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Everything posted by Sabersonic

  1. Re: What FTL Drives do people use in their campaigns? And what techno bable do you us As a possible add-on for Cancer's questions on how FTL can affect one's campaign, here's a list of possible FTL types on Atomic Rockets.
  2. Re: What FTL Drives do people use in their campaigns? And what techno bable do you us Kinda late on my end, but I'll try to recall my own setting's FTL tech for the various extrasolar nations of humanity. *ahem* "Though the separate Space-Time of what is more popularly known as hyperspace has been known in previous decades before the collapse and the resulting anarchy known as the Great Riot, humanity of the Golden Age was only able to send electromagnetic waves through the chaotic quagmire of energy and radiation which surrounds the trans-spacetime portal. That has been true until the middle of the Great Global War when the Earth Orbit Theater has become an active combat field fought between constellations of spacecraft designed purely for the elimination of the other rather than a simple shooting gallery of space planes and the Alliance of Nations invested in various super weapons to circumvent the anti-orbital defenses of the Coalition of Nations. "One such weapon utilized the unstable nature of the Hyperspace Wormhole as an offensive weapon which could be projected upon the Earth's surface from orbit. On that fateful day upon a lunar proving ground, humanity's FTL engine was accidentally discovered when the Hyperspace Rift Projector suddenly teletransported itself from the lunar surface and into lunar orbit where the derelict satellite commissioned for the test was destroyed. Though the understanding of the basic physics of what is now known as the Hyperspace Warp Dive system would not be known without centuries of painful trial and error, that did not stop those desperate enough to escape the carnage of the then apocalyptic war to whatever star systems they could reach with the lagrangian points as locations of departure under the foolish paradigm that FTL requires an absence of strong gravitational fields for operation. In truth, it was the stellar masses which allowed for economic transit between star systems with minimal time dilation, with the polar zenith of any given star the ideal Hyperspace Warp Dive-in points and the Equatorial plane of these stars the common Hyperspace Warp Dive-out points. Those early refugees who dived through the lagrangian points had to supplement this lack of gravitational force with high outputs from their onboard power cores which increased the time dilation exponentially. Though modern Hyperspace Dives would appear to be only mere seconds through what is best described as a 'roller coaster from the deepest pit of hell itself' for those upon the starcraft itself and measured in days for those outside the craft, the exodus fleets had traversed hyper space-time in the span of roughly an hour when it actually took a century or even more to the rest of the universe. It may have taken the scattered settlements of humanity within and without the solar system centuries to fully understand the operation of the Hyperspace Warp Dive system, but once it was understood an interstellar economy and astro-political system arose and with it the rise of interstellar Nation-States. Though there were other extrasolar sapient species and cultures who have devised their own method of interstellar travel, and vastly slower compared to the interstellar empires of the enemy Entente, the Hyperpspace Warp Dive system is the fastest form of FTL. Still, woe be to those who take the Hyperspace Warp dive lightly." Like I said, it was late on my end.
  3. Re: Blasters: why? Weaponized laser sidearms don't exactly cause the kind of damage as seen in most sci-fi and space opera. This article on laser side arms should give some detail on the subject at hand. And here's a quote on what kind of damage a laser "bolt" would do to flesh. On another blog, it's described as having a cherry bomb explode in one's body. In short, it's not going to be as pretty as seen in tv and movies, but rather more graphic and bloody.
  4. Re: Blasters: why? Weaponized laser sidearms don't exactly cause the kind of damage as seen in most sci-fi and space opera. This article on laser side arms should give some detail on the subject at hand. And here's a quote on what kind of damage a laser "bolt" would do to flesh. On another blog, it's described as having a cherry bomb explode in one's body. In short, it's not going to be as pretty as seen in tv and movies, but rather more graphic and bloody.
  5. I specifically registered as a member of this forum just so that I may have clarification on my Star Hero: 5th Edition book. To put it simply, where is the Life-Form Table as mentioned on the Planet Creation Form PDF? There is a Life Complexity Table and there's a rule in varying the type of life form complexity, but there is no table to indicate on a random role wether a world has native life forms or not. Is this particular table missing and that there's an Eratta that I could locat or is it one of those "you decide if it does or not" kind of rules? Many thanks to those who help me in my present inquiry.
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