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Posts posted by MrThou

  1. Ive played in a MGirl in training campaign, best game ive ever played. first time i really ROLE PLAYED. I was happy on the nights we didnt fight anyways, the character is my second fav ive ever had the pleasure of RPing.

    The whole group was rather familliar with the MGirl genre so it wasnt to bad. We even wrote speeches to introduce ourselves with. "I am topaz the everchanging, and i will change you from your evil ways!" LOL. Man that was a great campaign!

  2. I can see that, give me some slack, its been a few years :P

    and i just cant sit down and watch the entire first season in one sitting, id die... I need to watch an ep a day, 2 if im feeling lucky :D


    Only at ep 9.... RIght now shes still only winning because Luna tells her what to do :P

  3. Id guess that depends. DO you want a sailor moon like MG with one attack, high dodge, no skill, and a pen that allows you to transform.


    Or something compitent :P


    Id be guessing 150 for a first season SM girl

    200-250 for a compitent one.

  4. Wha? If you dodge, you cant attack?

    *snaps his fingers hoping his book magically appears, witch it dosnt...*

    damnit, make me get off my ass....

    So, you can abort to dodge, so you lose your next attack eh?

    Problem solved :D

  5. Thanks

    As for using hte same same move over and over, after the second time someone uses a manuver is a row. i apply a bonus to the defender, because he knows how it works now and sees it comming.


    The bonus is lost after a nother manuver is tossed intot he mix.

  6. Uh, hello. Welcome to my first post on these boards ever!

    But enough about me, i need a lil help.


    Im running a Martial Arts game using hte ultimite MArtist, (and im new to heros) I have a couple rule questions/concerns.


    Dodging. I need a way for this not to be such an arse saver. +5 ish DCV!? for only 1/2 and action and 1 END? Am i missing something? Or is that true. Should it be true, what do you guys recomend to make it less devistating? Ive been toying with the idea of a variable dodge. Spend end upto your dodge. So if you want to do a full dodge, 5END, if you think 2 will do it, 2 END. This will be done Before numbers are tossed around the room.

    And the dodge DCV dosnt stack with whatever manuver you did correct? Example. Yu-Sool strike 0/+2, the dodge would only be -/+5 and not +7 correct?

    But as an alternative, if i had 3 combat lvls (in all my martial art manuvers) i could instead have a 0/+6 using my strike right?


    Also Blocking, I think blocking should be harder based upon how well your openite hits you. Say he needs an 11 to hit you, rolls a 9, your block diffaculty is harder by 2. So if i where blocking with a 15, id need a 13. anyone try that?



    Any other suggestions for this kind of game?


    Just for a lil more info, im running a 150pt game, 75/75.

    and im new to the heros game, not to RPing and rule mangling :P



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