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    AlHazred got a reaction from FenrisUlf in R.I.P. Darren Watts   
    It was the biggest shock to hear about. My condolences go out to his family.
    I would think he'd be reincarnated as El Santo, living out the various movies!
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    AlHazred got a reaction from sault in R.I.P. Darren Watts   
    I should mention here, if people are sad they missed Darren's thoughts about superheroes, I highly recommend you check out the podcast he did called Explain This, Comics Guys!
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    AlHazred got a reaction from Khymeria in R.I.P. Darren Watts   
    I should mention here, if people are sad they missed Darren's thoughts about superheroes, I highly recommend you check out the podcast he did called Explain This, Comics Guys!
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