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Posts posted by BcAugust

  1. Re: WWYCD: A Frightening Revelation




    Princess Cyrande:... I think my brain just hurt. Seriously, if the Sentinels were "evil", that includes a major telepath. Or did, anyway. Though maybe a heroic Menton took him out. I can imagine heroic Cyrande would be much more of a gadgeteer, though mainly for uplifting Earth. She's also a bit more battle hardened then (my) Cyrande, able to use her ability to read people to become a distant figure who helps, but stands apart. Think, oh, Pre Crisis Superman in the Fortress of Solitude.


    Nox: Would likely laugh the first time her and her team got some downtime(They're currently in a world where everyone else on the team died a hero, and she became the world's most feared assasin(possesing spirit)). Anyway, if they just get lobbed in, it will likely strike them as "wow, this is messed up." If it's the team... prepare for a nasty fight. If it's just Nox, she'll run. Nox will be... um, pretty much the same as real Nox, actually. (The character could be a paladin, np)


    Your character (and their team, if applicable) is catapulted into a world where, as far as anyone can tell, using any applicable powers or knowledge skills, everyone here is completely flipped on the good/evil scale. The greatest monsters of your world are heroes, the heroes are psychotic villains.


    Except for your PC. (And possibly their arch nemesis). This Alt Earth you seems to be an utter paragon of virtue, far more so than your PC.



  2. Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart!


    Hmm, Earth two characters...


    Crown Princess Cyrande: Her double would be on Earth, mainly as an exile in all but name, her father the Phazor doing so in regret of his wayward evil daughter. She'd likely be most of the way toward conquering Earth, using her tech and personal powers to turn Earth into a personal playground out of a demon's dreams. If Cyrande went there, they'd clash, but I don't think either would kill the other. After all, the "real" Cyrande would see her twin as simply making Earth like her Malva....


    Nox: Nox has just met what her evil twin would be like, in an alt future version of herself. And Earth two version would likely have something like a girl of ultimate evil, an saint that tried to rescue her being trapped into being the source of her powers. Nox wouldn't try and kill her otherself, she couldn't even think of such. Her alt self may or may not, depending, try and kill her.


    Esternia St. Germaine: Wow, that could be bad. If it's really world two... she'd likely be one of the most sly of villians, able and willing to wait, as she draws heros into her spiderous webs... Yeah, these two would definitely kill each other if they could.


    Lightsaber: I haven't played her yet, but I can imagine her alt version would be accidental powers as well. More a snooty jewel theif then a real killer, she'd still be almost insufferably braggert, and glad to show of her posthumanism, as she puts it.

  3. Re: Nudity and Sex in comics books


    Oh, yes, which is why I said American comics. However, I would say objectifying is the main difference. Maybe it's because Manga tends to be more story/personal based, while, like you said, American comics are more action with romance on the side. But it feels different, in most manga I've read. Nudity and/or sexuality is much more natural and in character in most manga. Heck, even "fan service" in most manga is more a light hearted wink and nudge sort of thing.


    Perhaps part of it is that we do "know" most of the american comic book characters from before, or that we know their "universes", but most american comics seem more forced with the nudity, or over the top with sexual situations. Putting the Bizzare Breasts material aside, it may simply be because most American comics aren't written to make the transition. I'll point out the recent Squadron Supreme mini as a decent example of where nudity makes sense, and doesn't feel forced, whereas the Superman/Batman arc with Supergirl did.


    That said, I'll point out that romance and sexual tension has been handled very well in some American comics. Heck, one of the main reasons I like Catwoman is the always there awareness with Batman. And there's been quite a few scenes with Lois and Superman that can raise blood pressure. And there's been far more that I'm likely forgetting.


    That's an interesting observation. Because you know what geek-culture thing women ARE buying? Manga. In droves.


    The market for manga, no matter the target audience, is currently females. About 60% of those who buy manga are women or girls.


    Manga contains nudity, often graphic and full-frontal. It contains violence on a scope that's made my stomach clench on some occasions. There are stories that leave these elements out, but Japanese culture has different standards for what's okay for a younger audience. Therefore you can have a manga aimed at 12- to 16-year-olds, but it may well have someone shot to death and clothes torn off the young heroine.


    But women read these manga.


    So I don't think it's that women object to the objectifying, so much. I think most women are moving away from comic books because they've discovered a whole world of books written with them in mind. In general, females are more interested in relationships and personal interactions, and many manga titles revolve around those aspects. And in general, comic books are more interested in the action, and may throw in relationships as side plots.


    I think a few comics have come out in the past year or so that focus more on characters and interactions than plot. And I'm glad to see that shift. But if I pick up a comic and the whole thing is explosions and blood, I'm not getting into that one.


    Personally, sex and nudity don't bother me, and can really add to a story, when used right. And a lot of artists are very good at depicting nudity, or just enough of it to intrigue the reader. But if that's all the story has going for it, it's not worth my time.

  4. Re: Nudity and Sex in comics books


    I'll point out something. I've noticed, in my personal life, that fewer and fewer females are picking up American comics. A large portion of that is, well, the treatment of nudity and sex in such.


    Now, to clarify. Cheesecake is almost expected. But how much is too much? I like to think I'm not a prude(as anyone who's heard or spoke to me about my character Cyrande can attest.), but the covers on Marville turned my guts. If you are mainly using sexuality like that to sell, you're tuning out half your potential audience. In fact, with that and some Max treatments I've seen, I haven't picked up Marvel comics in two years, when I used to spend ten bucks a week just on them. And DC lost me picking up 400 dollars worth of trades with this Preus thing.


    Now, I'd be a hypocrite to say that RPGs aren't different. Heck, Hero actually has some of the least sexuality I've seen in setting. And my own games tend to have a large amount of such. Though I'd argue that it may be a bit different there, as your "audience" can give you immediate feedback and you(presumed) talked out boundaries before the game started.


    *shrugs* Well, that was sort of pointless meandering. I guess it comes down to, you need to know and talk to your group before you bring these up in game. In "other" meduims... well, you choose what you buy, and if something you dislike comes along, don't buy it and tell people why you won't buy it. Maybe that will help you get something better.

  5. Re: What is YOUR favorite Champions character?


    Hard to say which is my favorite out of the three champions characters I play. Likely Nox, by a thin margin.


    She's fun(Shadow mage/MA type), mainly because she is so tied to her team. She's mainly been a support character(Darkness, entangle, and teleportation.), though she may develop some more offensive powers in the future. Right now, she's dealing with the fact that all her powers are from her being possessed by a creature of evil, while she's basically a paladin sort. First reaction to finding this out "How do we stop it from hurting anyone else?" Second reaction to it... well, the team hasn't found that out yet.


    She's also very much against type for me in a lot of ways. Total CvK, a very "Hero for it's own sake" type, shy, underconfident, unlearned, and very much a follower person. It makes her far more of a challenge for me, and makes it so much more rewarding when I get her "right"

  6. Re: Romantic Villians



    Cheshire Cat, Lodestone, Zig Zag. They are greedy but nice chaps, and they already have romantic interests.

    Gargantua. Like a refined, serious version of the above 3. His philosophical character may be helpful.

    Utility. Not really a villain. He just has a rivalry with super powered people, and in fiction many rivalries turn into friendships and romances.

    Torment. His file doesn’t have any villain traits. He serves Psi because he is forced, and he tried escaping them several times. If the PCs knew…

    Captain Chronos. He’s “a nutâ€, but not a villain. Imagine him acted by Robin Williams or Jim Carrey in a comedy movie.



    Interesting. Lodestone and Gargantua are sadly out(my team has already encountered them, and I think they're carrying major grudges, plus I think Lodestone is married). Chesire Cat is out, simply for in game continuty(we're playing in the past of another campaign, which is fun, actually) The rest sound like good ideas to run by my GM, though I don't know how viable they are.

  7. Re: What would your character LIKE TO do?


    Crown Princess Cyrande would like to see more of Earth, be free of her responsibilities just a bit longer, and drag those two hunks she's met so far here on Earth to bed without worrying it.


    Nox... would like that her powers didn't have such a nasty drawback to them, and that the rest of the team was safe and fine.

  8. Re: What is it about Champions?


    To get off the WW bashing for a bit(I tend to ST Vampire games, and I try hard not to get too angsty. Actually, I don't think I've ever ran a real angsty Vampire game.)


    I have to admit, having started in a much lighter system(the aforementioned Storyteller), Hero has taken a bit to pick up. I like the fine grains of the system, actually, and I love how the system does disadvantages. Trust me, after 9 some years tearing out your hair over WW merits and Flaws, Disadvantages are a breath of fresh air. I enjoy the skills, also, though the usual complaint about them being perhaps a bit high cost exists, I like the way they work in game. though I don't think I'm ready quite yet to make a character all on my own yet, and I'd buy HeroDesigner way ahead of time before I'd GM it, I like what I've played.

  9. Re: Romantic Villians


    Very helpful and useful thread so far. Special bows and thanks to Hermit, Owl wife, and David Blue. You've helped a lot.


    While sadly I won't be able to use any of this for a while(My Dm and I have agreed to let any such subplot wait until I finish a current one), my group and I will find this information useful. Though, I have to admit that several things have popped up that I didn't expect.


    So, some further questions.


    How do you think Age would play into this, aka Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron, or Stainless steel?


    Do you think the villian should ever "win" the girl? And if he does, what do you think would happen, gamewise?

  10. This just came up in a random brainstorming session with my group. There really isn't any male villians in the CU that could qualify as "romantic" interests for a female hero. While a fair number of female villians are possible romantic interests, or at least sympathtic, the males are usually all monsters of some sort, or complete scumbags. While I'm not actually surprised, given the source material, I'd like to see what the board could do.


    So, the challenge. What do you think would make a good sympathtic villian/possible romantic interest for a female hero? What traits would you look for/avoid?

  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From a game I ran a bit ago. It's an alt Marvel world, loosely based on the Morgan Le Fae Arc. Characters include the Juggernaut, Wolverine, A son of the Summers Family, and a son of Collosus and Kitty Pride.


    Juggernauts player: "I think I would like that, but are you sure you wish to risk it? The King's Vengeance is likely to seek me out, and it seems that most consider me a monster." (Note: The evil version of the Avengers)



    Sir Gabriel Grey: Ah.. *he smiles* it is a long list that hunts I and my friend, what are a few more?



    Wolverine's player*Logan turns his head towards England, hawks, and spits on the ground*


    SGG: or.. *he coughs* put more bluntly..


    SGG: uh.. that.



    Later on, as they encounter the group sent to get the Juggernaut (Note: Iron Knight is Iron Man)


    *After a failed attack by the Prince*


    GM:The Iron knight, even only half aware, still moves like an expert, twisting just enough in midair to aim his weaponry at the Prince's back


    SGG: *his eyes widen, then narrow as he sees the Knight aim towards the back of his opponent "churl to strike as this! base churl! turn and face me in challenge!" he streaks up into the sky in a trail of fire, sword raised quickly to his face in salute, then brought down in a powerful overhand strike towards the knight*


    GM: Gabriels strike barely hits the false Knight, but it does hit... He's shaken, reeling back for a moment "You dare strike at me. Name yourself, fool, so I can send your shield back to your patron." *Bit Later, as Gabriel and the Iron Knight face off against each other*



    Prince Henry: "Thank you for the assist, Sir Grey. . ." *with that, Henry circles back around, approaching Iron Knight from the opposite side as Gabriel and solidifies his arm to deliver a punch to his back*



    *Knocks out the Iron Knight*



    SSG: *he sighs* it is not meet to reciprocate strikes such as his in kind your grace...



    Prince Henry: *looks slightly embarassed* "Forgive me. Perhaps I was taught differently, on the matter of honor in battle. . ."

  12. Re: Things that work in comics but don't work in Champions


    Wow. Just... wow.


    Actually, I've had really good luck with my group, re: splitting up and Mind Control. We understand that it's just a game, and we have a lot of fun with it.


    If anything, we're perhaps a little too antangonistic toward each other in some games. Then again, with five players having background in Vampire... you tend to get that.


    Hmm. I think that Champions doesn't do that well with illnesses.

  13. This is a two part question, brought on by a random thought on the Superhuman Psychology thread.


    Why did you decide to give the character that costume that they're wearing/have worn?


    What were the in game reasons the character pick that costume?


    For instance, my own character Cyrande, I picked her costume to show off and bring a touch of alieness to her, as well as her equipment. (She wears a short top, her belly exposed, with tights cut in a diamond cut up the sides, with boots more like moccisians, in cream with silver patterns, and a crown, with braclets which are a focus for her computer follower)


    In character, she sees it as simply leisure clothes, easy to move in, and easy to conjure off or on. She doesn't think about armor or such, or anything but their look, because she doesn't have to.

  14. Re: Der Psychology of der Super Human


    Actually, that answered it very well, and it sounds like a very fun game. I can understand the appeal. My own characters tend to be a bit on the outer edges.


    Oh, another thought. What about invuneralibity/armor/LS people? What happens when clothing is only a matter of society approval? If you can stand in the heart of a volcano, would even the hottest summer day bother you? Now, think on all the implications of dealing with people that would have. Can you imagine team arguements over heating the house? Actually, the whole costume thing becomes bizzare the deeper you look at it. How people chose costumes and why makes less and less sense most of the time. Hmm, that might make a good thread in it's own right.

  15. Re: Der Psychology of der Super Human


    I have to say this is one of the most flat out terrifying mentalist ideas I've seen in a while, though it's prompted some great villian construction. I do have to ask, what kind of campaign was this?



    I'll keep my replies in this thread, but there were some great posts in:


    (Thanks, Mutant For Hire.)


    mfterman: "Being a heroic mentalist is a special form of hell."


    Being a heroic mentalist is wonderful. Mind-controlling yourself produces only beneficial effects, and every day in every way, the effects get better and better. Deeper and deeper into the mind-controlled state I continue to go, and tomorrow I will go deeper still. I will count to five, and after I get to five, it is certain that I will be happy, positive, and confident all day. One: happy positive and confident all day." [And the first whacking big mind control roll, undefended.]


    I adventured with a mentalist who started every day like that. It was ... an experience.


    The good side was, when a villain would knock him into the middle of next week he would make a more objective post-fight review. But he was still living in his own private Idaho.


    It became very, very believable to me that no matter how often you beat a mentalist, he or she will be full of confidence next time. A mentalist doesn't have to live with any thought that makes him unhappy. He really doesn't.


    By the way, if a mind-controller would find it a completely heart-breaking thought that you didn't love him too, or that the only reason you did love him was because he kept you mind-whammied, there is no reason why he would have to have either of those negative thoughts. A lie detector test would confirm his innocence of everything, with no conscious cheating.


    Since our team mentalist hero had a public identity, courts accepted his testimony as an expert witness on what was really going on in people's minds. I wouldn't have, but I had a secret identity and couldn't testify.


    mfterman: "As for relationships, who wants to be in a relationship with someone who can read your mind? Who knows all your secrets and can tell what you're really thinking."


    Lots of people think that they are wonderful, if only you could somehow know them as they "really" are (not as they act). The down-side is, if they find out that to know, know, know them is not at all to love, love, love them, they can take it hard, or want to remove the unflattering image (or the head it's contained in), or generally just refuse to accept this most spiritually intimate of rejections. (Cue: "Play Misty For Me".)

  16. Re: Der Psychology of der Super Human


    Actually, add on enhanced senses to something interesting to think about. How does art look when you can see in the infared or ultravoliet spectrums? How does music sound when you can hear each misflubbed note and the electronics behind it to? Would you have lightbulbs in your house if you see perfectly well in the dark? And let's not even talk how you would describe how red tastes, or what color the gravity of Earth is. Or even the more exotic stuff, like seeing souls or detecting demons. Heck, even imagine how fashion would look if you could tell the differences between colors most people don't even suspect. Would you be entranced or repeled at listening to people talk or sing if you could hear the working of their heart and lungs as well? How many times do you have to stop and remember people don't see or hear or notice that?

  17. Re: Der Psychology of der Super Human


    This is... interesting. I've actually been thinking over my own characters while reading this thread. One thing I didn't see brought up (except vaugely with power armor characters) is what people who "shift" from normal to super might be like.(aka, someone with a lot of their powers in OIHID)


    There tends to be sort of a seperation, almost a changed personality. (Of course, when one form can take two or three anti personal rockets with a bit of stun, and the other can get killed easily by a bullet...) Actually, I can see their friends doing some encouragement on that. If your friends are other supers, they likely feel most comfortable around you when you are a super. Why would you want to be fragile?


    And it's hardly easier in normal form. After all, you still have the reflexes for your powered form. If you're used to, say, being able to leap across the hood of a car, or fly, or even seeing in the dark, wouldn't it be frustrating to have that gone? How do people react around you when you keep messing up because you're used to another body, or greater whatevers?


    I can imagine that going a few ways... Like someone trying to seperate their two "lives" completely(aka, Captain Marvel), or trying to live just one (The Hulk), or even just completely splitting the personalities and acting different while staying in the same area(Thinking Iron Man, here)

  18. Re: WWYCD: Six Million Thugs


    Nox: Would work at saving people(As a teleporter, she's rarely hurt), while also tracking down who's doing this. Hopefully, her postcognition will work enough to give her team some leads. She's likely to be upset over it.


    Princess Cyrande: Intial fight is over quickly, and she likely turns things over to the Earth authorities. If pressed, she might be willing to use her powers to help with the cyborging, though she'd still complain about Earth's primative tech. (Malvan)

  19. Re: WWWYCD: Caught in the Web




    Cyrande wouldn't want it removed, but sending an email back. "How do you know this?" And the fact that Micro couldn't track it down likely calls the rest of the team in. This has become interesting.


    Nox: Sherry sighs as she goes over her electronic mail, this usenet thing surprisingly addictive. And Diomedes hasn't been having any luck either, finding the guy. She opens up another one, and blinks in surprise. It's the author of the web site. Neat. Maybe now she could find out who it is. Maybe arrange a time to meet...

  20. Re: Malvan/Elder Worm Curse




    Firewing is on Earth in year 2001. And He's immune as a result of being the avator of the Malvan Fire God.


    Cyrande is my character in the New Sentinels game (Thread is on the board with a writeup) Why she's immune hasn't come up in game, yet. Though she was born Earth year 1986

  21. Re: Malvan/Elder Worm Curse


    Since I'm beginning to find this topic rather interesting for my preferred mystic/cosmic take on CU, does TE give any further information on the workings of the curse ? Are the Kings of Edom involved in it (since the EW are their preferred servant race) ? Are any info/hints/ideas/plot hooks on how it might be removed, and immediate and long-term effects of the removal, either in modern CU or in the GC age ?


    Removing the curse is beginning to look like an excellent quest for a cosmic-level supergroup (especially one with links to malvans/worms/edomites).


    I suggest also the new Sentinels (Cyrande, anyone ?) to start taking notes ;)

    Oh, we have. After all, it is stated in canon at least one Malvan is immune to the curse. (Firewing) And Cyrande is immune, as well. Though really, any attempt to break the curse runs into the problem of what happens next...


    After all, no matter what the Malvans were, what they are now... would require careful handling.

  22. Re: Malvan/Elder Worm Curse


    So you're sure the the curse was not "You will follow the nomal, historically well established course of Empire, and eventually grow decadent, corrupt and inefectual?"


    It reminds me of the King of the Universe from the Little Prince. He could order the sun to rise and set, so long as he ordered it to do so at the usual times and in the usual ways. ;)

    Um, no. The curse was the death of ambition. Heck, it's a tribute to Malva in the past that their world is still standing in a sort of stasis, rather then having died out completely. Heck, it's amazing they've lasted this long, considering one of the effects of the curse is basically racial sucide.


    Think of that. The curse has affected them so deeply they don't want children, as a race. Malva doesn't have any enemies that could take it down. Heck, it doesn't even have any internal enemies. What's killing it is that they can't care enough as a race, to continue. If you don't think that is potent, well...

  23. Re: The New Circle


    Nice. I was about to say a good version of the comic book Hannibal King, but I'm not sure that's what you were going for.


    (Random rant: You know, the comic book versions are so much better then the movies.)


    Looks like a fun character, none the less.

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