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Siberian Tiger

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Posts posted by Siberian Tiger

  1. You might also seek inspiration from Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 book. I haven't got my copy to hand but I seem to recall that the Rainbow 6 group were a UN anti-terrorist outfit.


    Apologies for any spoilers but the main focus of the book was a terrorist resurrecting former KGB agents and other communist groups left over from the Cold War. Maybe a UNITY team could investigate the resurrection of VIPER cells or Terror Incorporated etc

  2. Originally posted by Enforcer84

    I always thought that Prof. Muerte fit the Invisivble woman role. He had the forcefield based technology.


    btw Giganto has always been one of my favorites. I brought him back as a henchmen for the as yet unnammed Spanish Monarch for my Divine Right organization.


    Fore the record, Terror Incorporated's name has been appropriated by the German Monarch, Baron Terror.


    Hey Enforcer84 - your Divine Right organization sound sinteresting. Care to share any further information about it with the board ?

  3. Originally posted by Hermit

    Seriously, I think I can work with Scorpia in Eurostar for my world.It's been a while since I used her period , so it makes it seem like "Oh, so that's where she went to" :)


    My sick mind wants to know whether its a killing attack or NND (except vs tampons)

  4. Just an idea but you might wish to read some recent issues of JSA (Justice Society of America), produced by DC Comics for those not in the know.


    The team has travelled back to Ancient Egypt on a couple of ocassions as a number of their team members (Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Black Adam) have links to Ancient Egypt. They clashed with DC bad guy Vandal Savage and the Egyptian version of DC hero Metamorpho.


    You could also check out early issues of Marvel's New Warriors series from the early 1990s. I think issue 11-13 saw them in an alternate reality where the Egyptian empire never ended.

  5. White Rose sounds good to me. Not sure about the dart-throwers on the wrist - a bit too modern for a Golden Age champions campaign methinks. Maybe best left as a non-powered combatant relying on his fists. If he was to have pwoers then made some form of control over plants or is that too obvious?


    Now for my contribution to the campaign - Pax. Not pox but Pax - the Latin for Peace. I'm thinking a warrior woman who is willing to fight for peace. An italian superheroine fighting against the Facsists ? In my campaign world, she would retire from crimfighting and set up the Pax Institute whose agents use what ever means are necessary to prevent war and bloodshed.

  6. Super Names -Doc Croc


    Not sure if I agree with moving Doc Croc to the Fuzzy Champions list. There was a Captain Britain foe with that name - possibly in the comics only published in the UK. Think he was some form of Central African dictator who could turn into a were-crocodile... can't recall the full details at present


    Would also like to take this opportunity to thank David for his work in managing this thread and compiling the contributions for us.

  7. The Monster


    Although I never got round to developing this concept or using it in my campaign, I always imagined the Monster as a representation of urban decay. Had some vague thoughts about the Monster travelling (teleporting) from city to city, committing murders and atrocities and then moving on again. The heroes would need to work out the pattern of attacks and detect when the Monster would strike again.

  8. ..and a few more


    A few more names for the list


    Rhapsody - sonic powered teenager

    Mob - duplication powers

    DevilEye - cursed with having the eyes of a demon - can see evil

    Judge Mental



    Rogue Trader

    Pawn Broker - supplier of thugs and henchmen



    Ultra Hooligan - Many European soccer sides have hooligan groups named Ultras.

  9. For Death Tribble (was Super Names)


    Hi Death Tribble


    I'm in Enfield (North London) but currently work in Paddington.


    Where are you ?


    When's GenCon ?


    Siberian Tiger

  10. Britain's Fist


    Hi Death Tribble (great name by the way)


    Britain's Fist was one of the names that I took from other postings on this board - probably one on ethnicicty and political correctness.


    But a good name and one I would use if I ever GM or even roleplay again (my gaming group have all moved away and got married, had children etc. Sniff)


    Siberian Tiger

  11. Super Names


    Since Scrum was a character in my campaign, I always imagined him as having duplication powers as well as super-strength. Saw him as a typical low-powered supervillain for hire type.


    Here's a few more names for you - taken from my campaigns and from other postings on this message board


    Baal Milchamah ("battle master" or "war master") (Hebrew)

    Blue Smoke

    Britain's Fist




    Din (judgement, generally stringent in context) (Hebrew)

    El lobo Miedo (Spanish - Dire Wolf)

    Elektrycznosc (Polish - Electricity)



    Gold Dragon


    Ha'Sayif (The Sword) (Hebrew)


    Bomba, la


    Lion Heart

    Lost Innocence



    Magen (shield) - star of david throwing stars? An israeli cap? (Hebrew)

    Mane Man

    Merkava (chariot, but also the israeli tank) (Hebrew)

    Mother Lode

    Mut (German)

    Opor (Polish - Resistance)

    Paluma (Australian aboriginal)

    Pamiec (Polish - Memory)

    Pole Star

    Purple Wraith


    Scarlet Sleuth



    Sheid-Adom (Red Devil or Red Demon) (Hebrew)

    Shimshon (Sampson - big warrior) (Hebrew)

    Silver Crescent, the




    Tarcza (Polish - Shield)

    Tzevakot (host, as in heavenly host, or military horde) (Hebrew)


    White Wizard


  12. Dumb Moments


    I ran a campaign in which the players were trying to track down a superstrong serial killer. They had obtained a list of possible suspects from the authorities (It was set in Britain so I used STOP from Kingdom of Champions). They were working their way through the list, gradually eliminating the suspects. At the end of one encounter, the players were checking their list of suspects when our brick Lady Avenger said "Hey who's this Lady Avenger. We haven't checked her out yet !"


    Dumbest thing I ever did was when playing MERP. My character took damage from an attack and was left dead. I forgot that and later on, was listening at a door to hear if anything was behind it. GM says "You don't hear anything" to the amusement of all the other players

  13. Originally posted by Enforcer84

    On the "heroic" side is my Minutemen Organization. Basically a super powered arm for PRIMUS, they are divided into three (4) teams. (huh?)

    The Red Team handles the Eastern US

    the White Team is Westcoast

    and the Blue team is International...


    I had plans for something similar in my campaign world but as the French National team - Project Tricolor. The Red division were the Energy blasters and other attack minded heroes. The blue division were more defensive (primarily bricks) or had appropriate movement powers (speedsters, aquatic heroes etc). The white team were the mentalists, infiltrators, espionage based characters. Each mission would comprise of representatives from the different teams. There was also a black team of assassins.

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