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Posts posted by Powerhouse

  1. Re: Questions about VPP's and MP's


    "I don't have the book, so I don't know what you mean by "augement". "


    It means I can't spell.




    The quote is:


    "Unlike some mega-sorcerers, Skarn can apply his Cosmic Thaumaturgy to augment his other powers or to increase his physical prowess."


    Cosmic Thaumaturgy is the name of his VPP.


    It does go one to say that Skarn will often create a 100 AP attack and a 20 point defense/movement/sense. He already has an 150 AP attack MP and a defensive MP as well.


    I guess it means that he might tailor his attacks with something from his VPP if his normal attacks aren't working while the rest goes to enhance characteristics of his force fields. Just seems really over the top... though he IS a mega-sorceror type.

  2. Thanks everyone for looking into this thread. Just a quick question or three:


    1. In the Mystic Worlds Book (forget the real name right now), it's noted that the Skarn character, unlike others with VPP's, can use his VPP to agument his multipower spells? Was this a mis-statement or true? That gives him about a 250 active point attack potentially! Since he already has high stats and a defensive MP he just needs to point to crack a small planet. By the rules, can someone add the points into a VPP into another power with the exception of an aid or succor power? Even then, that could be asking for trouble.


    2. Witchcraft's example powers for her VPP notes a boost to endurance and REC. Again, is this correct? I've heard someone state it was a misprint and that using a pool to get stats is illegal.


    3. On that note, ala Ultraboy, can someone use a MP slot to enhance stats (as Jo Nah does with his ultra strength?)


    Thank you.

  3. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want?


    "Well, how about an EU response to Eurostar? I don't think they want the most known pan-european superhuman team to be villains."


    Personally, I love the idea of CU 4th edition where EuroStar regularly smacked the crap outta Euroguard. Call me a jinogist but I love the idea of the French and Germans having to swallow humble pie and ask the Americans for help. Hey, it parallels the real world!




    (P.S. just kidding around so please do not take too seriously)

  4. Re: The White Knight defense


    Definitely expensive but fun. One of my Silver Knights, Nova, has relatively low defenses with Damage Reduction 50% (Energy/Physical, Resistant) to simulate someone who can take a beating but keep coming back again and again. I can imagine her getting hurt if a thug surprises her with a solid whack to the back of the head with a blackjack but also able to jump back into the fight if she gets tagged by the enemy brick.


    It's kinda wierd but it helps make a character really resilent without being invulnerable.

  5. Re: Party!


    Still working on some of my supers, trying to fine-tune them:


    Lady Silver: too busy. Between leading the world's premier super team, defending Earth against mystic threats, and running charities as Amanda Worthington she doesn't have time. The parties she most often attends are charity events as well. It's a running theme that she focuses too much on others and not nearly enough on herself.


    Nova: another one who can't relax. As the last known survivor of her race, she doesn't have anyone of her kind on Earth. This, combined with some psych problems, leads her to spend most of her time crime fighting alot. She relaxes by playing hauntingly sad but beautiful music on her flute. Later, she'll learn to relax and love...


    Star Knight (name at the moment): party girl of the first order who hits the hottest clubs in LA, often with a hunk on her arm. Big fan of extreme sports and loves to scuba.


    Sentinel: when he gets away from the paper work of being the team liason to the government (as well as its tactical commander), he likes to exercise, read an assortment of books, and see friends.


    Titan: tinker in the lab with his latest invention though not adverse to being dragged to a high society event where's he's one of New York's most eligible bachelors, despite his public ID. Also likes charity events.


    Speed Demon: making B level movies, hitting the clubs, and self-promotion. Watching action movies.


    Earth Force: college student. This African Prince is fond of learning more about America and appreciates cultural events.


    That's all for now in their current configuation. Might change them to have at least one normal person in there. ;)

  6. Re: I Have In My Hand A List...


    As noted, the threat of nuclear war would also deter supers from going toe to toe with Communists. Perhaps, shortly after the Russians showed that they had the bomb as well, the President quietly asks the supers to lay low to avoid provoking a strike from a Russia who can only counter the heroes with a nuke. Or Stalin could even do a Breshnev like speech, complete with a shoe, that "we will bury you and your supers under an atomic fire."


    Or, if you want to be dramatic, the first atomic bomb could be seen as a sign to retire. Super power was now over shadowed by atomic power. Yes, the Liberty League is powerful but even the pale before such awesome and utter destruction. A power greater than that of the super is in the hand of man and already, the time of the super has passed.... or so it seems.

  7. Re: I Have In My Hand A List...


    The use of the Red Scare to shut down super heroes comes up mostly from the JSA comics (and indeed it's happening right now in JSA- pick it up!).


    Anyway, I think that it came about to give an explanation in the comic world why they stopped having adventures when in reality it was because the super hero comic book industry went bust after WW2 and newer characters were used for the Silver Age and new fans. I'd say also a writer or two with

    certain political views but Roy Thomas' writings (if only to reflect the Golden Age) tend to be really patriotic.


    You may want to consider in your world that most supers simply came out into the open, or got their powers, due to the war. After the job was done, they just wanted to settle down and raise families. If super villains were pressed into service, they could have similar attitudes. That combined with general, firm feelings among the populace that "it's time to get back to normal" could also help explain a lessening of public superheroing.

  8. Re: IST San Angelo


    As impressed as I am by the work that was put into the GURPS system, I never liked the liberties (decidedly liberal ones) that the author took with history:


    1. Carter got a second term because the US super team saved the hostages which ignores a ton of bad economy indicators that also pushed him out.


    2. Reagan, one of the most popular presidents of all time, was a one term President.


    3. Martin Luther King was saved from assassination. Now admittedly, this would have been a wonderful thing though the author then has him unseat Reagan for the presidency which made me roll my eyes.


    4. South Africa gets invaded by supers wanting to end apartheid. When S. Africa responds by invading the countries (rather bloodily and efficiently) that the supers staged their attack from, sanctions are imposed on South Africa but no penalty was noted for the invaders or those who supported them.


    I'd love to know the justification for putting Buchannan into office.


    In general, the very pro-UN and anti-US theme (UN troops preventing the US from invading Panama) always made me gag even as I applauded a more real take that superbeings might have. I also thought it ignored how the UN would really work. The UN become a super power in fact on the basis of:


    1. Discovering hot fusion and black-mailing other countries into toeing the line or not get in on the tech. I can't see how the US or any other permament member of the Security Council would not veto such a power grab


    2. A vast super team from many countries that would supposedly act as neutral force. Being able to create such a force in secret, in a world that actively used psi and tech to spy, was rather unbelievable.


    Also, the UN is presented as an exceptionally benevolent organization when in reality we see its problems (composed of many countries that actively oppose the UN's principles, food for oil, etc).


    As noted, I felt that the GURP IST world was exceptionally well-done, I just didn't like certain liberties that it took since it reflected a certain world view.

  9. Re: Avemgers + Politics


    I believe this thread reveals how controversial this type of "realistic" villain can be so it may be a word of warning.


    Using current or extrapolated causes (jihads, rise of Neo Nazis in a restored Germany, an alliance of Columbian druglords with created supers seize power in a South American country, or renewed Chinese agression) could make for interestinf story telling but try to be even-handed and ready to pull the plug if players get upset.


    Parallels may be the way to go. If your campaign features anti meta-human sentiment (indeed maybe the team is intended to show a good side to supers or ease fears by showing that the government can control them), consider a Magneto-like messiah that takes over a country with a ton of super human soldiers. Whether illegal war, violating soveriegn rights, religious overtones, or looking into racism, you have it all. Indeed, it could cause conflicts among the team who might want a haven from all the hate.


    Good luck!

  10. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing!


    Lady Silver: a crystal statuette forged in a mystical dimension of the bride and groom holding hands and looking ahead to the future. With the right magical words, it can glow beautifully or play soothing music


    Sentinel (think Solid Snake of Metal Gear Solid forced to baby sit a super hero team): he's not the most sentimental type and would probably give cash


    Nova: she's not up on human wedding ceremonies but could play several songs related to soul bonding ceremonies from her planet on a flute-like instrument.


    Titan: filthy rich, he'd probably offer a very complete honeymoon package along with use of a private jet.


    Celestial Knight: twin swords forged by her Celestial Order (a Green Lantern homage) and ornamented with precious metals/gems. A little militant but it would be a gift of beauty and represent the couple as devout defenders of the innocent


    Earth Force (African prince): a beautiful flower that remains in bloom for 50 years. It can be only obtained from a hidden mountain in his country and EF had to brave several trials to obtain it


    Enforcer (street-level vigilante affilated with the Silver Knights); not one for the public, he'd remain in the shadows to prevent attacks on the wedding.


    Blur: the complete DVD collection of his movies (B movies at best)

  11. Re: An idea on how to make characters


    "Problem: this would tend to force characters into taking alot of disads like Susceptibility and such, since those are the only disads that can logically show up just from getting powers."


    No necessarily. Hunted for new supers make sense as could psych limits as their power changes their personality (over confident, sense of responsiblity, etc).

  12. Re: An Alternate Superman


    I'm reminded of an elseworld I outlined. It was called Power Axis and basically the big three of DC (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman) all worked for the Nazis in WW2.


    Kal-El landed in Germany and was as a teenager by the Nazis (gotta look at it more closely later to get the ages and years accurate). Basically the old costume but with a swatika instead of the S. The opening sequence would be a little German boy almost crushed under a building only for a familar sillouette to save him. As the shadows fall away, you see that hideous symbol beneath Kal's beaming face... scary. He believes in the Aryan race (ironic since he's not human) and pursues the war for Germany. Though he is aware that the Nazis are rounding up undesirables, he doesn't realize that they are being sent to death camps.


    In case anyone is wondering, the Justice Society of America is there to keep the war from being a rout but it's touch and go. Incidently, you haven't seen scary until you've seen Batman working FOR the Gestapo.


    Edit: "They kind of had this in a JSA Elseworlds ... Unholy Three IIRC ... I won't spoil the story too much, but I will say that it's a great read "


    Ack... they read my mind and stole my idea! At least, that's how it sounds.



  13. Re: WWYCD #124 or so:Peace on Earth


    Lady Silver: this could be interesting. In her personal life, her granduncle is her worst enemy. She's a long lost member of the family who came to the world from a Shangri-la type place where white mages hid from the world. When she came back, she came into a small inheritance (including significant shares in the family drug company) that outraged her granduncle who is an imoral and power hungry businessman. It's gotten so bad that he's hired assassins though mysteriously (ie through her magic) she always survives. Of course there is no proof.


    Lady Silver would try to build some bridges but her granduncle is just too evil and greedy of a man to see her as anything but a threat to his posistion.


    On the other hand, she might have to endure sitting with Baron Bane (an undead lich) and Lord Malfice (Bane's apprentice and roughly Lady Silver's equal in power). The former is too shrouded in evil to ever change and likely would just alternate between crowing over his power and trying to seduce Silver to his side. Lord Malfice still has some of his humanity though and she might try to turn him from his path. At the same time, she'd need to be clear that she doesn't share Malfice's twisted sense of love (Malfice has a love/hate relationship with her).


    Nova: she and Forceclaw would probably spend the first ten minutes trying to overcome the anti-violence edict since FC hates Nova for killing her husband while Nova hates pretty much any violent criminal who hurts innocents. the next stage would be lots of shouting and accusations but I think Nova would finally be silenced as she's accused over and over again of her past deed.


    Put in context, ForceClaw and her husband FireWhip were mercenary villains who have participated in several cases of assault but not murder. FireWhip was killed by Nova in a fight in the space ark she crashed to earth in. She killed her more from anger than from the need to protect herself though. It would force Nova to see her nemesis, and other criminals, as something other than just combatants and targets upon which she can vent her own personal demons. It would be very growth inducing.


    Celestial Knight: Steel Dragon is pretty much a cypher designed to kill CK. Any soul or independent thoughts he had were consumed long ago. He's just keep trying to evade the edict for the entire time. Star Thief would rally against CK for threatening his alien race by defending earth's space programs from him. It would be interesting to see if they could reach common ground in being defenders of their people but he may be too convinced of the threat that humanity poses to change his position. Even if her personally changed his mind, he still has his duty.


    If it's later in her career and Dark Templar is there, he could teach her about the history of the Stellar Paladins though it might be a twisted version. Still he is a gentleman of sorts with a code of chilvary (with some notable exceptions) and could be enlightening though he would try to convince her to join his side. For CK's side, she might see a decent person in him and try to convince him to return to the light. Heck the might even go to France for a great meal and wine if things went romantic.


    Sentinel: similar to Nova, he'd be forced to confront his guilty past. As part of an elite squad, he abandoned his teammates to complete the mission and get sensitive intelligence back to HQ. The three who survived were turned into cyborgs and now serve FIST. Slasher is Sentinel's personal nemesis and would be very angry. Sentinel would probably apologize but state it was for the mission.


    They would probably grab a few beers at the old bar they used to go to and reminence over good times. In the end though, Slasher just couldn't forgive what happened and is too loyal to his new employer who rebuilt him in the first place. Sentinel's actions put him through hell and there's no going back on that.

  14. Re: When was the "Silver Age" in the CU?


    I know that some people consider Wolverine's appearance as the very beginning of the Bronze Age (and thus ending the Silver Age) since he helped usher in both the anti-hero in comics as well as Claremont's X-men who put a great deal more pathos and realism in comics with a much greater emphasis on characters as well as dealing with topical issues.

  15. Re: High End Cannoical Character in Champions Universe


    "As an aside loosely linked to this idea: Lets say your characters, and their peers, are 350ers, but the first new generation of heroes in a while. Thus, they are the big guys, despite low level.


    However, what happens to these characters over the next 5, 10, 15 years of game time?? They get experience, they grow, they develop, they become more powerful.


    Pretty soon, those beginning level heroes *are* 750 point powerhouses, the icons for a new generation."


    Exactly. I create the Silver Knight universe (I posted a bit on it once or twice) that notes that there had been several earlier generations of hero but they were either dead, retired, or "other" for the most part. Thus, with you have the background of a Marvel, DC, or CU but still let a group of newbies take center stage as earth's greater heroes even if it's by virtue of being pretty much the *only* group.


    Lots of fun, especially considering how they can and will grow. Writing up Lady Silver from a 350 pointer to archmage shows how things change though her write-up is probably a little more than I would actually have in the storyline. Instead, it was designed to showcase a CU archmage which is probably a little more powerful than I would write.

  16. Re: High End Cannoical Character in Champions Universe


    In the CU as is, there is a definite need for higher power characters to explain why it's still around and unconquered. A team of 350 pt characters isn't going to get the job done, as noted.


    Now admittedly, being smart or relying on plot devices (ala Ultimate Nullifier) can help out every now and then but sooner or later Gravitar is going to boost the gravitational constant a factor of 50 and your 350 pointers are going to go SPLAT.


    Given how large the CU is though, the presence of the Sentinels or Albion shouldn't shadow your characters. These characters can't be everywhere after all and with so many villains plotting you need all the help you can get. Evil just needs "one good day" (as noted by Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) to suceed and it's up to ALL heroes to see that doesn't happen.


    Finally, you don't have to weigh in at 1000 pts to save the world. I remember the Baxter series of the New Teen Titans when Trigon transformed the world along with most of its defenders (including the JLA). Ultimately it was the Teen Titans (definitely clocking in at less points than teh JLA) who won the day. It can come down to be the best suited for the job (ie you have the magic, tech, or personal relationship with the threat) or being in the right place at the right time to be the ones to save the world.


    Edit: one other thing. If you want a lower point total for starting characters but want them to be more important in the world, you can always change the setting by making them either the first supers to come around or at least the new wave of heroes where the old one are dead or retired. In this case, the 350 pt team can also be this world's JLA/Avengers and Dr. Destroyer can be built on 800 pts and still be a credible threat to the world.

  17. Re: Archmage Stats


    "It should be noted that the Krypticon is not something you go carrying around. Its something you keep in your sanctum normally ( beyond the strongest protections in the place ).


    Meaning you might be able to get away with sticking it inside your Base points."


    I like how you think. :) Yeah it's not something that she'll normally carry around and since it takes a week to use a slot, it's more a plot device than anything. Kinda sucks habing to pay about 130 pts for something that you can duplicate mostly with a VPP. It's more a "keeping up with the Jones," sort thing to represent her status as the arch mage.

  18. Re: Archmage Stats


    "I would suggest more points spent on Base. Archmage-type's tend to live in places with enormous magical protections and enhancements, arcane libraries stuffed with knowledge, and often stockpiles of lesser artifacts and objects of power. I don't think you can fit it on 150 points."


    *nods* I was wondering if it was a little low. Most of the relics and artifacts that the archmage once had have been either destroyed or scattered to the winds since the attack that wiped out Lady Silver's predeccesor. Still, it's something that she could work on as experience is gained (and new artifacts like the scepter mentioned in the Mystic World are found).


    That said, it's probable that some additional points could be spent now to have a sanctum better suited for even the new archmage. I'm really missing my mystic masters. Can I obtain that book as a download online? I'd love to look at its sections on bases.


    "Defensively, I think she needs some work. While the defensive spells multipower is nice, I really think she could use some base PD/ED. Perhaps some Armor with a "mystic wardings" sfx??"


    I don't know to be honest. Practically I see your point but in genre don't most supermages tend to have non-persistant defenses? Did Dr. Strange ever have any type of low level warding on all the time? As for her base ED/PD, it's partly trying to define her in Champions since as someone who is still human (just very, very skilled) she probably shouldn't have the speed, dex, and con that she has but hey, gotta stay competitive. As a result, I'm hesitant to raise her defenses. Maybe raising them to 10/10 could work but that's as high as I'd like.


    I'll think about it. She probably had a bullet-proof resistant costume at one point and that could carry over now (armor or damage resistance with an activation roll). Defenses could be higher than one might expect by stating the costume is magically enhanced or even a gift from a magically people, like her cloak is. Then again, with her new level of power, some type of low level and invisible persistant warding (just armor with your SFX noted above) might be more feasible.


    "Also, in addition to adding astral awareness, the mystic senses of the Archmage should be extremely keen; I'd add Analyze, Discriminatory, Ranged, and Sense to Detect Magic."


    Something I missed, thanks. If I add analyze to the sense, should I remove her analyze magic skill as overlapping?


    Thank you everyone for your help and I look foward to even more wonderful advice!

  19. Re: Archmage Stats


    "To duplicate the sort of Astral Form that can travel anywhere on earth in an instant, you may also want to give the Astral Form a Mega-Scale Teleport for the Astral Form that can be scaled down to local levels. "


    The only problem with the teleport is that she needs to be able to sense where she is going. Though with a VPP pool should could probably mimic Clairsentience to serve. What do you think of using FTL or mega-scale flight (which, like your teleport, could be scaled to local levels)?


    "The Krypticon probably wouldn't travel with her while Astral. She'd better use that VPP to put some Triggered wards on it so nobody steals it while she's Astrally galivanting. "


    Heh... sounds like a lesson to learn the HARD way. *grins evilly*


    "The biggest think I can think of that you neglected was to give her base form the ability to perceive Astral beings. That should be automatic for an Archmage. Use the Dimensional Sense Adders on p. 93 of THE MYSTIC WORLD to at very least give her Astral Sight."


    Good call. I would think that being able to sense astral form would be inherent in the magic sense but not necessarily. I'll make the change. Thank you.

  20. Re: Gods and Champions


    As noted, in the Marvel Universe most people tend to consider Thor to not really be a Norse God but someone who styles himself as one. Admittedly, it's a little wierd to think that a radiation accident gave someone the ability to so closely mimic a god but oh well. I guess it's easier for people to believe something that doesn't make sense than question their faith. It's kinda like Defender and many others in the CU refusing to believe in magic but instead trying to define it as mental powers or what not.


    The storyline that ran through Thor where he tried to establish his own religion on Earth probably throws that out of whack but its effects will likely be glossed over in the future.


    In general, the writers (who I suspect of a slight liberal bend) like to trot out religion to say "religion taken too far is bad." Unfortunately they also tend to not show religion as it affects a character on a daily basis like Superman going to Church on Sunday or Spriderman being asked to sponser someone for confirmation. If it doesn't have a direct impact on the story, it just doesn't exist.

  21. Re: Archmage Stats


    *looks up*


    Wow, I never fail to be impressed by how those export files get translated so beautifully. Hero and other did a GREAT job on it!


    Anyway, comments and suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.


    Some thoughts myself:


    Sorcery Pool: I was really torn on giving Lady Silver the Cosmic advantage since I wasn't sure if that really represented how a mage, even an arch mage, should work. I would think requiring a skill roll would be a good idea, as well as a half-phase to change to represent weaving a spell. Nevertheless others on the board support this and the Mystic World notes that the arch mage seems to be able to work magic with relative ease.


    Before Lady Silver ascended to the office of arch mage, she was probably 80-100 VPP (enough to rank her as one of earth's best mages and a candidate for arch mage) with the advantage of takes only half a phase (rather than the normal full phase) to change. A skill roll would have been required. Also, she had the Variable Limitation worth –1/2 (ie a –1/4 Limit point break) since she normally uses Incantations and Gestures though she could wield magic through greater effort, foci, etc if pressed.


    I wasn't sure how powerful to make her since she's the arch mage but she's the new arch mage who must master her powers. That's why I decided to give her 100 pts normal but an additional 20 pts to represent her power in Earth's dimension. Tyrannon and Skarn I think can only use their VPP in their own dimensions so I thought it fit (though they have other MP's to rely on whereas Lady Silver has only the VPP for mostof her magic spells.


    In addition, on the advice of Metaphysician (Thanks!), I added an Aid to represent calling upon higher powers for a power boost though I wasn't sure if I liked the owing a favor so decided instead that the spell cast has to be in their favor.


    Astral Form is a nightmare. One reason for its high cost is that the recommended advantage of altered duplicate assumes that at least 51% of the points spent are different than from the base's points. That's probably a bit much for her. Any advice on constructing the astral form? Getting rid of Kyrpticon, Astral Form, the Aid, and boost to the VPP (cut off from body, you can't use all of your magic since magic is physical and spiritual) would cut down the form significantly even considering buying persistent desolid, invisibility, and a type of flight.


    Again, thank you very much!

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