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Everything posted by SMKun

  1. Re: A/R Cost WTH is it? Actually that answered my question. For some reason it just didn't hit me that's what was being done there, making the "power" that is the piece of equipment.
  2. Ok I've searched and have been unable to find an explanation. What is the A/R Cost of equipment? How is it calculated? Ans if it's in the book could somebody please tell me where. I've searched the equipment section, index and forums here. Thanks in advance, SMKun
  3. Thanks for all the advice. We'll be revisiting this character again soon with the player.
  4. Quoted from Hero 5th Ed book, page 206. "Fixed slots must take up the full amount of multipower reserve points assigend to them. A character DOESN'T have to usa a Power in a fixed slot at full effect, but it still uses up its full amount if Multipower Reserve points." I guess you were doing it wrong.
  5. Ok here is the revised version based on comments/advice. Titan Prime Player: Nathan Val Char Cost 40 STR 30 20 DEX 30 30 CON 40 20 BODY 20 10 INT 0 15 EGO 10 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 20 PD 2 20 ED 4 4 SPD 10 15 REC 2 75 END 8 50 STUN -5 6" RUN02" SWIM08" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 156 Cost Power END 30 Radioactive Hide: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) 0 63 Cosmic Rays: Multipower, 94-point reserve, (94 Active Points); all slots Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2) 9m 1) Cosmic Blast: Energy Blast 15d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (94 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2), Limited Range (1/2 Range; -1/4), No Knockback (-1/4) 3 2u 2) Ground Zero: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (2" radius; +3/4) (79 Active Points); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), No Range (Centered on Self; -1/2), Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2), No Knockback (-1/4) [2] 4m 3) Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2) 0 3u 4) Armor Piercing (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) for up to 40 Active Points of STR (40 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2) 0 25 Cosmic Winds: Flight 13", x4 Noncombat (31 Active Points); Requires A CON Roll (-1/4) 3 45 Life Support (Eating Character only has to eat once per week; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Longevity 1600 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 0 15 Cosmic Senses: Radar (Radio Group) 0 3 Cosmic Senses: Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group) 0 5 Cosmic Senses: Microscopic (x10) with Sight Group 0 5 Cosmic Senses: +3 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group 0 6 Cosmic Senses: +6 PER with Normal Hearing 0 Powers Cost: 215 Cost Skill 6 +3 with Cosmic Blast 10 +2 with HTH Combat 2 AK: Millennium City 11- 3 Persuasion 12- 3 Teamwork 13- 3 Tactics 11- 3 Mimicry 11- 0 Language: English (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points) Skills Cost: 30 Total Character Cost: 400 Val Disadvantages 20 Distinctive Features: Awkward Size: 9' 650Lbs (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 20 Distinctive Features: Odd skin, black with white specs (actual small radioactive exposions on skin) (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 20 Psychological Limitation: Lacks life experience. Only been "alive" for 3 years. (Very Common, Strong) 15 Social Limitation: Nationaly recongnized hero. (Frequently, Major) 15 Social Limitation: Created Crey clone. Secret. (Occasionally, Severe) 30 Hunted: Crey Industries 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture) 15 Hunted: The Elementals 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish) 15 Susceptibility: Lead, 1d6 damage per Phase in contact with (Uncommon) Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 250 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  6. Ok the back story is a bit long, we've gone overboard on it. It's still missing the most recent part his re-awakening. The character still needs about 50 points of Disads so I can get him up to the 400 point range. He definately needs a few more skills, like AK: Ancient Egypt and a few others. Tell me what you think. Thanks for all the advice/comments. Shroud 331 B.C. Alexander the Great invades and conquers Egypt. The city of Alexandria is founded to be the future capitol of the Egyptian territory. At the direction of Alexander the Egyptian sorcerer-priests are stripped of their instruments of power, including every copy of the Book of the Dead. The order responsible for the protection of the Pharaoh, the Guardians of the Secrets, escapes into the western desert with the last surviving copy of the powerful spellbook. 323 B.C. Alexander the Great dies in Babylon of unknown causes after falling ill at a party. 322 B.C. With the death of his master Alexander, Greek general Ptolemy claims Egypt as his own. The Ptolemaic dynasty is the last that will see a Pharaoh on the throne of Egypt. With the crowning of Ptolemy I Soter, the Guardians of the Secrets return from the desert to offer themselves – and the last true copy of the Book of the Dead – to the service of the Pharaoh. Accepting their offer, Ptolemy is given access to centuries of forgotten Egyptian lore that had been entrusted to the Guardians. The relationship between the Ptolemaic pharaohs and the Guardians of Secrets survives until 30 B.C. and the Roman conquest of Egypt. 31 B.C Roman Emperor Octavian defeats the Egyptian forces of Cleopatra VII and her lover Mark Antony. Virtually the entire order of the Guardians of Secrets is either killed in battle or put to death by the Romans. While history reports that Cleopatra and Antony commit suicide, they actually order the last surviving member of the Guardians – Nizari Isma’ilis – to kill them rather than let them become playthings of Octavian. And so the story of Nizari Isma’ilis begins… Nizari did not have time to think about the murders he had just committed, though Queen Cleopatra called them mercy killings. Even at the end, it was her wish to deny the Roman bastards anything they could use against the people of Egypt. The footfalls of nearly a hundred Roman soldiers – Octavian’s bodyguards – hammered the floor behind him. Were it not for the Guardians superior knowledge of the palace, Nizari would already be dead. All he had to do was get to the hidden water landing, Henni and the other priests had a boat waiting to help him escape. The noose was tightening though, as more Roman soldiers joined the hunt with every passing minute. Finally, Nizari found the hidden door and tripped the latch. A swarm of javelins bounced off the sturdy stone door as he slipped into the dark. Barring the door from the inside, he knew that it would take the Romans too long to get through – he had escaped. Letting his fingers follow the guideline through the dark, a pinpoint of light appeared in the distance. The hammering on the door behind grew fainter with every step. The priest motioned frantically, a small palm candle the only light to go by. It was a pitch-black night, and they would need its cover to elude the angry Romans. After Nizari stepped into the reed boat, Henni and the other three priests began to paddle them out into the Nile. The covered exit ran for several hundred feet, and then they could escape into the ancient irrigation tunnel that would take them to the Papyrus Swamp and the Temple of Anubis. Luck was with them, as no watcher noticed them during the few seconds they were out of cover. The journey through the old irrigation tunnel was arduous, but far better than the alternative should they have been caught. Of the 333 Guardians of the Secrets, only Nizari remained alive. If the future of the order, and the secret archive of Egypt were to be saved, the ritual of stone would have to be performed quickly. The Romans were on the hunt for him now, and the free members of the priesthood as well. It was only a matter of time before they got what they wanted, but they could not win once the ritual was complete. After a journey of several hours, the priests paddled into the docking area of the temple. A pair of armored priests with khopesh stood guard in the night, moving aside to let the party enter the sanctum. A great stone box waited in the center of the temple, and a single brazier gave off a feeble light. Incense drifted down into the room from censers that hung in the rafters, completely eliminating the stench of swamp gas. Only a dozen senior priests had made it to the temple for the ritual, but it was enough. Three acolytes stripped Nizari down and bathed him from head to foot. Henni took the Guardians khopesh from Nizari and laid it reverently on the altar. Two more priests carried in a large urn that had been carefully sealed with wax. Breaking the seal, they took turns dipping a ladle into the container and then pouring the contents over the sword. While the acolytes continued to purify Nizari and prepare him for the ritual, the priests performed a different ritual that would enchant the khopesh. The urn contained blood from every one of the 332 fallen Guardians, and the sword would be anointed with their mingled blood 332 times before blood was taken from Nizari himself for the 333rd blessing. The ritual would create a powerful relic for the restoration of freedom to Egypt. The ritual of the sword took more than an hour, during which the purification of Nizari was completed. Finally, a priest cut the palm of Nizari’s right hand and collected the blood that flowed out. The chanting rose in volume as the final ladle of blood anointed the sword, and the ritual was complete. The blade had turned blood red, but radiated pure sunlight. A priest quickly wrapped the blade in linen, careful not to actually touch the weapon. The fully swathed khopesh was then dipped in paraffin and placed carefully in the stone box. Now it was time for the ritual of stone. A wooden temple chair was brought forward, and Henni led Nizari to the seat. Acolytes hurried to bring out all the tools of the master embalmer of Anubis. The old man came forward, raised a golden cup to Nizari’s lips and let him drink deep of the drugged wine. Warmth suffused through his body, eliminating all sensation while preserving Nizari’s awareness of the events that were transpiring. While half of the priests began to chant over the Book of the Dead, the embalmer began the exsanguinations. A metal tube was inserted into one wrist, draining his blood into a funerary urn. Another tube, connected to a bellows pump, was inserted into the other wrist. For every drop of blood that was drained, a drop of the elixir of stone was pumped in to replace it. The elixir was a combination of fantastic ingredients from creatures of legend – royal jelly produced by the titanic bees of Kilimajaro to the south, the blood and venom of the giant emperor scorpions that the Guardians used as watch-beasts, and untold other wonders. With this mixture running through his veins, Nizari would become the Guardian Emancipator, and the savior of the enslaved people of Egypt. Unfortunately, as the ritual was nearing its completion, Roman soldiers found the temple and fought their way inside. The Praetorian centurion prevented the slaughter of the priests, but chose to make an example of the last guardian. The tubes were pulled from Nizari’s body, and the priests were ordered to encase him in the embalming wrap that was prepared for him. All but a drop of the elixir had made it into his body, and all but a drop of his own blood had been removed. The ritual was all but completed, the tragedy of it being the single trace of mortality that remained in the body of the Emancipator. Once the wrap was applied, the centurion ordered his men to put Nizari in the stone box that had been prepared for him. As they did so, Henni erupted with a last desperate act. Reading from the Book of the Dead, the loyal son of Egypt – and Nizari’s brother – was able to finish the ritual enchantment before a Roman gladius cut him down. With his lifeblood pouring out of him in a great spray, Henni spit out a final spell…and a prayer of sorts as well. The spell was a last gift of protection for his beloved older brother, and Nizari felt his brother die as the spell took hold on him. The prayer, however, was given great power as Henni stood at the threshold of the land of the dead. Anubis was the guardian of the entrance to that realm, and as the dying prayer was made in the first and oldest temple of the jackal-headed god, he was listening. Nizari’s last thought was of revenge against those who prey upon the weak and defenseless, and Anubis chose him to be the realization of Henni’s final prayer. Someday, the Emancipator would rise up to fight for those in need. Nizari fell into a black and dreamless sleep as the Romans put him in the sarcophagus. Without knowing why, the centurion gathered up the Book of the Dead and placed it beneath Nizari’s head as a sort of pillow. The surviving priests were ordered to finish sealing the stone box and then made to watch as the Roman soldiers pushed the coffin through the temple arch and out onto the dock. The Papyrus Swamp ran deep, and the muck beneath the surface was known to swallow a man in seconds if he became mired. Even the temple itself had been built on an elaborate network of floats, essentially an artificial floating island. Laughing uproariously, the soldiers tipped the stone box off the dock into the bottomless depths of the swamp. The priests looked on in horror as their last hope for Egypt’s freedom was lost. The Romans then bound each of the priests and tied weights around their necks. One by one, they were pushed into the swamp to join Nizari in a slimy grave. With the last priest dispatched, the temple was set afire and the soldiers left. With the morning light, all trace of the temple massacre was gone. The Roman Empire would be nothing more than a topic in history classed when Nizari returned to the light of day. Note: The single drop of mortality is a lead-in for something you mentioned as being key to the character of Shroud. You see, that single bit of mortality allowed Nizari to age, and decay, during the many centuries he was imprisoned. Admittedly, this happened at a very slow rate, but it is continuing even as he lives to fight crime in the present day. So he kind of stinks, and is slowly but surely moving towards a point where he will return to the dust from whence he came. Of course, there is a catch to it all too…the Book of the Dead has the spells necessary to restore him to the condition he was in before the decay started – which was basically a very powerful guy who ages very slowly. However, when the Brits dug his sarcophagus up, the contents were divvied up between several parties, and have yet to turn up. So, the Book is missing, and the sword could be too if you want. Shroud Player: Mike Val Char Cost 20 STR 10 30 DEX 60 20 CON 20 20 BODY 20 13 INT 3 20 EGO 20 10 PRE 0 0 COM -5 15 PD 11 15 ED 11 6 SPD 20 15 REC 14 50 END 5 50 STUN 10 6" RUN00" SWIM-24" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 197 Cost Power END 43 Undead: Life Support (Eating Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Longevity Immortal; Safe in Intense Cold; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping Character does not sleep) 0 15 Undead Body: Damage Resistance (15 PD/15 ED) 0 10 Undead: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) for up to 20 Active Points of STR (10 Active Points) 0 5 Undead Awareness: Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with Normal Sight 0 5 Undead Body: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 0 8 +4 PER with Normal Hearing and Normal Sight 0 14 Undead: Healing 2 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 0 21 Nizari's Khopesh: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6+1 (3d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (52 Active Points); OAF (Khopesh; -1), No Knockback (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4) 5 Powers Cost: 121 Cost Skill 4 +2 with Khopesh 3 Acrobatics 15- 9 Analyze: Combat 15- 3 Breakfall 15- 0 Language: Egyptian (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points) 2 Language: English (fluent conversation) 3 Stealth 15- 3 Shadowing 12- Skills Cost: 27 Cost Talent 5 Eidetic Memory Talents Cost: 5 Total Character Cost: 350 Val Disadvantages 25 Distinctive Features: Mummified (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Physical Limitation: No sense of taste/smell (All the Time, Slightly Impairing) 15 Physical Limitation: Only sees Black/White (All the Time, Slightly Impairing) 25 Social Limitation: Being Undead (Very Frequently, Severe) 15 Reputation: Undead, 14- 5 Money: Poor Disadvantage Points: 100 Base Points: 250 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  7. Ok here is a concept that one of my players wants to try out. Tell me what you folks might thing his powers would be and do you like the idea? Name: "Veritas" (which is Latin for truth.) From the Latin phrase that translates "In wine there is truth" By Day: A mild mannered sommelier (wine steward) with an encyclopedic knowledge of wines, super smell and super taste. Can name the grapes, vintage, wineries and even specific vineyards through a sip of any wine. He is also a human polygraph, able to detect lies in anyone after he has a glass of wine. A glass of wine will also allow him to speak the language of the country of origin of the wine. i.e. A French wine allows him to speak French. Super Form: He becomes a humanoid in liquid form, that liquid being wine. In this form, he possesses the ability to make his opponents drunk, or to even make them pass out, or have a memory lapse, or vomit.
  8. Naked power that's exactly the idea I was looking for. Thanks!! One question though, how do you come up with the 16DC? For some reason I can't get my head around the DC stuff. Thanks for the kind words on the story. Keep your eyes opend for my next one Shroud, I think a lot of people might like him.
  9. He's only been sentient for about 3 years. Not much time to learn many skills.
  10. Awesome thanks again!! I can see that math now. One last question on this one. How would you handle this in Hero Designer?
  11. Please forgive the newb in me. How would I go about "spending" the points to make the reast of the punch AP/Pen. I assume you mean the 8d6 from STR. Thanks again!
  12. Awesome thanks CrosshairCollie and Vex for your advice. I'll look into making some of the changes you suggested. I don't have to worry to much about combat down time as I am the GM in this one and he will be an NPC. But I do see your point if I were to ever play him in a game. But given his lack of life experience I see him as on of those characters is will always be "trying" to help, but..... Thanks again!!
  13. Having just started Champions this past week, here is my first hero. TitanPrime, originally made for Silver Age Sentinals and to play on City of Heros. Let me know what you think.Titan PrimePlayer: Nathan Val Char Cost 40 STR 30 20 DEX 30 30 CON 40 20 BODY 20 10 INT 0 15 EGO 10 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 20 PD 2 20 ED 4 4 SPD 10 15 REC 2 75 END 8 60 STUN 5 6" RUN02" SWIM08" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 166Cost Power END 53 Cosmic Rays: Multipower, 80-point reserve, (80 Active Points); all slots Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2) 4u 1) Cosmic Blast: Energy Blast 16d6 (80 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2), Limited Range (1/2 Range; -1/4), No Knockback (-1/4) 8 2u 2) Ground Zero: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect (2" radius; +3/4) (79 Active Points); 2 Charges (-1 1/2), No Range (Centered on Self; -1/2), Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Slightly Radio Active (within 1" radius); -1/2), No Knockback (-1/4) [2] 33 Powered Punch: Hand-To-Hand Attack +5d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (50 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 5 25 Cosmic Winds: Flight 10", x4 Noncombat 2 45 Life Support (Eating Character only has to eat once per week; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Longevity 1600 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 0 15 Cosmic Senses: Radar (Radio Group) 0 3 Cosmic Senses: Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group) 0 5 Cosmic Senses: Microscopic (x10) with Sight Group 0 5 Cosmic Senses: +3 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group 0 6 Cosmic Senses: +6 PER with Normal Hearing 0 30 Cosmic Skin: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) 0 Powers Cost: 226Cost Skill 0 Language: English (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points) 3 Persuasion 12- 6 +3 with Cosmic Blast Skills Cost: 9Val Disadvantages 20 Distinctive Features: Awkward Size: 9' 650Lbs (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 20 Distinctive Features: Odd skin, black with white specs (actual small radioactive exposions on skin) (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 20 Psychological Limitation: Lacks life experience. Only been "alive" for 3 years. (Very Common, Strong) 15 Social Limitation: Nationaly recongnized hero. (Frequently, Major) 15 Social Limitation: Created Crey clone. Secret. (Occasionally, Severe) 30 Hunted: Crey Industries 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture) 15 Hunted: The Elementals 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish) 15 Susceptibility: Lead, 1d6 damage per Phase in contact with (Uncommon) Disadvantage Points: 150Base Points: 250Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 400 Height: 2.75 m Hair: None Weight: 300.00 kg Eyes: Glowing White Appearance: Personality: Quote:Background: During World War 2, it was a priority for Hitler to come up with an answer to other nations’ metahuman advancements. With the US revealing the American Sentinel, and the Soviet sponsored Muzhik, he knew that if he were to have any chance at all to win the war he would need an answer to these super beings. Hitler assigned two groups to this daunting task. One would go on to create “Black Crow†and the “Ubermensch.†The other would be “The 5th Column†a secret organization within the Nazi regime, lead by Dr. Alden Rissler. Dr. Rissler possessed the journal of Athanasius Kircher, a 17th century Jesuit scientist, Kircher had developed a complex scheme to imbue a recipient with wondrous powers, similar to those of the titans of Greek myth. His work seemed to deal with genetics though they showed an incredible sophistication, beyond the knowledge of that time. Kircher lacked the advanced technology of the present so he was unable to turn his plan into a reality. He remained but a dreamer. Rissler, however, had access to some of Germany’s greatest scientists and all of its technology. Using Kircher’s notes, he would use many of the captives in concentration camps for his experiments, but could not get the break he needed. He then sought the aid of a leading Reich geneticist, Clarissa van Dorn. Together, they developed a chemical cocktail that should produce the desired results, that should affect a person’s genetic makeup. They named their project “Titan Prime.†Many more experiments were completed, but each again ended in disaster. They were sure that their plans were sound but they could not comprehend the reasons for their continued failures. Rissler knew he would not be able to comply with Hitler’s request to create Germany’s “Prachtvoll Soldat.†He also realized that failure meant his death and the end of the war for Germany. So together with van Dorn, Rissler chose to take “The 5th Column†into hiding, and continue the work. Van Dorn would “officially†remove herself from involvement with “The 5th Column†and marry Count Alphonse Crey. She would then go on and create Crey Biotech, secretly funding “The 5th Column†Rissler moved his operation to a secret base located in Argentina. After bringing into the organization Dr. Joseph Krieger, a natural biologist and Nazi sympathizer, the Titan Prime project met with a bit more success. The lack of “subjects†to perform experiments on was a limiting factor. So with the aid of Crey industries, and Dr. Krieger, The 5th Column spent some of its resources in developing cloning technology, and met with success. Crey would use this success to further their legitimate business, and was able to pour even more funds into “The 5th Column’s†other project. Almost all of the testing would now be done on Crey clones. Finally a powerful, but unstable version of the Titan Prime serum was created. But, each test ended up in a greatly deformed or dead clone. The decision was made to scrap the Titan Prime serum, and break it down into its more base components. A plan was then concocted to create ten different serums, each to be named after one of the Greek Titans from myth. The new project would be named Project Hesiod, after the ancient Greek writer who first told the tales of the Titans. Though their original plan limited their serums to ten, they did discuss expanding that number to cover all of the ancient Titans. Proposed Ten Titan Serums Tethys, gifted with great intelligence. Crius, with the ability to control element earth. Oceanus, with the ability to control element water. Hyperion, with the ability to control element air. Prometheus, with the ability to control element fire. Rhea, gifted with the powers of teleportation. Atlas, gifted with great strength and toughness. Themis, granted the powers of matter creation. Gaea, with power over the weather. Cronus, gifted with great speed. Through out the years, many more experiments were done, and advancements in cloning came a long way. Finally, in the early 1980s, Rissler’s work came to fruition with the birth of the first stable Titan. Tethys was “born†on March 15th, 1983 and this was a great boon for The 5th Column. By the summer of 1985, Tethys’ IQ was off the charts, but he needed to be kept in check because he had turned out be extremely sinister. They were able though, with the assistance of the genius Tethys, to create stable versions of four more Titans, Crius, Oceanus, Hyperion and Prometheus. The only disappointment was that their power level was much lower then expected. Tethys eventually discovered that the problem was the host body. Their hosts had been too weak, unable to properly contain the massive energies of the transformation process. A process was needed to boost the power of the host body prior the injection of the serum. Tethys began working on ways to produce a more suitable host clone. At the same time, and for his own sinister purposes, he was also secretly involved in working with the less stable Titan Prime serum. Eventually, Tethys theorized that exposing clone embryos early in their development to cosmic radiation would give them the power needed to better accept the serums. So with this in mind, “The 5th Column,†through Crey Biotech, began plans to construct the “Olympus†space station. After years of large donations to NASA’s space program, and helping them along with the technology needed, Crey got the aid of the US government to go ahead and build “Olympus.†The Olympus Orbital Science Station opened for business on January 21, 1999. Tethys immediately set to work with the other 5th Column scientists to expose unborn clone embryos to cosmic radiation. In April of 2000, the first batch of embryos was ready for testing. They met with their first great success, creating the Titan Rhea but moments after her creation, she teleported away never to be seen again. Concerned that other newly created Titans might also flee, a Null field was installed in an area of the station so that the Titan’s powers could be reduced. The next batch of embryos was then prepared. In March 2002, the second batch of embryos were ready for testing. This time however, Tethys had his own sinister machinations in mind. He desired to create a Titan Prime to serve him so that he could leave the control of the 5th Column and plan his own domination of the world. Fate would intervene on March 18th, a disaster of significant proportions. During the hibernation process of the clones, the comet, Ikeya-Zhang, struck Olympus Station. Most of the station was destroyed and all of the clones, but one, were also annihilated from the impact. The surviving clone was “Titan Prime.†Titan Prime sustained not only the cosmic radiation of space but also some strange radiations emanating from the comet. This combination affected the genetic structure of Titan Prime, interacting with the serum, and unleashing great powers within him. The radiation also affected Tethys and the four other Titans, unlocking greater powers within them as well. Tethys used this as the perfect opportunity to escape. With the other Titans, he fled to the Earth in an escape pod. Tethys and the other Titans have not been heard from since. Titan Prime, as he would come to be called, rode the comet into the Earth’s atmosphere and it crashed into the Hudson Bay. He was recovered by a team working for Chiron Enterprises. The scientists at Chiron spent some time examining Titan Prime, allowing his body to continue it modifications and growth. No one made a claim to Titan Prime and little was ever said about the Olympus Station disaster. Titan Prime knows little of Tethys and the other Titans. He was not imprinted with information about them. Chiron Enterprises also knows little of Titan Prime’s origin. When approached by Defender, a member of Champions, Chiron agreed to let Titan Prime go and work with him on a new project in Millennium City. It can be sure that Tethys will continue his experiments though now he will need more financing. The other four Titans are intensely loyal to Tethys. They will support him in any endeavor. Rhea remains an unknown wild card. The 5th Column is unsure who survived the Olympus disaster, though they are aware of Titan Prime’s existence. They suspect other Titans may have survived but they have no definite proof. Many feel Tethys may have engineered the disaster. The 5th Column has chosen to desist any further research into Project Hesiod and to continue research into other, more promising projects. Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use:
  14. Howdy folks, I have a player that want to have a power that will let him understand and read all earth languages (ancient and currtent). Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks
  15. Thanks that makes a bit of sense now.
  16. Howdy Folks, I just picked up Hero 5th this past weekend and am planning on running our first game of Champions this weekend. Myself and my group have many years og gaming experience, and are lookign forward to what we hope is a good system for the Superhero genre. Ok so on to the question. For my first encounter, I am planning on having the PC's face off against some of Mechanon's minions in a danger room simulation. I downloaded "Mechanon's Summoned Robot" from the site here. Attempting to enter them into Hero Designer v2, I am unable to find how to add the "Tireless: Reduced END (0); +1/2) on up to 15 STR and the other tireless entries. Also I am unable to find this option covered in the rule book. Could somebody please point me in the direction on where to find it? Or is this a case of a "custom power" that the author used. I can see from looking at the cost that they just applied the +1/2 to the values of STR, Run, Leap and Swim. But I would like to know if it's an actual rule or not. Thanks SMK
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