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Adam Lang

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  1. Not that anyone is reading this thread any more... Not that anyone is reading this thread any more, but there are two powers that use 'suppress' as an effect in that same book, so it's demonstrably not before suppress existed. It may be before anyone thought of using it to suppress characteristics, though. --Adam Lang
  2. Re: Stunning the target without damaging it Just FYI, something very similar to this has been dealt with in an official Hero System product before. Where, I hear you ask? (Well, see, I really don't, since my hearing isn't megascaled. I'm just saying that.) In 'Magic Items', a supplement for Fantasy Hero first edition, copyright 1987. (How pathetic is it that I know this, and still have the book?) Specifically, the Power Mace of Keshgar had an effect of 1d6 + 1 killing blast, and then a linked (except in that book they didn't use the limitation 'linked') 1d6 of killing blast with the limitation "only for stunning". Frankly, I like that approach... it's clean and simple. Of course, buying it as a normal-damage (or stun-only... perhaps ego?) might make more sense. In campaigns where the DM is willing to bend a little, you could also go for a stun drain where you move the recovery *up* the time table a couple notches (thus making it recover faster than normal, in exchange for a limitation. Should be pretty obvious how it would work.) --Adam Lang
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