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Harkkon's Achievements

  1. So I was snooping around looking for more info on Follow-Through Attack (Fantasy Hero 6E Page 139) and I found this thread “Go on... make my Gladiator”. http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/88297-go-on-make-my-gladiator/?hl=%2Bfollow-through+%2Battack&do=findComment&comment=2335400 This thread has an impressive character build and background for “Raegan the Bastard”, but it has Follow-Through Attack listed for 10 points. Where did this price reduction come from? Even Less Skilled Follow-Through Attack is 15pts. Is there Errata that I missed? Thanks for your help. Harkkon
  2. Hello All, I am making an NPC Super Mage villain for my campaign and I want to give him Mage Wards. Specifically Mental Defense and Power Defense with 4 charges each. The concept is he resets his spell wards in the morning. Once they have been used 4 times they don't work any more until they are reset the following morning. So do I need to but the Trigger advantage on these Mage Wards for them go off when attacked with a Mental or Adjustment power or can I just assume the first 4 (X2) attacks of the day set the wards off. Thanks for any input. Harkkon
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