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Everything posted by Black

  1. So I've decided that my campaign should be during the Iron or Rust Age and my players will be vigilante super heroes. 1. So general question for any system (it is 5th Champions though) since the players aren't sponsored by any groups, what is the range amount of starting money that's enough for each of the struggling super heroes to start with so they can equipped themselves, invest in a vehicle, etc. 2. As far as superpowers and vigilantes in the Heroes/Champion universe which powers would you allow and which would you restrict?
  2. Re: Foxbat For President Nope, in fact I'm impressed that the ORIGINAL author, actually replies to my meager thread. And actually I'm using 5th edition rules, however if you ever get a chance to release a fixed updated version, that would be awesome. What if I only have 2 or 3 players, should I make it 200-300 points or should I up it a bit to even the odds? Ha, consider this list printed for further reference!
  3. This is less about Champions and more toward a Champions campaign. Anyway I bought today Foxbat For President, and have a campaign in mind, this is to help push the story along. Problem is, it says for players at 350-450 points. Is that combined, or for each player? If it's the latter: my players start out as sidekicks for this campaign and I saw that beginning points are 100/100 and will build up for this campaign to maybe be full fledged heroes. So is there anyway to make it into a first level campaign, or is it impossible and should it be sold as credit for something else?
  4. Re: My copy of Sidekick finally arrived! Then why not just call it Sidekick again? All I ned to do is pick up my copy of Champions from work and then hit the library.
  5. Re: Adapting heroes and villians from a short story Let me rephrase that: I might have to talk to Pratt anyway, because the story only focused on certain elements, so maybe he could go into detail about the Organization and the different supers. And because of that I'd be asking him for permission anyway. But you might be right OS, maybe I should just skip it and just make it from scratch. As long as credit is given (and I don't plan to sell it anyway) no harm done. Hopefully.
  6. Re: Adapting heroes and villians from a short story Thank you. Maybe I should contact the original author (Tim Pratt) and try to get permission to at least make a campaign for it... maybe.
  7. And I can't think of anything else to say. It's that awesome!
  8. Just bought an Xbox 360 recently, and I've noticed that 360 owners are really being screwed over in the MMO department. First Final Fantasy XIV and now this? Why? Sorry, but this would actually have been an MMO on my game list. That and Final Fantasy XI.
  9. Say I wanted to adapt characters from a superhero short story using the Champion system, both heroes and villains. How could I accomplish it? Maybe as campaign, maybe just for the heck of it. Any suggestions?
  10. Re: Champions and a quick Heroes system Well I just ordered it on Amazon, so it will be interesting to see what comes first, Hero or Sidekick. (Want to bet it's the former?) Thanks for posting the pdf though. Come Friday (payday, yay!), I'll probably check out those books you mentioned and the whole 50% off 5th edition. I'm probably going to start a flame war here, but which one is better anyway, 5th or 6th? Also could you guys suggest a starting adventure for players (and a GM) just starting out? Also I wondered if you've heard of Heroes and Zeroes from Knights of the Dinner Table. Sorry for dumping so much on you guys. But really, thank you so far for ALL the help. I really appreciate all the time you take just reading my threads, let alone replying to them. You guys are awesome! Nuff' Said. -------- Excelsior!
  11. Re: Champions and a quick Heroes system Do they have Sidekick as a pdf file? (EDIT: It's not there! ) And do I specifically need the 5th edition of it: Or can I just use this one? Or are they both the same?
  12. So, I found a copy of Champions 5th edition for half off in my gaming store, and also bought a copy of Heroes 5th edition though Borders. Thing is, who knows when it will come in and so I was wondering, are there quick rules for Heroes so we can start running my Champions campaign right off or do I have to wait for that giant textbook of a sourcebook to come in. Also my group has gone through so far Star Wars, Shadowrun, Exalted, D&D 3.5 (my friend as the DM) and Legend of Hyrule (me) and http://hyrule-rpg.tripod.com/ if you want to know what the hell it is, but no superhero campaign, so you can bet I can't wait to run one.
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