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Posts posted by SAW

  1. Let's say you have someone hiding behind a Force Wall. Two characters decide to coordinate, they make their Teamwork rolls and they both hit.


    Now one attack does one more Body than the Froce Wall has defense, thus bringing it down. The second attack does one less Body than the defense normally not enough to do anyhing except it's paired up with an attack that did get through.


    Now here's the question(s):


    Does one attack bounce while the other goes throgh as per usual?


    Do both attacks get to go through with all FW rules applying?


    (and for the piece of mind of one of my players) Does the Body from both attacks get together for the purposes of bringing down the FW? And if it does what happens to the Stun after the FW falls?




  2. Re: Calling All Evil GMs


    Excellent ideas all. You have all proven your worthiness to hold the Evil GM membership card.


    I don't think I'm going to use any of the surgery stuff though, we were talking about an "evacuate the entire city" type situation so I don't think there would be to many open-heart or cosmetic surgeries going on at the time. And as far as undoing already finished cosmetic procedures remember, this Healing not Transform. Fundamentally altering the way someone looks is done with Transform.


    I love the worship stuff I only have one problem with it. I can't figure out how to fix it.


    I don't like to do things like this to the players without figuring out at least one way for them to get out of the situation. I have been in too many situations (as player and as GM) where the GM so thoroughly bones the players, unintentionally, that there is no way in Hell they can get out without chaging something that aleready happened and I hate to do that. I can usually count on them to come up with some other way I didn't think of to fix a problem, but it's been my experience that if I don't come up with something they won't manage to either.


    All of your ideas have had me maniacally rubbing my chin wilst I was using the Evil GM Evil Grin Pat. Pend.:eg:, so keep'em coming and any ideas for how get my players out these messes would also be fantastic.


    Thanks much,


  3. Re: Champions Jargon


    Pulling a Quickie: Named after the character Quicksilver whose player suggested that since we had just instituted the "natural 3 citical hit" rule we should also have a "natural 18 critical fumble" rule and then on his next attack roll...


    you guessed it, rolled an 18.



  4. I am running a sweeping Halloween scenario where every player is running 4 different characters (yes they all have that many, big long-runnung campaign) with things taking place in four different cities and all connecting to face Takofanes next week.


    Now we have a few characters with Cosmic VPPs. In the three previous cities there has been the need for one of them to pop off a mega-scale AOE Healing to make sure that nobody in the city died of their wounds (yes these problems affected most people in the cities, with characters this powerful you really have to challenge them).


    Now when these characters do this it is a very massive, very public display of power. What I'm looking for from evil GMs everywhere is possible fallout ideas. Many lives were saved by these actions so not all of the response will be negative, but I think that quite a bit will be. Even some of the positve feedback may return to bite them on the @$$.


    If you need more detail I can provide it later. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.



  5. This came up in the game I was running yesterday. I know my player was planning to "go to the boards" with this one so I thought I'd beat him to the punch.


    We had a speedster and a guy with autofire (among others but they're not important right now). Autofire Guy (AFG) decided to fire off five shots at the Badguy (TBG) and Speedster guy decides that he wants stand behind TBG and Missle Reflect any shots that miss so that TBG gets hit all five shots no matter what. I said no, a small discussion occurred, everyone else agreed with me and the game continued.


    Other than being way too munchkin-y, why is this wrong? More for him than for me.



  6. Re: How Fast Can I Go?


    OK, time to answer some of those questions.


    SPD is 7


    SFX is Magnetic Induction(I think that's what it's called), he locks onto a magnetic field amplifies it's affect on him and decreases the affect of all other magnetic fields on himself thus causing him to move. It's a theory on how UFOs might fly.


    His Flight is bought Usable As Swimming therefore there is no velocity dropoff in the water. His inches in Flight are considered Swimming.


    He does have all the defenses and Life Support needed to survive at that speed through the water.


    Moving at non-Megascaled Flight is not really an option. Well.... it is an option but probably not the best one. He is trying to get to Atlantis as fast as he can. Some Atlanteans(sp?) kidnapped his wife so he is hoping they will not realize that they have a visitor until he is on his way out with her (yes, he can provide her with the ability to survive the trip out).


    Hope that will help with calculations and math stuff. :)



  7. This for all the physics gurus out there.:help:


    I have a character with 10" of Flight, MegaScaled to 1" = 100KM, Usable Underwater.


    The question has arisen "how fast can I go underwater before bad things start to happen to the environment (tsunamis, super-heating & flash-boiling millions of gallons of water, etc.)


    In our campaign the laws of real world physics aren't written in stone but they are written down here... somwhere. Now where did I put those? So you can play a little fast and loose if you so desire.


    Thanks in advance to all those more schooled than me.



  8. Re: Magic ammo suggestions?


    Well to answer these in order.


    1. I would go with Affects Desolid, something non-lethal like an NND or AVLD for when you just have to question that bad-guy, something very lethal like an AP Pen RKA or an NND Does Body RKA for dealing with those pesky robots or zombies, and an Indirect attack that phases through solid objects until it reaches it's target (won't that hostage taker be surprised "What are you going to do, shoot through her?" "Yes, I am."



    2. I would go with two OAFs. This will allow you to fire two different types of rounds in a phase if you have to.


    2 1/2. It does in my game. You'd have to check with your GM.



  9. Re: WWYCD: The Invasion Is On...


    Shadow Hawk:

    Would pass the data onto KnightRaven then as a member of Star*Guard would contact them for help with a diplomatic solution and for backup if diplmacy failed.



    Would assemble the top minds on the planet (some of which are already on the team) to help him analyze the data and come up with plans for earth defense WMDs then before turning the plans over to the UN and all major world governments would add in tech/computer program that would allow him to destroy or take control of the WMDs. Then he would use the data to start planning commando raids on the alien ships.


    Golden Knight:

    Would be part of the think-tank that is going over the data. Then he would start preparing to led troops (superhuman or otherwise) into battle.



    Would gather all the mystics on the planet (hero and villain alike) and get them to researching any earth defense spells. Then she would start preparing to led troops (superhuman or otherwise) into battle.




  10. Got a question for everybody. Let's say Scorpia has a adult child (around 21 or 22) who is better looking than she is. She gave this child up for adoption when she was about 13-14 and is about to find said child. What do you think her reaction should be:


    1. "Of course she's prettier than me, I have improved on perfection."




    2. "How dare that bitch challenge my good looks? She must die like all the rest!"


    I'm kind of curious about how far over the edge everybody thinks she is.



  11. I'm wondering how you folks would go about simulating the martial arts staple of two people fighting together, clasping hands and swinging/whipping each other into bad guys for extra velocity/damage?


    Naturally this would require a teamwork roll, but I was thinking of adding 1/2 the "thrower's" STR to the damage of the "throwee's" attack.


    So, what ya think?


    SAW :slap:

  12. We're making a couple of characters' backrounds tied in with the Empyreans. I only have found a little bit of infoon them in Champions Universe. I have looked in all the other books I own (I don't have all the books, I'm poor you see) and only found a small mention in Until:DOF. I have been unable to find any published characters that have Empyrean backround.


    Are there any mentions or characters that I may have missed?


    Any help would make happy (well, less sad, I'm poor remember).



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