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Posts posted by Eodin

  1. Maybe my brain is tired, but I'm having trouble with a magic system I'm creating, and I need some suggestions. I'm trying to come up with a reasonable way of having long-lasting spells that cost END in END per turn or END per minute or END per hour. Here's an example: Torchlight...Images to Sight (10), 2-hex radius (+1/4); Only to create light (-1), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (-1/4), Magic Skill (-0).

    This spell should last 1 hour for every 3 END from the END Reserve that the caster spends at casting time.


    I could add the Uncontolled advantage, but then it costs 1 END per phase. If I make it Half END, it's still 1 END per phase; If I make it Zero END, it's Zero END. And maybe that's the answer...bring it down to Zero END, but apply an arbitrary (I hate arbitrary) -0 that defines it to be whatever I want... 3 END per Turn, 2 END per Hour, etc.


    Anyway, I'm looking for something not quite so arbitrary. Anyone have some bright ideas?

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