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  1. Re: Resistant Defenses Yeah, apparently there's been a problem with spammers lately and the moderator(s?) were a bit busy. Both my threads got posted now. Don't know how active I'll be, but I guess I might have a few questions in the coming time. I'll be joining a Champions campaign come fall, and I've never looked at this system before. Steve responded in my other thread, and for a moment I though I had gotten two different answers, buuut that was just me being slow again. Thanks for the clarification and the welcome!
  2. So I posted a question on the Rules Questions forum and apparently had to get a moderator approval for the thread to appear. Don't know how many days that usually takes but I'm tired of waiting, so here I go again, elsewhere: When taking the Resistant Advantage on your Physical or Energy Defense, do you modify the cost of the Characteristic the same way you would modify the cost of applying an Advantage to a Power? I.e. Physical Defense of 10 costs 8 points. Add the Resistant Advantage (+1/2) and you multiply the entire cost of the Characteristic (including the 2 free ranks) by 1,5 getting 15, then subtract the two free ranks and you end up with a total cost of 13 for the entire thing. Essentially paying 13 to get a normal and Resistant Physical Defense of 10. Is this correct?
  3. Hi. I'm totally new to the Hero System and still trying to wrap my head around it. Right now I'm wondering about the cost of the Resistant Advantage. I know it's listed as +1/2, and that this basically adds 50% of the base cost to a power's cost. Does it apply the same way when applied to Characteristics? If I ,for example, have Physical Defence of 10 and want to have that as Resistant as well, will it cost: 8 points to go from the base of 2 to 10, +5 points to add the Advantage (50% of 10, since we also count the 2 "Free" points) = 13 points. OR 15 points, since I need to "buy" the two free levels as well. OR 8, +15 (because we, due to some rule I have yet to unearth, need to buy the resistant levels as well as the normal ones) = 23 points.
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