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Everything posted by CaptainVictory

  1. We wound up calling it the equivalent of a failed Move Through, using the STR (40) and speed (35mph) of the vehicle. The character wound up taking 16d6 of normal damage. The character driving threw a 3 on his attack roll, thus doing max damage. Badly injured and deeply unconscious (we're playing super agents, with NCM), the character blew through the wall and wound up in a pile of wreckage inside the shop, still clutching the side mirror of the truck in one hand, and her pistol in the other.
  2. Last night during a "danger room" session, one of the PCs was hanging on to a moving 2.5 ton truck. It had accelerated to 35 mph when the driver managed to clip the side of a building with the unfortunate character who was hanging on. Can somebody help me through the calculations for how many DCs that would be? Or point me to a resource on the web? We're assuming the building was made out of normal brick and mortar. Thanks
  3. I'm stuck without my book, and need a list of the PRE based skills. Can anyone point me to a resource? Thanks!
  4. I assume that the damage for Club Weapon maneuver would be reduced for high powered firearms? My assumption is that a buttstroke from an M-1 (2d6+1) doesn't do 7d6 of Normal damage... Should I use the value for a regular club (4d6) instead?
  5. I've got a question about Blazing Away. Is the intent that the character performing the maneuver declare how many shots (s)he is taking before starting the attack rolls? Or do you get to roll until you either hit or run out of END? Also, I assume that you can only hit the target once using the Blaze Away maneuver? Or can you get a hit, and keep rolling to see if you get another before you run out of END or charges? I'm confused because of the wording on Autofire attacks being used to Blaze Away: "An Autofire attack may be used to Blaze Away, but ... can only hit with one attack out of each "burst" fired"
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