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Posts posted by SamuraiSpirit

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    just saw Shutter Island.. it was decent... never was a big Leo fan, but I think I like him as an actor the older he gets... really liked him in the Departed.


    been watching a bunch of Korean movies lately. I love Netflix! Let's see... The Host, The Red Shoes (lame), The Mr. Vengeance trilogy... just got Tae Guk Gi in the mail today and Shiri is in my instant queue... a '99 film with the beautiful Yunjin Kim(from Lost).

  2. Ya know, I was just standing there looking at my 6E books on my bookshelf (top shelf, of course!) and I just had to share a thought...


    I really think that Steve and Co. have fried up some gold with the whole blue and yellow presentation/design thing



    It's a simple design, yes, but is it simplistick? no, I don't think so.


    I look at my books lined up on the shelf and damn if they don't look good. Very distinct and bright and eyecatching. Mind you, all I have at this point is 6E 1 and 2, the APG, MA, Champions and Champions Powers, but still.


    I think it's a very attractive, cohesive design and I'm really looking forward to the other two Core Books... Vehicles and Equipment Guide, if I'm not mistaken.


    Let me hasten to say though, that it's not just how pretty they look together on the shelf, either... the interior layout and most importantly *artwork* has taken substantial leaps and bounds forward from previous Hero products, which IMO have always been hit or miss.


    Champions Powers in particular looks fantastic on the inside. Really, really great art overall from front to back.



    Thanks for letting me ramble.

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