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Posts posted by JorrJorr

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


    Watched the first DVD of season 1 of Beauty and the Beast last night. It finally came out Tuesday, but I've had it pre-ordered for a month, patiently waiting for it. I haven't seen the series since it originally aired.


    It's still an enjoyable series and it brings back fond memories. As always, Ron Perlman is exceptional. The one thing that caught my attention was that George R. R. Martin was writer of the second episode. I went to see if it really was the same person and was pleasantly surprised it was. He apparently wrote a number of episodes and is listed as Executive Story Consultant in the end credits.


    It made me want to do a urban fantasy/Blue Rose kind of game. Maybe the big HERO release will be the urban fantasy genre book.

  2. Re: Greatest Post-Apoc Film of All Time


    I'm going to buck the trend of action movies and suggest "The Quiet Earth". Not an action movie, but a "last man on earth" variation that makes you go hhmmm. Plus it came out on DVD last June. I remember seeing it in the theaters when it came out in the late eighties and and thought it was very cool sci-fi story. It still holds up pretty good given it's around 20 years old.


    I highly recommend it. :thumbup:

  3. Re: Feedback on a mutant plant power


    Thanks for the input. I knew I was missing something about Mental Powers (the based on CON limitation). My design-fu is rusty. I originally had the NND Advantage, but it didn't make sense with Mind Control, hence the reason I added the Conditional Limitation of must be inhaled. It'll probably be better represented as an NND (does not breath, sealed system) and the Based on CON limitation since it's a bio-chemical effect and not truly a psionic power.


    I did consider using cumulative, but I'll probably just use that as a variation in my big list o' mutation prefabs I'm putting together in Hero Designer.


    Thanks again


  4. Greetings HEROdom,


    I'm working on an encounter for an upcoming Gamma World HERO game involving a mutant plant with an ability called Allurement. Allurement has the following effects: produces a sweet smelling fragrance within a limited range, has an hypnotic effect of causing creatures to approach and possibly touch the plant and if the allurement "attack" fails or creature is injured (by the plant) the effects are negated.


    Here's my build:


    Allurement: Mind Control 4d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1 1/4) (60 Active Points); Set Effect (must approach/touch plant; -1), No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2), Conditional Power only works when inhaled (-1/4).

    Total Cost: 18 points.


    This is a Heoric game with characters built on 75+75 points with a 30 AP limit on mutant powers except for one which can be at 50AP. Does this seem like a reasonable build? Any suggestions to mimic an Attraction Odor power other than Mind Control? I thought about Transform but read the note about not using Transorm to mimic other powers.


    My biggest concern is the Active Point cost of the construct being a bit larger than the Standard Heroic AP max. Yes, I know as a GM, it's in my hands to ensure a balanced encounter, but I'd like to stick to close to guidelines. Also there's a possibility, although unlikely, that this mutation may be purchased by plant based characters or animals/humans as pheromones. It would certainly create interesting situations within the party/community until people were used to it :)


    Thanks for your feedback.


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