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Posts posted by BcAugust

  1. Re: What would your character do #83 ?


    Even ignoring what the rest of the team is doing, if Cyrande found out about this, she has no problem freeing the man herself and claiming him so that her diplomatic immunity covers him until such time the people come to their senses. And if the US government wants to challenge that, she's got several other countries that are quite willing to open their doors to her and her teammates.

  2. Re: What would your character do #~75


    If someone could show her he really was dealing with an evil extradimensional enemy, Cyrande would hand the information to Horus(team leader) and after his looking it over, going and exploding the guy's internal organs.


    (She has a hatred of corruption, and she can't stand the concept of someone selling out their race like that. Plus, no CvK)

  3. Re: What's the Big Difference?


    Cyrande? Hmm, on Earth, probably having no one believe she's a princess, so all that goes by the wayside. If for some reason her counterpart's on Malva, either Malvan's as good guys or her counterpart is as evil as Cyrande pretends to be.

  4. Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


    Cyrande actually might believe the inflitration part, especially since she knows one of the team is a mentalist. And since she isn't a member of the team yet (long story), she might go for that, though not as a "joining the team" sort of thing. Again, it depends whom they name.


    On the bedazzlement part, my character is within the top five political entities in the galaxy. She doesn't get dazzled. Not even by that Presence 45, Com 20 hunk she's hanging around with.

  5. Re: What Would Your Character #72 (or so)


    Princess Cyrande would be... shocked at the invitation, at all. After all, her reputation on Malva is an impulsive killer and cruel, along with being a typical member of her race. And anyone that could consider her more reliable or trustworthy then Horus or Starguard or any of the Sentinels would have to be crazy. Of course, she might consider it a test from her father, the Phazor...

  6. Re: What would your character do? #71




    Well, considering Cyrande already considers current earth almost Stone Aged, that could hurt.


    Cyrande would be a local goddess, though local probabally expends considerably. Given that she knows small amounts of how to create materials from thin air, and her computer has a fair bit of plans, she'd probably create a beacon to Malva, and spend the time waiting for Malva to respond "improving" human culture and tech.


    *Imagines scene when team comes back to get her* "Oh, you're here" They look around at something that's closer to 21st level society. "Sorry, didn't think you would come. I just tried to help get them up to a decent level." She looks around critically "It'll take another three or four centuries, but it might turn out decent. Could you come back then?"

  7. Re: What would your character do? #70


    Cyrande would look disconcerted, leave the human to Starguard, and capture the demon for questioning and very painful extermination.


    (She has very historical knowledge about demons, but never actually has heard of one as is. And possesion is completely out of her experience.)

  8. Re: Would your character...


    Princess Cyrande would have to get the concept explained to her, laugh, then accept with amusement. She has no nudity taboo, and would be amused at Earth's hangups with it.


    (From Malva. She only wears clothes because it's a courtesy. She actually doesn't need them...)

  9. Re: Goofy ideas that worked


    Heh. This was actually a player in my vampire game...


    Situation. The Sabbat took a group of hostages to force Marcus (the character) to come out and play, including his "deputy". Ok, Marcus has his two companions there, both of whom are very powerful... He walks out after hearing the demands, telling his companions to back off, then going and hunting down a pack of Sabbat he talked to earlier, planning on making them back him up, then facing the Sabbat with the hostages in a glorious last stand...


    Given this is about those who succeeded... He did, and in a very nice display, too. But I was throughly amused by his success.


    Oh, I should mention this was my high powered elders game, and Marcus was 6th Gen, high Potence and Presence, and a little over 1400 years old, but still...

  10. Re: What Would Your Character Do? #68


    Cyrande would be helping the remnants of her team, then probably smile and nod at him. Depending on how he worked out is whiether she calls the big guns or not. Of course, she'd probably work closely with the Resistance, especially if he's corrupt.


    (Alien, used to someone being an absoulute ruler, but she loathes corruption)

  11. Re: New Sentinels stats


    Princess Cyrande is one of the most potentially powerful political forces in the galaxy. Confirmed heir of the most powerful planet in the galaxy, with superhuman powers in her own right, and a lifespan of hundreds of years in which to do anything she pleases.


    Cyrande was created 18 years ago to be the Phazor's(Emporer's) daughter and heir. While she's never known a mother, or even if she has just one genetic mother, it never occurred to her to question the lack. Her life was hardly simple, but she had never known anything different. The fact that she could see, hear and feel patterns of energy was hardly remarked upon, but she was trained in recognizing them as other children were trained in learning colors. Which was likely the only reason she survived the first assassin which got through her security, her powers violently manifesting in the bathhouse where she was attacked by one of her lady-in-waitings. It's one of her most vivid memories, even after this long, the impression of the knife drawn back, the sudden push she felt as the lines of gravity shifted under her power, and the result, which left the bathwater tinged red while she still was standing there. Her guards belated reaction, her waking up in the medical center, her father's rare display of affection after she woke up.

    It was also the time when she met the most significant person in her life, the Ixander Korvivion. Sold into slavery by rivals in the Confederation, he was not only a strict taskmaster, but a wise one. One of the few people in the universe that was capable of not only training the errant child Cyrande was, but installing a sense of respect for life and duty. Between the struggles to control her powers directly, and the learning of social manners she was expected to have, Korvivion led her to find her moral center. As her social teachers taught her duty to her father, she learned duty to the people at Korvivion's side. That power was meant to be used for all, that freedom was the natural and desired state of being for all creatures, while her father taught her that she had power over everyone else, and no one was truly free. She melded these lessons into her own blend of ethics, something that would shock most other Malvans. A profound respect for life, mingled with her feeling of being better then most others, led to her protecting those she could. Though even she couldn't save everyone, as the disappearance of her mentor proved. Simply disappearing one day when she was twelve, all her questions about him were carefully unanswered by anyone, leaving her alone, and conceivably easier to mold.

    The next six years were filled with the proper education of a princess, learning of the worlds around the galaxy, along with piloting and how to move in Malvan society. Six long years of learning to hide all her feelings, her disgust and rage at the doings of her fellow Malvans, six years of protecting what she could, and trying to forget those she couldn't. An time of her growing colder and colder on the outside, showing nothing of her increasing rage, caged only by her memories of Korvivion's teaching and her sense of duty. After her formal acknowledgment of adulthood, she decided[pushed gently by her father] to spend time off of Malva, getting an idea of the other races(official reason) and finally deciding what she wanted with her life(her real reason). A nice little backwater planet sounded good, and Earth seemed fairly harmless...


    Appearance: A tall, almost glowing golden-skinned beauty, with well toned muscles, violet hair down her back and dark purple eyes to match. Her dressed down (normal outfit), is a short top, just barely covering her breasts in silky material, in cream white, with shifting patterns in silver showing through, while her skin tight leggings show a diamond cut down the side, leading to something that could be almost called moccasins, where it not obvious they aren't any earthly material. Again, cream white, though of seeming tougher material then her top. Her only obvious jewelry is a circlet of some purple crystal, looking cut from just one gem, while clear crystal wires are braided through her hair to hold it back, a necklace of braided metal, and a set of bracelets, with a geometric pattern reminiscent of stars shows.


  12. Re: New Sentinels stats


    Heh, the newbie of the group, both player and character.


    Name Crown Princess Cyrande of Malva

    Player Coral


    2 STR 12

    39 DEX 23

    40 CON 30

    12 BODY 16

    15 INT 25

    16 EGO 18

    20 PRE 30

    7 COM 24

    4 PD 6

    0 ED 6

    17 SPD 5

    12 REC 15

    15 END 90

    8 STUN 45

    OCV 8

    DCV 8

    ECV 6


    Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12


    Total Defenses:

    24 PD (18 rPD, Hardened)

    24 ED (18 rED, Hardened)

    30 pts Power Defense




    217 Quantum Manipulation: 100 pt Variable Power Pool + 105 pt Control Cost; Cosmic (+2), 9

    0 END (+1/2), Limited Special Effect (Electromagnetic and Unified Field effects only) (-1/2)


    56 Quantum Damping: Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (Hardened (+1/4)

    30 Quantum Damping: Power Defense (30 pts)

    6 Quantum Damping: LS: Safe Environment (Intense Heat/Cold, Radiation)


    5 Advanced Medical Nanites: Regeneration (1d6/Hour); Only While Resting

    10 Advanced Medical Nanites: LS: Immunity to disease


    31 Personal Library Computer: 156 pt Follower




    Martial Arts (Malvan Royal Training)

    1 Use art Barehanded, w/ Blades

    4 Block +0/+0 Block; Abort

    4 Dodge -/+5 Dodge; Affects All Attacks; Abort

    4 Escape +0/+0 STR 42 vs. Grabs

    5 Kick -2/+1 9 1/2d6 Strike

    4 Punch +0/+2 7 1/2d6 Strike

    3 Throw +1/+0 5 1/2d6 + v/5; Target Falls

    12 +3 DCs w/ Martial Arts


    Skill Levels:

    20 +2 Overall Levels

    5 +1 w/ all Interaction Skills



    6 Combat Luck (3 rPD/3 rED)

    5 Eidetic Memory

    10 Perk: Royal Blood (subsumes Diplomatic Immunity)

    4 Enivormental Movement: Zero G

    4 Enivormental Movement: Zero G Heavy Gravity


    Agility Skills:

    3 Breakfall, 14-

    3 Combat Piloting, 14-

    2 PS: Dancer, 14-


    Intellect Skills:

    3 AK: Galaxy, 14-

    3 AK: Malva, 14-

    7 Analyze Intent, 16-

    3 Analyze Political Trends, 14-

    3 Gambling, 14-

    3 KS: Chet'rar (Moral Algorithms), 15-

    2 KS: Corruption, 14-

    1 KS: Galactic Literature, 11-

    1 KS: Hzeel, 11-

    2 KS: Known Sentient Species, 14-

    2 KS: Malvan Culture, 14-

    1 KS: Malvan Gladiators, 11-

    2 KS: Malvan History, 14-

    1 KS: Perseid, 11-

    2 KS: Philosophy, 14-

    2 KS: Political Science, 14-

    1 KS: Se'ecra, 11-

    1 KS: Varanyi, 11-

    1 KS: Xenovores, 11-

    3 Lipreading, 14-

    2 Navigation (Space), 14-

    3 Power Skill (Quantum Powers), 14-

    3 SC: Quantum Physics, 14-

    3 Shadowing, 14-


    Interaction Skills:

    9 Acting, 18-

    3 Conversation, 15-

    3 High Society, 15-

    3 Oratory, 15-

    3 Persuasion, 15-

    2 PS: Fashion Designer, 15-

    3 Seduction, 15-


    Background Skills:

    9 Scholar, Jack-of-all-Trades, Linguist

    0 Languages: Malvan (native)

    1 TF: SF & Space Vehicles

    4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Energy Weapons


    12 12 Unspent Experience Points




    5 Distinctive Features: Tall, Golden-Skinned Alien (Conc w/ Effort, Not In Some Locales)

    15 Hunted: Elder Worms/Thane (More Pow, Kill), 8-

    15 Hunted: Firewing (more pow, mildly ???, Public ID), 8-

    20 Hunted: Varanyi (More Pow, NCI, Enslave), 8-

    0 Phys Lim: Knows Nothing Of Earth Culture (Frequently, Slightly)

    10 Phys Lim: Powers All Deactivate If Proper Signal Is Received (Infrequently, Greatly)

    15 Psych Lim: Afraid Of Showing Weakness/Vulnerability (Uncommon, Total)

    10 Psych Lim: Aristocratic/Regal Attitude (Common, Moderate)

    15 Psych Lim: Hatred of Corruption (Common, Strong)

    10 Psych Lim: Protective of Innocents (Common, Moderate)

    20 Public Identity (Crown Princess Cyrande of Malva)

    15 Watched: US State Department (more pow, NCI, Public ID), 11-


    28 Experience Bonus


    600 Base + 178 Disadvantages = 778 Total 778 Points Spent


  13. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That!


    Not our group!


    ... then again, this is our first Champions together.


    Plus, we all know that if we do such a character, our resident female player will ritually torture us all to death in ways that only her uniquely evil imagination can conceive of when it's /her/ turn to DM. :)


    ... granted, her current character has the highest COM score on the planet, and comes from a rather libertine society, but she's /not/ 'that way'.


    *snickers* As the resident female player, I'd be amused at the sillyness, then torture you all. Honestly, I've had one person play a character in a game somewhat like that, but it's a villians game, and it's never been anything but portrayed as evil...


    Hmmm, worst character concepts I've seen... Oh, yeah. Half Orc Barbarian, in a world that views half orcs as complete scum, going for a leadership of human role.... with Cha 6.


    Of course, the whole bunch of decent concepts played poorly...

  14. Re: The Authority:What the heck?


    This is a good point. However, where's the point where you severe flaws disqualifies you from being an hero ? A possible answer would be where the evil you do out of herodom totally unbalances, or if you want a more outstanding concept of hero, greatly obfuscates the good you do in it. Given the level of heroism superhuman generally pull out (saving individual lives on a routine basis, periodically saving cities, worlds, or entire civilizations), how bad you must be that such cannot wash the stains of out your hands? It is open to debate, but personally, I'd be willing to set the threshold rather high.


    Casual killer is a tough case because it runs directly contrary to the core concepts of protection and improvement that are at concept of the hero. Yet the casual killer concept is an extreme case: it involves ones that kills almost at random, "civilian" innocent people that slightly interact with him over the slightest justification or provocation or none at all. It has nothing to do with being merciless in combat or to one's chosen enemies. Utterly none of the Authority characters would fit the prerequisites for casual killer.


    As for date rape, hmm, I profess a definite lack of familiarity at the concept (as my country, luckily, does not seem to have developed the same cultural frenzied hypersensitivity over sexual crime & harassment US seems to have developed), but if you're meaning pulling a Tyson or a Bryant (admitting there was anything forced in both cases, which I am far, far from conceding), I don't think that showing the lack of self-restraint and empathy necessary to heed a "No" at the last possible moment fits the kind of unending moral turpitude that would make routinely saving lives null and void. Again, Authority does not seem to have a problem with that: they have a lot of their off time already engaged in trying to satisfy to the best of their efforts, all the eager & definitely willing sex-crazed groupies and promiscous socialites they rub shoulders with.


    I've been trying to stay out of this, but this deserves my response. I have no idea how you can believe, in any way, manner or form, that someone's being raped can be excused by their attacker being a nominally good person. If anything, I would hold people who claim to be heroes to a higher standerd then I would a person off the street. Rape is one of the most henious crimes a person can inflict on another, and it's even worse, to have it be from someone that you trust.


    In fact, rape is one of the few crimes I believe totally disqualifies you from being a good person, or indeed, a person worth leaving alive. And for someone who thinks themselves a hero to do so... is completely uncalled for. I can imagine and even excuse a hero for killing someone under a lot of circumstances. There is never and will never be a reason for a hero to rape someone, in any form or matter. Heck, even a lot of villians would never rape anyone, seeing it as too evil.


    I can not imagine a world view where someone inflicting that kind of souldeep injury on someone could ever be excused. Especially where someone strives to uphold any sort of heroic ideal, even if it's just in their heads. And that little bit about lack of self control... I lack the words to even begin to say how I feel about that.

  15. Re: What WOULDN'T your character do?


    Crown Princess Cyrande of Malva. :D


    True. She is much more traditionally beautiful then Starguard. (Pre 30 Com 23, defined as aristocrat and beautiful) The only problem is that Cyrande's reaction to Foxbat runs to the very, very painful and lethal. (Character is from Malva, and isn't used to Earth customs yet. And no CvK)


    On that note, Cyrande wouldn't kill an innocent. Hm, or forget she's a princess, actually. Other then that, well, she's still working on figuring out moral systems...

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