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Bobby Walker

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Posts posted by Bobby Walker

  1. Re: Product Unavailable


    :(There is a store near to where I live but the owner is unable to get any Hero System products. Could someone help with this?


    The Store is Gamer's Guild.


    The Address is:


    4550 Broadway Street

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (303) 997-6496


    I want to both help support this store and Hero system products but that is a little difficult when none of his suppliers carry nor can get hero system products. Hope someone in charge can help.






    Have them try contacting Alliance Games Distributors, that's who I used to use when I had my store.

  2. I just got the the core books, and within the next couple of weeks I'll be ordering the Fantasy Hero book. I'd really like to play in a campaign, but there isn't an existing group close by that I can join.


    My ultimate goal is to introduce my current gaming group to 6e, but I want to have played the game before trying to run the game. Are there any online groups, either pbp, pbem, or chat style games that a new player could join?



  3. Re: Fantasy Hero 6E - initial impressions


    I just want to say that I was on the fence about whether or not to shell out for 6e. I've never really played, but I've owned the 2nd, 4th, and 5th editions. Then I saw the cover for Fantasy Hero, and I just ordered my Mega Bundle. I can't wait to get my hands on the Fantasy book, and I'm hoping I'll be able to convince my group to make the switch!


    Thanks for the awesome new edition, I'm loving it!

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