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Vermithrax's Achievements

  1. This actually leads happily to something I was going to ask - since Supers must buy everything with character points, this must include household items, utensils, etc. What is the most mundane thing anyone has designed with the Hero rules? (What is the damage class of a non-electric egg whisk anyway?!)
  2. Not really useless so much as as wildly destructive - The Definitive Doctor Who - and leave it with a group of Dr Who fans! (Before you ask, yes I am!!)
  3. Funny that you should mention how 'average' James Earl Jones until he speaks when his main alter-ego (Mr Vader) has presence without saying a single word!
  4. Since that was my first posting I was very pleased with the rapid response and the plethora of suggestions - thanks! (yes it was GURPS but I though that might counted as a rude word here! and Vermithrax is indeed a dragon's name - if you've never seen Dragonslayer do yourself a favour, I don't think even Peter Jackson CGI could compare!)
  5. This is, as you will see, several questions at once - I don't know if this is ethical, but they all have the same origin, so I hope no body will mind! I have found a few things in another game system (no names, but it's generic and universal) and I have been trying to translate them into Hero terms - and failed utterly! Firstly, is there any way of emulating a terminal illness which the character starts with (a bit existential I know!). Obviously this would be a Disadvantage, but what sort (especially if drugs can slow it down, but not necessarily halt it)? Next; the universally generic game system has a skill called Scrounging, which gives the character the ability to find (potentially) useful items (obviously different to the standard search when a character knows what they're looking for). Presumably this should be a very low powered luck with some limitation so it can only be used for such a purpose (does -1 sound OK?) And finally, this other RPG has an advantage called Voice which gives the character a nice, clear voice that people respond well to - I intend to reproduce this with a 5 Point (+1 with similar) Skill Level. If, however, I wanted an annoying, unpleasant voice, what would be the best solution - or would Distinctive Feature cover both possibilities?
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