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Everything posted by Ozric

  1. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf Thanks!
  2. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf Thanks very much. I'm sure I'm not the only one on the planet who is looking forward to it. Sorry if I created a thread where some slight tension seemed to be generated. Haikus should be for peace...
  3. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf I guess I'll just cut the sheet out of one of my books and scan it myself, which is something I hate to do because I like to keep all my books in the best condition I possibly can. I just thought it wouldn't be a big deal if HERO Games put one up on their site to go with the other sheets they already have, which ARE different in more than just name. Although, one of them is actually very similar, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try it out and ignore the stuff printed on it that Sidekick doesn't seem to use. Thanks anyway, guys. There was some most spectacular haikuery.
  4. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf For one thing, Sidekick apparently seems to not use all the stuff that's on a proper 5th Edition character sheet, so a Sidekick sheet doesn't have those things, present a cleaner, friendlier sheet that generates tranquil vibes of serenity.
  5. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf No biggie. I could always bite the bullet and remove the sheet from one of my Sidekick books and scan it. But I thought it would be nice, if there was enough interest out there, if HERO Games put one on the website to go with all the other ones they already have. So far there doesn't seem to be much interest, though. Maybe everyone is busy furiously scribing their best broccoli haikus. Yeah, that must be it...
  6. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf I don't have the skills to create a Sidekick sheet Broccoli still sucks =) Actually when I ordered a damaged copy of Sidekick, I figured when it arrived I might scavenge the character sheet inside for scanning or something. But since the book suffered only very minor damage at worst, I can't bring myself to harm it.
  7. I don't actually play HERO, but I'm contemplating starting or joining a Champions game. I do wish there was a .pdf of the most magnificent Sidekick character sheet. It's just cleaner and friendlier than other, although no less magnificent, chracter sheets. If you, too, wished there was such a thing as a .pdf of the Sidekick character sheet, post your best broccoli haiku here. I'll begin... I hate broccoli and think it totally sucks why is it not meat?
  8. Re: Got my 'damaged' books today... It's a shame there weren't damaged copies of Gadgets and Gear and Crooks, Kooks, and Cookie Monsters (I can't remember the title, but you guys know what I mean). I probably would've bought those in addition to the 5 books I already ordered.
  9. Re: Got my 'damaged' books today... I just got my books yesterday. My copy of Sidekick just had some very minor spine damage, which amounts to a crease on the front cover, with a slight gouge in the lamination opposite it on the back cover. With one or two other books, I'm not even sure what the "damage" is. The book I received that has the most obvious physical damage is still in great shape, in my opinion. What a tremendous deal I got. Thanks!
  10. Re: Got my 'damaged' books today... I ordered like 5 books that I probably never would've bought otherwise. Now if I can only decide which supers game to actually play...
  11. Re: Sidekick Well Sidekick might not have a high profit margin, but it's directly responsible for at least one sale of Fantasy Hero--which I probably never would have bought otherwise. A while back I had purchased a copy of the Fifth Edition rulebook and thought to myself, "Are they kidding? I don't have the time to go through all this and learn it, much less teach it to other people who've never played Hero before either," and eventually sold it to a used book store. Sidekick has caused me to give the system another look.
  12. Re: Sidekick Cool...thanks, you guys Yeah, there's a Sidekick character sheet in the back of the book. It's nearly identical to the one posted here: http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/charactersheets/H5c_sht.pdf ...so I'm sure it'll work just fine.
  13. So yesterday I picked up Hero Sidekick and it seems manageable enough for me to think about giving it a try. I also picked up Fantasy Hero, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to get full use out of it just using the Sidekick rules. So far both books seem really cool. Any chance of a .pdf of the Sidekick character sheet appearing on the website?
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