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Posts posted by SAW

  1. Hey there Steve,


    If the victim of a Continuous attack has an Activation Roll on his defenses, possibly from Ablative defenses that have already gone down some, misses his roll on the initial phase can he try to make the Activation Roll in later phases or is he pretty much out of luck?


    Thanks in advance.




    P.S. I couldn't find continuous on the FAQ, I looked under Power Advantages and Add-Ons but didn't see it. Is it someplace else or did I miss it?

  2. Hello Steve,


    I have one question which, depending on your answer, may lead to others so I'm just going to shotgun them at you.


    1. Can a character use their inches of Running or Flight to spin in place like a top (or maybe Swimming I don't see any other movement powers being able to do this)? And just to be clear I don't mean move in a circle in the same hex, I mean spin.


    If the answer is yes then:


    1a. Can this be used as the "running" part of a running throw? Kind of like the hammer toss or the discus throw.


    1b. Can you use centrifugal force to help you escape being held? Could you convert your movement to STR like using your flight to help you lift something (p. 364 5ER)?


    Thanks much for your time.



  3. I can't seem to find my TUV (probably loaned it to someone) and I'm sure this is in there, so sorry to bug you with it but...


    In vehicle combat if something (like engines or maybe weapons) is bought as OAF is it considered to be "outside" the main DEF of the ship it's on? Or would that be a limitation on the DEF?


    If it's the latter, is that what the "hull only" limitation on most of the ships in Terran Empire is meant to represent?



  4. Disclaimer: This is not a "Why did you do that?" or a "That's not right!" question. This is an "I think I'm reading this wrong" question. It may seem that way but it really isn't. :hush:


    A couple of weeks ago during our game one of the PCs got hit with Disepl Invisiblity. The character's Invisibility is bought through an IIF. Now I had always thought that if you successfully Dispelled a power bought through a Focus that the Focus was broken until fixed. Not the whole Focus just the power in question. Discussion ensued and it was rulebooks at twenty paces. I then found something on pg. 150 of 5ER.


    Unbreakable Foci behave similarly, but are considered Difficult To Dispel (x16) solely for purposes of resisting Dispel.


    If I'm reading this right then adding a -0 Unbreakable Limitation is equivalent to a +1 Difficult To Dispel (DTD) Advantage. If I am not reading this correctly can you 'splain where I went wrong.



  5. Let's say there is a character that has Invisiblity to many things, including Detect but not to Mental powers, and also has Desolidification without Invisible Power Effects. Would the following sense write-ups be able to "see" the character?


    1. A Detect that is defined as being a Mental sense. Is a Detect always a Detect even if it falls into a different category?


    2. A Detect Desolidification. Would this work since it's detecting a power not the character?




    P.S. I don't know if anyone's every said this before but thank you for watching over this forum and answering our questions as quickly as you do.

  6. Hope you feel better soon, I'm just getting over a nasty sinus infection myself. It got into my glands and it hurt just to move my tongue, so you have my sympathies.


    I'm about run for the first time (or play in for that matter) vehicle/base combat. So over the next couple of weeks I'll probably be throwing a few related questions your way.


    I know that when a character fires a vehicle's weapon he uses the vehicle's OCV, but what about firing a base's weapon? Does the character use his own OCV or is there some common base OCV in the text that I missed?



  7. I spent +5 points to double the number of Duplication questions I could ask.


    If the base character has his Duplication Suppressed all of his duplicates disappear. I was wondering when the base character is no longer being Suppressed and his duplicates reappear do they come back where they were or do they reappear next to the base character like they were brought into existence?


    Also, if a duplicate walks into an existing Suppression field he doesn't disappear unless the base character walks into it, correct?



  8. Let's say you're fighting a bad guy who's about escape and you have tracking bugs in you're handy-dandy utility belt (Patent Pending) which you want to plant on the bad guy, but you don't want to be obvious about it can you use an attack to cover it?


    Can you do a Passing Strike or a Move-By and do something like using Slieght of Hand to plant a tracking bug on the opponent?


    If you can't, do you have any suggestions on how to do that?



  9. Thought I might ask these before The Ultimate Summoner comes out. Way, way, wwwaaayyy before. :D


    1. If you buy Summon with Continuing Charges will the summoned being go away when the time runs out?


    2. Can you have a set command for the summoned being, so that it always does the same thing no matter what? Assuming that you have it bought Friendly so you don't have to convince it to do anything.


    3. Do smmoned beings that must inhabit locale and arrive under own power still have to spend a phase orienting themselves or is that assumed to happen while they are on their way?


    4. If Summon is in a VPP or a Multi-Power do you have to "keep points" in it once you've used it or can you switch to something else?


    BTW, In case you're wondering I'm trying to build something like the "swarm of bats thing from Batman Begins so any suggestions would be met with many thanks, but if you don't want to do that here I understand.




    P.S. I don't know if there's going to be an Ultimate Summoner. I really doubt there will be one. If there is I'm sure it won't be for a very long time. So please don't start bombarding Mr. Long with the "When's it coming out?" and "What will be in it?" questions, if you do he might not answer my questions. Of course he's probably sitting there rubbing his chin going "Hmmm, Ultimate Summoner..."

  10. I'm sure this has been covered somewhere but for the life of me I can't find it. :nonp:


    1. Mental Awareness will let you know when someone is attacking with Mind Control but will it let you know if someone is under the affects of a Mind Control that was fired off before the victim came into contact with you? What about if the controler is paying upkeep END?


    2. If a victim breaks free of Mind Control and the attacker is not around, does he know? If not, when they meet up again can the victim fake being still controled? What about if the controler is paying upkeep END?


    Sorry to annoy you with this.



  11. Re: Help with Serial Killer story


    If you can get a copy of the first Dark Champions (4th edition) book there is an excellent serial killer story in the back of the book all fleshed out already. It gives what the cops think, what the evidence points to, and what really happened at each of six or seven (I can't remember) murder scenes. Now this is Dark Champions so against full-blown supers you might need to beef up the killer a bit but otherwise you could probably hit the ground running.



  12. Had a situation come up this weekend in our game that raised some questions.


    We have a character with a Mimic Pool (think Rouge from X-Men). This character touched someone who had Duplication and promptly mimiced the Duplication. She then started popping off Duplicates of herself each one also having a Mimic Pool. The question is; does each of the Duplicates have Duplication when they come into being or do they start off with a blank Mimic Pool?


    If there are still duplicates who have not recombined when the power fades from character zero's Mimic Pool do they disappear or are they around until they knocked out or something?



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