit this post to add their character. All characters are open, even those which duplicates other ideas. I will also need a character for the main mastermind. Just don’t steal someone else’s thunder. Two characters based on Poker might be possible, but two based on Texas Hold ‘Em Poker is pushing the lines.


    Without futher ado, here is the information on the organization:


    The powerful and elite masters of luck and influence, the group attentively titled 'The Spirit of Luck' is considered by many a super villain team. The mastermind, (insert name here), is a powerful mentalist who uses his powers to control people to sell Casinos to him at rock bottom prices. Once they become his own, he uses his power over the mind to force people to gamble their life fortunes away. Eventually, this usually does grapple the attention of the law enforcement, but the man is usually smart enough to sell before he starts pulling loses.


    (Insert name here) is a vicious opportunist as well. He has obtained a stable of super villains he has either blackmailed, bought off or simply remains fiercely loyal to his cause (and his money). His plans to obtain more power and wealth are beginning to become in fruition, as he knows he will one day conquer the entire Casino empire. He already has plans to off Donald Trump and his ugly comb over.


    Here is a few ideas to keep the ideas flowing, but the characters are not limited to the list below:


    Casino Mastermind: The Casino itself, not the games within, mentalist powers, but nothing too over the top

    Blackjack based Villian: 21 in many statistics, as well as a 21d6 Energy Blast and a 21 rPD/21 rED FF; but if anyone rolls EXACTLY 21 BODY, the Force Field breaks

    Poker. A master of bluffing and reading between the lines. He has various powers that are represented by the different card combinations in Poker. You could go a step further and do Texas Hold Em Poker and give him Cowboy Powers like the Tombstone Kid.

    Slot Machines. A character with a random power set. Some powers are extremely weak while others are more powerful than they should be.

    Craps. This character could use various dice to deal different damage. He uses d4 caltrops as well as the deadly 2d6s of d6 damage attack! A roll of an 11 is always a Penetrating blow!

    Pachinko. A deadly sharp shooter trick shot that uses pachinko balls instead of bullets.

    Card Counting. A character who is a joke to start out, but eventually learns the players move set. He gains bonuses against attacks he has already seen in the battle, as well as an escalating Find Weakness.

    The Security Officer. A high-tech genius who has been blackmailed by Casino-dude. The Security Officer knows his family is in danger if he would ever try anything to counter him. He uses a battlesuit he’s constructed to do a bit of dirty work for him.

    All Your Can Eat Buffet. Forces his foes to gain weight when they pass him.

  4. Re: WWYCD: "I Am Doctor Destryoer!"


    Godhand has the arm of a god grafted were his old right hand used to be. Dr. Destroyer power would be monsterous in his body. He has a trigger that increases his END reserve for every attack that misses him, he does BODY damage or deals BODY. When he gains enough BODY he can go into his "Godhand" mode and gains Succor to STR, SPD and 50 rPD/ 50 rED Armor. I don't want to imagine a more powerful version of this attack...


    Godhand on the other hand would be up a river without a paddle. Most of his attacks are martial arts.


    Vampelle has the powers of fencing and dark energy (DEX drains and EBs). Actually not that much different from the current Doctor Destoryer, only weaker.


    I don't think Doctor Destroyer would like to pick up his weakness to sunlight in any case.


    Stranger would be a head ache. Stranger has two powers: those he has gained from Singularities, the other from his Atlantis hertiage. His Singularty power, the Strange Singularity grants him a completely random ability that has not yet manifested in the superhuman in the world. I'm not sure how this would work out.


    Doctor Destroyer would have a hay day in any case with this power, but considering he couldn't use it with any regularity it might be worse off.


    Stranger on the other hand...would probably be better off. He actually knows what his powers will do day in and day out. Plus, Stranger is just as smart as Doctor Destroyer, so it will be a bad day indeed if he actually learns to use the suit. But thankfully, Stranger is technophobic...living in Doctor Destroyer's battlesuit. Ha.

  5. Re: Power Type: Espoir


    Compound Power: Heal all characteristics below starting value + Heal Flash Damage (option under Healing) + Aid Ego (grants a bonus breakout roll against pesky Mind Controls) + Dispel Entangle (optional). That should do it.


    Almost, I think there needs to be a way to deal with poisons and it's ilk. Perhaps a dispel against any current power on the character with the Delayed Effect modifier.


    Also, staying in the same video game mindset, these powers usually did not heal BODY (Hit Points) or END (Magic Points). I would cut these two out of the power set. I think everything else looks good to go.

  6. I've got a character concept that needs to be tweaked. It's a guy who at one point in time lived in a Red Dwarf to escape an evil empire. He had full life support, and Damage Resistance and Damage Reduction (only against fire or plasma). Now the question:


    How much damage does a Red Dwarf do each round for those who enter it's radius?


    On the same side of the coin, how much damage does the sun do? I know how much damage the Earth will deal if thrown, but I have no idea how to calculate a star's damage (it's probably it Star Hero).

  7. Oh neat lets see what names I can round up...









    Blacken Monk

    Red Lazer

    Wicked Groundbound




    Abu Jafar, character from 1001 Arbian Nights



    Bomb Fragment

    Sky Archer



    Sidous Factor

    Sidous Falcon

    Dragon's Knight


    Land Shark

    Ultrum Magnet


    Red Rum

    Antipodes, means the parrarel side of the earth

    Mad Marco



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