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Posts posted by JohnathanChance

  1. Originally posted by Tom

    I'm not sure of the legality of a pistol in that calibre off hand, but it's certainly nothing I ever want to fire... :eek:


    As a side note, .50BMG is available on the commercial market though it is probably special order in most places and I figure most people would seek it out at gun shows. There are a number of commercially produced rifles chambered for .50BMG, mostly for guys who want a REALLY big gun for plinking with.... :rolleyes:;):D


    At last check a Barret M-82 .50BMG rifle was selling for about 3 grand.


    A note on the .475 Linebaugh, according to an article I read about a year ago in a reputable gun magazine, when this round first started seeing use in beg game hunting in Africa it was found to be able to put an African bull elephant down, permanently, with a single head shot. I know you might be thinking "Of course, they shot the elephant in the head!"

    But an elephant's skull is if I remember correctly about 6" thick. Supossedly after one such shot the hunter wanted to check where his bullet ended up and found it not in the skull but in about the fourth vertebrae. That is a lot of bone to punch through!!

  2. In a Cyberpunk game I had my techie design what he jokingly called LAPHE (laugh) rounds Light Armor Piercing High Explosive rounds, the game mechanic I used for that system was that armor was halved but damage that penetrated the armor wasn't halved, which was the usual method in Cyberpunk. Now I know that doesn't help any but the way i would do it would be to just up the damage on the attack.

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