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Posts posted by Avatar

  1. I'm the same way Enforcer, always played some kind of Brick. Colossus ripoffs to my current Avatar; strong, hard to hurt, and headstrong.



    So a few years ago we started a kid campaign, everyone make a teenager that is just learning their powers.


    So I made I.Q. Teenage coffee addict and mental Illusionist.

    16d6 Mental Illusions, 8d6 Mental Illusions AOE 4" any area


    2pd/2ed 29 int and Ego, but like 8 str



    I actually had to start thinking my way out of trouble, and I grew to love it. Damn shame about that brain tummor, now he is vegtable lad.

  2. Avatar would ask his team if they had any kind of dream like that, and if not would make the Twilight Girl in charge of them duiring this mission to make sure it isn't one of his own choices that prompted this long distance thought call. Also check in with Insight, the team precog to make sure she is trying to focus on this possible problem.

  3. ohmygod, Starspawn........


    How the Evil that is Marvel Rp gets in your clothes and never comes out. Chris, our GM...cough*power mad fool*cough....

    used this Craphead to screw with us at every turn, even winning against him was a loss after finding out what was really going on. Oh, I need to see my ols friend and hit him again for this memory.


    Oh Evil stink, it makes me head hurt.



    Oh, and for a name: Broken Bones

  4. you know, I completely forgot about him, created hard air and wore a really stupid suit. Stayed for a short while, wasn't seen again until Thunderbolts, when he was interviewed in his civilian ID and the hard air he left with the Roxxon corp was used to make hard air bullets.



    I read way too much.


    My Windshear was our speedster, made the char before the comic did if memory serves, but can't be sure.

  5. Nykon


    An amazon sharing physical space mysticly with a young Greek woman, she is our light brick and tactician. Her true ability is that she always (so far) hits what she throws at, and can toss Buicks if need be. Her name is spelled incorrectly according to her, but I like this on better.




  6. Twilight Girl


    Should also say, all of my drawings are using Bruce Timm templates that Winterhawk gave a link to on page two of this thread, except for Twilight Girl. She is a Wonder Woman X I think it was that I think someone posted on this thread, I just remeber copying the pic and transforming the colors to fit our flying brick. Always remember, no picture I post was ever truly mine, casue I can't draw....... just imagine.


    So, Twilight Girl.




  7. Oh, if Dichord is jumping on the boat, I just gotta....


    GET SOME!!!!!!!



    Steel Justice (after the movie)



    Dingo Kid (I'm not Kidding)



    I.Q. (yes, a mentalist)

    Mr. Marvel






    I/O (for input/output)


    Jackrabbit (Avatar as a kid, don't ask)

    Phenomenon (a friends speeder)

  8. Avatar, also known as Steel.


    pd/ed in the 30's resistant and hardened, 50% damage reduction pd/ed 30 power defense, self regeneration and healing, super leap (but not by str) and a 12d6 ha kick, double NB.


    Leads his worlds UN sanctioned superteam, Legion. As an ex police officer and firefighter, he understands teamwork and feels he is the best person to lead the team. He is normally wrong in that regard, but being the last one standing in every fight so far has convinced the team he makes a damn good combat leader, and they ignore him mostly the rest of the time.

  9. The impulsive character would be our speeder, Blitz. And normally as Heros backed by the U.N., we would just come forward and tell our side, how with all the visable armor it was thought he could take above normal amount of effort to stun or disable.


    But now that Blitz is the secret ID for Mr.Quick, the well known super speeder that joined Menton and is hunted by the U.N . for criminal activity, I would step forward and and take the blame myself as leader of the Legion. This way my personal rep would help, and hopefuly noone would be looking to long and hard at Blitz.

  10. Yes, it happens all the time.


    Playing a game, I'm the mentalist leader I.Q.


    I.Q. "I don't want to be leader."

    Team" Too bad, we voted and think you are the best choice."

    I.Q. " I quit as leader then."

    Team" We won't let you, your it."

    I.Q. "Ok, ok. Then lets have a practice session."

    Team " Thats a dumb idea, we don't have to listen to you, dog pile on the mentalist."



    Then all 6 team members, including the 7 foot 350lb Jock (ie. brick) could jump on the 2PD/2ED mentalist, cause it was fun.



    And they wondered why I used Mental Illusions on them so often. Yeesh!

  11. Quotes from just this weekend:


    " GM- The front of the train just misses striking you as it bounces over your head.

    Nikon- Bet you wet yourself.

    Avatar- yep, but thats why I wear a black costume and extra large boots."


    Our new Shrinker/Grower Flux has just grown to her 24 foot tall form to keep a train from sliding downhill into a bigger mess than it already is, and since we are in an Oriental local, and it is highly offensive to people with tact and class, Blitz yells out, " Godzirra, Godzirra, run for your rives!"



    Trapped in the cave-in of the train, four of us, mutants all, are being bombarded by a mutant Inhibitor field and four villans( Scorpia, Ripper, Bora, and Muerte) are stalking in on us. We are wounded, SLOOOOOOOOW, and terribly outclassed at the moment.

    Scorpia- Now I'm finally going to kill you all.

    Blitz- Get Some!!!

    We couldn't stop laughing,

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