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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Re: Re: Re: Re: Sid & Marty Kroft Hero


    Originally posted by tkdguy

    A martial artist flute practices... Kung Flute??! It flies through the air like a boomarang, whacking the bad guys.


    A vampiric flute is more feasible. It drains the life energy of whomever plays it, while making them obsessed with playing it.


    Don't play with your flute. You'll go blind!!! :eek:

  2. Tough one folks, sure to enflame some.


    Luckly, we are all mature aduls for the most part.


    With that said - - -


    How do you feel about religion and villains? Okay, that may be too simplistic, but let's go from there.


    I can think of four specific religious organization's that occur in super powered fiction to cite as a basis of this discussion. The most mainstream two come from DC Comics in the form of Kobra's cult of Kali and Brother Blood's quasi-Catholic (kind of like Santeria) cult.


    The other two are somewhat more obscure, with the Jimmy Swaggard like televangelist from the pages of the Elementals killing followers to get a small percentage to manifest powers and the other from the pages of the Wild Card books with the Church of Jesus Christ, Joker.


    I even took inpiration from the last source to introduce the Church of Jesus Christ, Avatar into my Champions campaign as a christian cult and a major team of bad guys.


    I'm just wondering just how others feel about something as potentially inflammatory as religioous organizations being introduced into a game, especially where they are going to be used as bad guys.


    Keep in mind, although I have a maniacal zealot called Crossbearer in my game (He's basically an EP who uses a cross as his focus.), in my game world, Christianity is regarded as an organization of good.


    So, would you dare touch upon such subjects in your game, or do you prefer to play it safer?

  3. Originally posted by Champsguy


    For all Aquaman's talk about superhuman durability (from surviving that undersea pressure and all), he still got his hand chewed off by piranhas. That means his skin has certain limits as to how tough it is.



    I remember reading that story and thinking how stupid it was. It'd be one thing if they were hideously mutated cyber-piranhas, but normal ones shouldn't have had a chance.

  4. I'm just a bit skeptical about how well this product is actually going to do. To draw an unually analogy, I've always looked at HERO like the hardcore drug of gaming. Almost nobody came into it as their first game. Most of us wound up getting in through the "gateway" games like D&D or WOD.


    HERO has always seemed like the Mt. Everest for gamers who tired of loping over the rolling hills of TSR's old stuff. Maybe Sidekick will allow HERO to be more accessable to the noobies. It will be interesting to find out.

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