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Posts posted by Marketeer

  1. Re: Help me design the Silver Belles




    Team leader and spokeswoman. Friendly, cheerful, outgoing, no skeletons-in-the-closet.


    Vibratory/sonic powers, got her codename when she shook apart a robot by causing it to shake itself to pieces--by the end of it, the robot was rattling so hard it sounded like a church bell.

  2. Re: Marvel's Best Martial Artists


    Is Cap at "peak of human" or "low-end superhuman" levels right now?


    Either way, I'd put him a nudge below Shang-Chi in raw skill; the Super-Soldier enhancements are probably enough that Cap would beat Shang-Chi in a fight though.


    Which just goes to show:


    Winners do use drugs!



  3. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever


    I've seen the first season of the JLU only... he doesn't seem too bad there. The Mongul fight, for instance: he tries to get involved, but it's so far over his head it isn't funny. So he tries something else. A true Bat-God would have whipped out a flash-bomb or blinded him, or used a grenade to make a stalactite fall and smash into him, or something like that. JLU Batman left the fight to Wonder Woman and went about trying to free Superman.


    I really dug that.


    "She's in the Hall of Weapons. Good. That'll buy her some time.


    But not enough. We need you, Clark."


    --Batman (Paraphrased)

  4. Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


    Hero Designer. They sell it here onsite and everything.


    Aha, I see!


    Ok, stupid question time:


    There are normally a bunch of character writeups on the forum at any given file that appear to be HDC files, yet I can view those without Hero Designer. Why is that?


    *Meanwhile, downloads the demo copy...*

  5. Re: Did anyone ever write-up the DC Impact comic characters?


    Just a little update from me. Using the "Who's Who in !mpact Comics"' date=' I've been tinkering with these characters and this is the best I've come up with so far. Included is the WEB Armor as a prefab package. These will no doubt change as I devote more time and thought to them.[/quote']


    Ok, my interest is piqued...


    ...what do I need to do to be able to download and read HDC files?

  6. Re: CHAR: Wonder Woman


    For an extended period in the Justice League comic (in the last few years), Batman and Wonder Woman were in a relationship. Not sure if it got past heavy-duty flirting, but it was fairly substantial--more than say the animated Batman and Wonder Woman's relationship.

  7. Re: CHAR: Wonder Woman


    Actually' date=' a more accurate measure of character COM is likely how other characters in the comics react to them.[/quote']


    I'm not sure that this is the case.


    I think of COM as a measure of "raw beauty", rather than people's responses (which is at least partially a function of PRE, reputation, and behavior).


    Given that she is supposed to be blessed by Aphrodite, I think giving Wonder Woman a 30 COM, and compatriots such as Power Girl or Fire less than that, is appropriate. In all likelihood, Diana also warrants a higher PRE than the other two.


    At the same time, based on her behavior, she is probably seen as less "approachable" by her male coworkers, which explains the different way people react to her.


    Or, more simply:


    Fire may have a lower COM and PRE, but she probably has Seduction, and Diana... does not.



  8. Re: When (that super hero) won you over


    The scene that won me over on Captain America:


    "I'm sorry I've failed you"--right before he snaps the Skull's neck, "Earth X".


    I felt that statement encapsulated Captain America's sense of duty, both as a human being and as a soldier.


    It just felt right, and appropriate, and quintessentially Cap.

  9. Re: When (that super hero) won you over


    A great many characters, even ones I already liked, had my interest in them re-piqued through Justice League or JLU:


    Batman: Scene with Ace, "Epilogue":


    He's still the Dark Knight, but the characterization in that one scene gets at the core of why he's the Dark Knight. It also did a fantastic job of subtly illustrating how everyone in the Animated DCU looks at Batman--and what he's actually like.


    Honorable Mention goes to pretty much the entire episode of "This Little Piggy". Batman's cool, calm, and in control, until someone he cares about is in danger...


    Flash: The battle with Brainiac:


    Once in awhile, comics and cartoons let heroes with superspeed use it. This is why Flash is on the team--and why he has every right to be there.




    And so on and so forth.

  10. The Star Trek Seque


    The biggest single plot hole in "Star Trek", at least in terms of how much it irks me, has very little to do with technobabble:


    1) In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Measure of a Man", Data has to grapple with being defined as a legal non-person because he is a machine. Captain Picard, after a brief trial, manages to create enough of a question as to whether or not Data is sentient that he (Data) is ruled by the Federation Courts to have rights.


    2) In Star Trek: Voyager, there is an episode where the doctor is treated as having no property rights by an unscrupulous publishing company. He and Tuvok attempt to argue this case in the Federation Courts, arguing that even though the Doctor is an artificial being, the Doctor should have rights as a sentient.


    Tuvok and the Doctor spend a scene looking up legal precedents.


    And there is absolutely no mention of Data's case.



  11. Re: Champions "What Ifs"


    Well' date=' I don't know. the price for failing a mission for Destroyer would be..scary. For Dr. Foxbat..a noogie? As long as the paychecks kept coming.....[/quote']


    You'd probably be forced to listen to "a short motivational speech" from the boss...


    ...suicide would be the likely result.



  12. Re: Cosmic Threats


    Galactus is a single being that balances the Celestials' date=' as a race, in power level. That's actually his purpose, so check the growth of the Celestial race. Gotta put him up there with Death and Eternity IMO.[/quote']


    Isn't that only from the "Earth X" continuity?

  13. Re: Vehicle as automatons


    Okay' date=' I gotta ask, because I'm completely lost...what the heck are you talking about? Why all the asterisks? I haven't the faintest idea of what show or character you're referencing...[/quote']


    I echo the confusion!



  14. Re: Opinion: EuroStar


    The simple reality is that character design and game systems seldom have anything to do with the genre. Game-wise any mentalist with mind scan and an independent attack can torch just about anyone who doesn't have mental defense given some time. In a logical CU Menton is the most feared person on the planet because there are only a handful of people he can't immediately deal with. Most weaker mentalists are not far behind him. PSI and those like them are the real power in the CU. It's just the nature of the game system. :)


    I typically downplay "mutant prejudice" and upgrade "fear of telepaths" in my universes.


    Menton isn't thought of as a supervillain, for example: he's thought of as an incredibly dangerous psycho he messes with people's heads.


    He, and any other high-end psychic, is a boogeyman, and many characters in my universes are deeply afraid of Menton--and sometimes wonder if that fear has been planted in their brains by Menton...

  15. Re: Who is your favourite Supervillain that can tackle the whole team?


    Golden Avenger and Primus, only not as straight-up villains.


    They have a government mandate, and certain rules that they operate under.


    Sometimes, that will conflict with the group's goals--sometimes in a "Batman and Superman can't reallya gree" way, and sometimes more overtly.


    You can't fight them, because they are good, honorable people doing what they think is right.


    At the same time, depending on the group, the context, and the time, Primus has supers, and some of those supers end up doing things that can be perceived as villainous.


    EDIT: UNTIL can fill the same niche, only it has fewer in-house supers.

  16. Re: Character for Review and Advice Soliciting


    Well the concept is she's an alien with an organic armor that's stored beneath her skin and when she's in battle it looks like power armor. but it's actually organic. So it's a part of her, but it looks like a costume. The Modular Weapon Array is an external version of the same substance that makes up her wings and armor that can take the form of any melee weapon. "Knives, stabbing weapons"

    Hers is a warrior race and this organic metal that composes part of their body also lines her organs, muscles and skeleton giving her enhanced strength, reflexes and durability. I was thinking of Nth metal... TO THE EXTREME. The enhanced perception is the result of her species evolution into flying warriors.


    Insanely nitpicky detail/suggestion time:


    Ok, so her species has evolved into flying warriors, but they don't have the natural ability to fly--since her flight comes through a symbiote. This seems a little bit unusual.


    So, proposed origin solutions:


    1) Most members of her species have natural wings. Hers got severed somehow, and the symbiote wings are a replacement--which helps deflect the "They naturally fly at supersonic speeds?" question.


    2) Her species has evolved to work with this particular line of symbiotes/modifications. This would imply some kind of highly competitive testing/screening process, and the candidates who biologically don't work well with the symbiotes either die or don't get to breed.


    3) The entire race was engineered.

  17. Re: Opinion: EuroStar


    I don't have my book handy' date=' but as I recall the text had said something like the German 'smart-brick' (Westgote maybe?) had joined after a long 'negotiating period'.[/quote']


    [irreverant Interlude]


    I'm pretty sure his name was "Das Wall"


    [/irreverant Interlude]



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