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Everything posted by NormanRT

  1. Re: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/81904-Partial-Coverage So the "Partial Coverage" that is currently in the Hero Designer, that for both 6E Size 10 Vehicles (volume 2,048 m^3) and 6E Size 10 Bases (131,072 m^3) gives a -1/2 limitation to powers covering up to 203 "meters" and a -1/4 limitation to powers covering 204 "meters", and puts a note in the description of the power "covers 203 sq. meters" (the number changes to match what was input in the limitation window), is not using the 6E rules for Partial Coverage? I'm hoping the Hero Designer Discussion Forum is not the best place to put a Request for Feature on this subject, as Simon has already said no (http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/79249-Partial-Coverage)L.
  2. Re: How to build Newtonian Space Drives
  3. The usual flight rules produce ships (or probes, or EVA gear) that can fly indefinately at a fixed velocity, but if something happens to the flight power (e.g., an attack taking out the drive), the ship stops. A ship using NSD would have an acceleration, a total amount of delta-v (very high in the case of solar sails, magnetic sails, Bussard ramjets, and reactionless thrusters) and (most importantly IMO) would continue moving when the engines shut off (get sabotaged, explode, etc.) My current thoughts are to use the Flight for the acceleration, and the max NCM for the total delta-v; and while operating in vacuum would be considered as not moving at non-combat speeds as long as the drive is still functioning and have unspent delta-v. But should there be a modifier or adder for this? Are there any rules from earlier editions (before 6th, that is)? Does anyone else have any ideas?
  4. Are there any rules for Partial Coverage besides those on 6E2 189? Specifically any that define the Partial Coverage as an area (square meters) rather than the volume implied by going up the vehicle/base size table and explicitly given ("8 x 4 x 4 meters") in the example?
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