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NPC Brown Cow

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Everything posted by NPC Brown Cow

  1. Re: noob question about END It is? Something else I obviously didn't see. Do have a page # on that? I thought Normal damage was 1 = 0 Body; 2-5 = 1 Body; 6 = 2 Body
  2. Re: noob question about END Oops, looks like I didn't explain clearly. I meant "in general" how do you deal with 1/2 die, not just for DC 2. Like do you just use the Xd-1, roll a d6 and divide by 2, use a flat adder like +3 [since that is the median {I think that's the word I want} of 1d6], or as dbsousa suggested use a d2/d4 in stead of the 1/2. My players would pitch a fit if they hit and did 0 damage. That's part of why I assume minimum of 1 damage.
  3. Re: noob question about END Thanks guys. How about another noob question then. This time about damage. I notice in 5th [i also have champions/4th/BBB] the damage class chart they list, for example: DC: 2 Killing: 1/2d6, 1d6-1 Normal: 2d6 This kinda leaves me 1/2d6 = 1,2,3 1d6-1 = 1->5 [assuming a minumum of 1 damage] So, how do you all handle 1/2d6? ------------------ A note: I'm comming over from GURPS [3rd] by the way, so I'm use to how damage rolls over under GURPS. It may just be a mental block on my part. {GURPS: 1d6, 1d6+1, 1d6+2, 1d6+3, 2d6]
  4. Re: noob question about END Ok, thanks. I don't know how many times I've read the Turn -> Segment -> Phase thing and it just didn't click. This is what happens when you try to learn it straight from the book and don't have access to an existing HERO group to pester with questions.
  5. The question below was asked on another board, and it got me wondering, since I'm not sure of the correct answer my self, so I thought I'd post it here. After looking at the book, my answer would be that the character would pay END every phase (all 12, if the power was on that long). Someone else suggested that the character would only pay END for each phase that they could act. So which is right? ------------------- Humble noob awaits enlightenment.
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