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Posts posted by jmurphy

  1. i still don't understand how one acquires fuel out in the wild in traveller. how do those scoops function? if i'm planning on making some jumps into the wild blue yonder what kind of planning do i need to make?

  2. i'm starting to convert my previous fantasy campaigns to hero 5th. what are some of your favorite ways to use our ultimate gamers toolkit to give your characters attack and parry skills with their weapons. the most interesting seems to be based on designing off of the martial arts skill, but also the most time consuming. i know i could buy fantasy hero, but i want to try and stick with the 5th edition black book for rules and all my original rule/source books for the particular details.

  3. i would like to use the martial block skill as a parry with weapon ability in my fantasy campaign. this manuever gives +2ocv/+2dcv. is this a correct interpretation, i apply the +2ocv on my attempt to parry, then if i miss my attack (parry) roll, my opponent is now attacking me at a -2 due to my increased dcv. i've also given up my attack this segment. only against this opponent if our next action segments are at the same time will i have the chance to strike first.

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