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Posts posted by Battlestaff

  1. Because the U.S. already has such a super presence, with the team you have, you should look at more of an international flavor to the adventures. Look around at various crimes around the world, especially crimes that supervillains might commit. Examples include:


    Smuggling People: For example, bringing people illegally into the U.S. from Mexico. What if a villain was helping people across, but was using some of the subjects to test a new drug/serum/using this as a way to gain test subjects for experiments, with the resultant chaos that could result from power eruptions only benefiting future crimes.


    Suggling Drugs: What if a villain or group such as VIPER were using this to finance their plans of world conquest/getting filthy rich?


    Smuggling Antiquities: What if some of the items were mystic artifacts that DEMON might be after?


    Poaching of Endangered Species: A villain decides he wants to be the only person with a particular animal on Earth? Or he decides that some part of the animal is necessary for maintaining or increasing his powers? Or a violent vigilante decides to start trying to protect the animals by killing not only poachers, but anyone who supports them, anyone who supplies them, and eventually any human at all?


    Apocalype's Power Grabs: Don't know what exactly you meant by Dr. Destroyer being campy, but global threats such as Apocalypes are always coming up with schemes to gain power by threatening governments. If you don't like the camp, use the agents straightforward as a small army, and attempt to seize control of a small, out of the way third-world country. Or a south pacific island nation. Something where the larger nations are less likely to immediately notice, and if the invasion succeeds fast enough, they can entrench before a possible "war of liberation."


    International Terrorists: Kind of touchy issue, but imagine a super who acts alone for a certain cause. Or a supervillain in charge of regular people, looking for a cause. With super powers, and the type of world that usually entails, the cause the terrorists fight for can be truly out of this world. Imagine a terrorist using his powers to cause terror, then using that terror to open a portal to another dimension and let something out! Or mutant terrorists, depending on your world's views of mutants (mine are more tolerant that most), or even other types of supers, fighting for their freedom, or to resist restrictive registration laws (shades of Nazi history?).


    Aliens: Depending on whether they exist in your world or not, your team can take a jaunt off-world for a bit, as goodwill ambassadors, on a fact-finding expedition, or to help another race threatened by invasion/ecological disaster/exploding sun/planet eater/etc. Or even to be the representatives of Earth at a trial of humans.


    I think if you expand the scope of your adventures, you can come up with some fun adventures that will keep your players interest.

  2. Can you imagine the judge at the child support hearing looking out at a see of kids all wearing the same outfit, just staring glassy eyed at him? It would be as creepy as the kids in Village of the Damned.


    As for building the power, how about Duplication, extra time, only when no one is looking at them? I don't have FRed around, so I can't give numbers. Sorry.

  3. For the Independent, you could have a villain run for office in her secret ID, which the President knows, but no one else does. Then, when he tries to dig up dirt on her, prove she's a villain, etc., he'll look like the bad guy trying to smear her because she's a woman.


    I don't remember which supplement it was, but didn't one have a villain openly running for office on the platform of "Would you rather be represented by a crook who admits what he is, or one that doesn't admit he's a crook?" Could be fun.


    Then there's always the charismatic puppet that's thrown up to look good and make people feel good, but when in office is actually run by someone else.

  4. Defender of the Realm (British) - Given that title by the King himself - Leader of the superheroes. Think Captain America type for Britain


    Union Jack (British) - Martial Artist, Two-fisted type


    Dunkirk (British) - Aquatic hero, aided the escape at Dunkirk and earned his name there


    American Eagle (American) - Winged hero


    Big Ben (British) - Growth powers




    and then there's always Hyperion

  5. In the game I GM'ed, there was a portal to a demonic realm in the basement. One player went through at full speed, and ended up going through another portal before the demons could get him, landing in the lands of giant butterflies that almost caused the players head to explode.

  6. Re: America's 50 states


    Originally posted by Bazza

    This Aussie will attempt to name America's 50 States from memory. They are in no particular order: Delierium, disorder, hate, love, ridiculed, sad, loney, bullied, freezing, perspiring, angry, happy, dopey, looney, police, proud, patroitic, incompetent, war...


    Ok I didn't get to 50, anyone else want to fill the rest in?



    You forgot rich, yeah rich. You're just jealous 'cause we got all the money.


    Oh yeah, and arroused......

  7. Follow the "victim" and find out what he's up to. This guy has had some kind of training, not just in fighting, but in keeping his head in a threatening situation. The fact he kept the gun and didn't turn the guy in indicates that he's probably not on the side of the angels.


    Once he was tracked, the response would be appropriate to the situation. If he's just a guy with a good head on his shoulders, wait until he does something. If he's up to something, find out what's going down, then stop the larger threat. And if he was a supervillian in disguise, call in the rest of the team to asssist.

  8. Super-Merc


    Hiring yourself out pull jobs robbing places for one-of-a-kind items. You can create a profitable niche as super-burglars, with lots of benefits:

    1) The people who hire you are usually after one thing from the location, so you can grab everything else and keep it.

    2) You don't have to come up with all the plans yourself.

    3) And, if you get captured, you always have someone to roll on to reduce your sentence (though this only works once before no one ever hires you again).

  9. Battlestaff was born a Light Lord, his twin brother a Dark Lord (and currently a member of DEMON's inner circle). In each generation a pair of Light/Dark Lord's are born, always siblings, always of the same sex, always immortal. The Light Lord is inclinde toward good, the Dark Lord evil. He was inclinded toward the light all along.


    However, if he had been the Dark Lord, with his incredible speed, martial arts ability, and stealth skills, he would quite effectively have become an accomplished assasin. He could defeat a large force of agents, and get to the target before the target could react. All in all, a scary thought.

  10. Quicksilver


    I remember reading an interview with the person writing a Quicksilver mini-series for Marvel (I don't remember who it was right now). He explained his take on the character, and why he is so angry, by analogy.


    "Imagine you're standing in a long bank line, with only one teller window open, and you have to be somewhere in a hurry. Imagine how impatient you are. Now, imagine that feeling every minute of your life. You'd be angry all the time too."


    As for other archetypes, I believe a lot would depend on when a power manifested, and who knows about the power. A character who has a power all his life is probably going to be more at ease with his power than someone who's powers manifest during high school, when there are all sorts of problems with "being different."

    Also, does anyone know about the character's powers? If not, the character could either be very paranoid about anyone finding out, or secretly feel that he is superior to all the others around him because of his 'secret ability.' If others do know about the power, how they react to the character can be a huge influence on how the character views himself and his powers.

  11. Shoot the hostage, take him out of the equation......


    I would offer to get Psychoticman the hairball remedy, drop a tracer in the remedy, pay for the hairball remedy when he flees (ah, 15 pts. in wealth), then follow him back to his lair and pummel him senseless, then get him the help he obviously needs in a 'private' asylum......

  12. Homicide


    Is the hero/team officially sanctioned in any way? If they are, then whatever organization sactioned them would most likely require the hero turn himself in, or face the loss of sanction for the team and all members, thus making them vigilantes.


    Also, if he thought that Soulfire was tougher than he turned out to be, the charge could be reduced from Murder to Reckless Homicide. To determine whether to charge a person with Murder or Manslaughter, you have to look at intent. If he in no way intended to cause Soulfire's death, then it isn't Murder (or Murder One, or however the law reads in the state your campaign is set in). However, he could still be found guilty of a lesser crime, such as reckless homicide, etc. I would say go to a law library (most county courthouses have one), and look up your states Murder statutes, and see how they are set up.


    As to self-defense, the hero would have to prove that at trial. While the state would be required to prove that the hero caused Soulfire's death beyond a reasonable doubt, in a self-defense claim, the burden is on the hero to show that he was in danger, and responded with an appropriate level of force.


    However, with jury nullification (the concept that the jury could ignore the law and find the defendant not guilty, even if the evidence is sufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt), the hero could walk on the charge. But again, he would have to go to trial.

  13. Panda and Racoon


    Bear with me, I don't have CKC yet, it's in the mail from the online store (if you haven't already, check out the bundled sets at the online store, they saved me a bit of money).


    From Classic Enemies, what about Panda and Raccoon? They are on the run from PSI and VIPER, and don't want to commit crimes. They could easily be redeemed if they weren't on the run.


    There's also Thunder and Lightening, the husband and wife pair. They had to act as heroes, and could easily go back to that with the right change of heart.

  14. Original Champions


    I'll probably do with the 4E Champions what I did with the original Champions (Marksman, Rose, Gargoyle, etc.). Keep the character names, re-name the team, and move them to another city.


    The only problem this time is that Defender is still with the 5E team, and the 5E team is just the 4E team with new names.

  15. Redemption


    Maybe after a close call, in which he almost becomes a sacrifice to/victim of an evil being the morbanes are dealing with, he realizes that the evil beings he is dealing with only sees him as a source of nourishment/energy/dark power, and he wants to be more than a puppet.


    In a fight with a super group, the mentalist hero uses mind control on him, with the command to 'repent.' Or, the same hero uses his/her powers to make the morbane see the effect his actions have on others, and the little bit of guilt he has left forces him to try and redeem himself.


    Or maybe he fails the inner circle somehow, and they are after him to kill/sacrifice/destroy him, and he has to flee. While on the run, he realizes without the power of the other morbanes and/or the inner circle, he is threatened by all the evil beings he and Demon have dealt with in the past, so he tries to change his ways, hoping for protection from God.


    Hope these help or at least offer a springboard for your own ideas.

  16. I've been skimming the thread here at work, so forgive me if I discuss something that's already been hit on.


    I haven't downloaded any of the items (SoB or Digital Hero) for several reasons:


    1) I've only seen a little bit of the product (in the case of SoB just to opening pages), and I want to browse a book before buying it. You don't go to a gaming store, pick up a supplement, browse the opening 1-3 pages, then decide to buy the book. As for Digital Hero, looking at the free promos, if the rest of the books are of that quality, I have no interest in picking up the rest of the book. If it isn't, why isn't it?


    2) While I was looking into whether I wanted to buy it or not, I saw listings on the discussion boards about how those who bought SoB already could download something or needed to do something to make the maps more readable. Now, if I buy a hardback supplement, I can see if there's a problem with the printing, and whether I can fix the problem on my own. With a download, I'm at your mercy that the download is compatible with what I have on my computer, and that my printer (piece of #$%%) is going to be able to print out everything.


    3) If I buy a supplement, I don't have to do anything else to be able to read it anywhere I want (the living room, resting on the couch, in the bathroom, etc.). If I download a supplement, I either have to read it at the computer or print out using my own printer. That's no fun.


    4) If I haven't printed it out, and something happens with my computer (virus, technicle problems, etc.), I can't access the document, or could even have to buy a new one. With a printed supplement, I only have to worry about food, flood, or fire.


    That's my two-cents worth. I'm not a total technophobe, I've just had enough trouble with the computer before that the potential problems put me off from paying such a high price for the supplement.

  17. Superhuman Reflexes


    There are a fair number of ideas you can use here. Forgive me for not giving specifics, but I'm at work right now and don't have my books present.


    Missile Deflection/Reflection: Only for physical attacks Special Effect: catching and throwing items back at his attacker


    DCV Skill levels, only vs. ranged attacks

    Special Effect: able to dodge incoming attacks


    Enhanced Perception Rolls

    Special Effect: Hyper vigilance



    Special Effect: Increased reaction time (or result of super-soldier serum or other source of powers)



    Special Effect: Effect from enhanced running


    I hope these help as a jumping off point for a few ideas.

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