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Posts posted by Stompy

  1. Guys:


    Thanks for the feedback. I got the idea from the magical items listed in, "Undiscovered: The quest for adventure." The book is in no way intended to be comical. I envisioned the game having some strong Black Ops \ political intrigue elements from every arch type. (street, church, royal court(s), wilderness, mages, etc.) Plus, I plan on really playing up the moral flexibility that may be required to keep the books existence \ location secret.


    To answer a few questions:

    I WAS looking on recommendations on stating out the book. However, I agree it is unnecessary.

    I was also wondering if the plot sounded like game that would be enjoyable.

    Recommendations are always welcome.



  2. I have an idea I got from another game system, and thought it might make an excellent Fantasy Hero adventure.


    Dwdal Valmek was a dwarf brewer that developed magic to enhance the taste of his beer. As a gift to the Royal Family, Dwdal gave the King Hardin his crowing achievement, a book called "Dwdal's ancient brew master guide." The beer brewed from this guide has a significant magical effect. It is so delicious that after a single glass the drinker refuses to drink any other beer or other forms of alcohol. The King quickly perceived the danger in such a book, and quickly hid it in the hands of his most trusted brew masters. Over time, whispers of the magical guide has reached the ears of other Dwarven Kings. It has been at the center of numerous political intrigues, and outright hostilities. Thankfully, word of the book has been isolated to Dwarven royalty... until now.

    The brewer's guide has been stolen. Should it be used to brew beer and others drink of it, the affect would be wide reaching and extremely severe. Wars, economic collapse, or even conquering the entire world by the power of beer.

    Obviously, the brewer's guide will need to be discreetly retrieved. Those who know of it will need to be silenced, etc.


    Meta plot: Taken directly from Never Winter nights, an ancient race of evil doers is attempting to take over the world. This adventure is the first time the party perceives someone is discreetly pulling strings.


    So, what do you think? Also, how would make the book? 

  3. "Look, when a vastly superior alien culture comes all this way to take over your world there are certain rules of planetary conquest that apply. For example, when someone points a glock-vected hypothermic cosmo blaster at you, its a good indication you are about to become toast."


    "Oh sit down and Shut up!"


    "Ok, in your case, a whole loaf of toast."

  4. Once upon a year, I played in a PBM 1st edition D&D game that was nothing but team mass combat. Each team had X experience points to spend on their army, but was limited to a max amount per unit.

    For example: A team could use 1000 zombies, 100 ghosts, or 1 Litch.


    Each team had a set starting point, one defending a keep, the other attacking it.


    Would any of you be interested in participating or even GMing such a game...? Uusing HERO rules naturally... I feel it would be a real hoot.



  5. Re: Roman Martial Art, comments please


    I agree that a martial art for the Roman army is a poor idea. A significant bump to STR, some cool tactical maneuvers, and some abilities based on Roman Military discipline would work much better.


    On a side note: Think of the possibilities if you had a PC / NPC use Roman Geko style martial arts. It would use tons of Escapes, Grabs, NND attacks, and HKA’s against joints. If you use sweeps, add some redirect attacks and it gets real ugly…. OUCH.


    As an Example… Think Royce Gracie in the Ultimate Fighting Championships.

  6. Re: How do you get players to role play in genre?


    My vote is to find new players. Seriously….


    I have seen MANY times where GM’s accept people into their game because they want/ need players, but eventually a rift develops between the player(s) and GM over what kind of game is going to be played. One camp wants H&S and the other wants more role-playing.


    To help eliminate conflicts like the one you are experiencing, my whole gaming group does not allow the boyfriend, girlfriend, friend of a friend syndrome into our group. We actually interview potential players for gaming habits and expectations similar to our own. When someone expresses interest in attending a game we tell them they will need to “meet the guys.†Then, over dinner or a beer or two, we ask them to describe the types of games they have played or GM’d. If they are not inconsistent with our gaming style they are asked to attend the game.


    The good news is that we have discovered that some people just don’t play certain genre’s well. They are cool people, and we are great friends, but we simply cannot invite them to play in certain games. On the flip side… those same people are fantastic when placed in right genre. You just have to match the game to the player.

  7. Thanks


    Just wanted to chime in and say thanks for all the great replies.


    I haven’t decided what powers to give the slivers. I’m leaning toward creating rare major slivers that have individual powers, and frequent minor ones that simply add advantages. Now that I think about it... I will create a generic sliver that is nothing more than cannon fodder for the Pc's. When some of it's larger tribe members arrive however, things will change.


    I picture them looking like little featureless creatures that are more of a curiosity than a threat. As more interesting slivers come on the scene, the features change to reflect their new ability. AKA: claws, larger muscles, more frightening features. (What were those little black guys called in the MAX comic?)


    Killer Shrike, Dude… I appreciate your input, but beware of tangents. You were hijacking my thread. Shame on you.

  8. I have a scene in a future game that requires the PC's to fight a hive minded race which they have never encountered. I want to talor the race after the Slivers in a card game I saw once called "Magic: The Gathering."


    According to the card game, an individual Sliver has a single ability, but is otherwise weak. When other Slivers are nearby that have a different ability, they gain the ability of their fellow Sliver. AKA, if one can fly, they all can fly. If one is very strong, they all are very strong.


    It goes withoug saying... you DO NOT want a bunch of these things near each other.


    Anyone have suggestion on how to build such a creature?

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