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About Olympiad

  • Birthday 01/01/1967

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  1. I'm finally starting a Champions campaign after almost a ten year gap - and am looking for outside suggestions for one of my supervillan teams: P.O.W.E.R. (Patriots Of World Economic Reform). Depite their semi-political sounding name, they really are nothing better than international thieves, though some of the more extreme left leaning organizations see them as heroes of a sort. What I'm looking for are pun names as all the members I have so far fit into that mode: Jihad Joe - A Middle Eastern super-soldier Guerilla Gorilla - Intelligent ape with lots of guns (Similar to DC's Monsieur Mallah) Robbin' Hood - Archer Terror-wrist - Think DC's Deadshot Note: Despite the pun names, they shouldn't be joke characters.
  2. I'm looking for some suggestions on how to implement a Magic System similar to the Arcanum CRPG or the one used in the "Harry Dresden - Wizard" series by Jim Butcher. Basically, technology and magic don't mix very well - if you're a strong magic user, technology tends to fizzle when you try to use it (computers fry, car engines conk out, automatic guns jam, etc.) I suppose Unluck fits the bill, but if anyone has other suggestions or suggestions on better quantifying it, I'd appreciate the feedback.
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