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Posts posted by Cardinal

  1. Re: Compleatly stupid question


    You can also avoid the problem of hurting yourself with an explosion by setting it as an explosion cone or line... the sfx being the directed shock wave clap. That way, you target the hex next to you and that is where the damage starts and it goes away from you.


    Personally, I am using a demi brick with var adv. on strength and it works well to cover many of the effects that you discussed (AP, indirect (punching through things), explosion cone, 0 end, etc.).


    My GM has ruled (based I think on something Steve put in the FAQ) that you cannot put ranged on Strength as it would duplicate another power (TK). I think that is a sensible ruling in context.

  2. Re: I know I have seen this lim before


    I think John Wrath, Solo Avenger, from Killer Shrike's campaign has that build. I believe he has been posted on this board a couple of times.


    I do not recall if there is a Canon source for the same.


    Another way to do the same thing is to purchase some of your archer's ranged martial arts as FMOVE (though you will have to reverse engineer the prices for FMOVE on a ranged martial art... I think it is 6pts).

  3. Re: Rag on this Character!


    I think you can actually get some savings to help up your cumulative total by eliminating the IPE. Since they are BOECV powers they are invisible to all but Mental Sense. As such, not many people will be able to notice it anyway.


    So if you didn't have to work but wanted to stay involved with humanity, didn't want a high profile since that'd give away your immortality - what would be a good job / career?


    With Telepathy you could be the world's most sympathetic bartender. ;)


    However, if you want low profile for which your mental skills are helpful, how about some sort of author or journalist. You could use a pen name and travel around writing books. You would be able to do a hell of an interview.

  4. Re: Galactic Champions vs 2K Master Villains


    ** Rise from the dead, I command you**


    Nice necromancy and cool thread.


    Isn't the Menton v. 3K the situation where Menton decides that it is time to properly use his powers to the fullest? That is to say, TP far away and then use his Detect Mind and Mind Scan to take care of Sage and then blast the hell out of everyone from the safety of a beach somewhere drinking an umbrella drink...

  5. Re: Rag on this Character!


    Quick mechanics question.


    Doesn't the cumulative adv on the various mental powers just mean that you can go up to the max of the dice that you have (18pts). That does not seem like you would have a huge amount of impact.


    Now for the character, the main issue I see is your PS: Lawyer. If you have 10pts of wealth, I sure wouldn't want to be practice as a lawyer (I am one in RL, so I feel qualified to comment). ;)

  6. Re: [Character Concept] Mutant w/ Latent Telekinetic Power & Activator Foci


    The previous poster beat me to my comments about the VPP, so i will just say ditto.


    However, while I am hear I thought I would throw out one idea that, while slightly off point, might interest you. My last character was a FF manipulator that needed a Control Harness to help use her powers. She could use them without it, but would be at a significant disad.


    I modeled it as Var Limitation set to two options: (a) OIF Fragile, Not in Intense Magnetic Fields or (B) Concentration, Increased End cost, for a effective limitation of -1/2.


    I normally find Not In Intense Magnetic Fields to be a bit cheesey. However, I thought it was ok in this case because the focus was obviously mechanical and might be effected by EMPs, magnetic fields, etc., thus increasing the chance that it would be used. Also, the character had a couple of disadvantages that triggered when using her powers without the harness, thus making not using the focus or having it destroyed a real pain.


    Good luck with character.

  7. Re: Rate my character - Sabre


    21 Psi-Sabre: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2);

    OAF (-1), No STR Bonus (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) End= 7


    12 Psi-Sabre Defense: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection,

    Reflect At Any Target; Limited Power - Power loses all of its effectiveness

    (Can only be used when the Psi Sabre is Active and in the character's hands; -2),

    OAF (Psi Sabre Unit; -1), Only In Heroic Identity (Nessecary Speed and reflexes

    only available when wearing the armour; -1/4)


    Two tweaks. Your psi sabre should either be a HKA with No Str Bonus (-1/2) or RKA with No Range (-1/2). It should not have both disads. Also, if you are going for the lightsaber effect, you may want to consider an additional level of AP or something like AVLD Does Body (Defense is Combat Luck + FF). If you do the later, you can bring down the total number of dice.


    Second, the -2 limitation on the Missile deflection seems a bit thin. You are effectively suggesting that you need to have the psi sabre to deflect. That limitation is covered by the OAF. It seems the -2 is a double dip.


    I agree with the previous post that you should buy up your Ego.


    Seems like an interesting character. Good luck.

  8. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


    I'm in the process of tweaking and lightly revamping both Straight Arrow and Aurora (who is played by my fiancee Kate). Once I've got them finished, I'll send them to Bill and post them here.


    I've also got a version of Red Dragon, but it hasn't been updated for a month or so (since I first re-designed him for Allen). If I can get the updates from my fellow player, I'll post him here too.




    Great! I'm looking forward to seeing them.


    It is always interesting matching builds with descriptions.

  9. Re: UNITY 2010: A New Champions Campaign


    Keyes Bill -


    This continues to be must see...err... web stuff... no wonder I never went into marketing.


    Anyway, I just wanted to add my voice to the countless others telling you how much I've enjoyed this. Keep it up!


    I know that Lonewalker posted Straight Arrow. Any chance we can see some of the other characters?


    Great job!



  10. I thought I remember reading somewhere about an Adder for Change Environment (10pts IIRC) which would allow the user to switch between CE Effects (i.e. -4 Dex to -4 Tempature levels). Does this sound familiar to anyone and if so, where is it located? I can't find it.





  11. Re: Help with a Name


    Thanks everyone for the various suggestions. Some of them have promise! Keep 'em coming.


    What is the character's cultural background? Who game him his powers?


    Currently I have it set up as a sort of divine origin where the character has been imbued with powers in order to prepare to stop a coming threat (very vaguely laid out). I tried to steer clear of specifics about higher planes and the like in order to give the GM broad discretion to fit the character into his plans.

  12. Hello all -


    I am working on a new character and I thought I would appeal to the great assembled minds for some help. I need a name.


    The character is a mystic brick - sort of a mix of Captain Marvel and Vision. He is imbued with powers of the four elements (earth, air, water, fire) and can draw upon these forces to turn into a mighty foe of evil (i.e. OIHID).


    In this form he can draw upon the strength of the earth (Density Increase), can transform himself into water (desolid), is one with the air (flight) and can call upon the fire of the heavens (EB).


    His history is that he has been given these powers to prepare for a coming mystic confrontation of epic proportions. As such, he has a sort of solid, protective, guardian feel. I feel no need to use his name to reference the source of his powers, but I would like to evoke that protective feel. Something that does that and touches on his origin would be even better.


    Thanks for your help!!!

  13. Re: Evaluate my Vampiress: Angelique


    17 Vampire Regeneration: Healing 6 BODY (Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection) (85 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 6 Hours (-2 1/2), Does not work on Magic or Fire Two or More Types of Damage (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Must rest in Grave for Regeneration takes effects Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) (uses Personal END)


    I did not do the math, but since you have bought down the time to 6 hours, wouldn't it make more sense to take the power as 1 Body regeneration Extra Time 1 Hour?

  14. Re: Power build question: Itch


    How about a relatively low def high body entangle that does not block attacks. based on Con rather than str.


    That way any target would be able to get out eventually after they scratched for a while (aka breaking out).

  15. Re: Help - Alterable Modes of Movement


    Clever idea on Tunneling. I am not sure that Tunneling through air passes the smell test, but it is a neat way to do things.


    How do you justify the ability to get off the ground, or would you require the person to link the tunneling to flight?


    you could buy the no turn mode advantage for flight instead


    I am leaning towards this solution. However, I wanted to understand how the alterable mode of movement advantage worked and whether it was a valid alternative.


    Does anyone know?


    Thanks for your help.

  16. I have seen people use the "alterable modes of movement" advantage (+1/4) to reflect "walking on air" or a modified ability to fly. I understand that this comes from the Ultimate Vehicle. Unfortunately, I do not have this book and have no idea what this advantage is or does.


    I would appreciate it if someone would please explain the rule to me.


    The factual background for the question is as follows: I am creating a generic iceman type character. The normal mode of travel is ice slides. I have seen this done two ways (a) Flight (physical manifestation, needs support) or (B) +" of running (see USPD).


    If alterable modes of movement does what I think it does a third alternative would be a naked modifier on the +" of running (+1/4) with the limits physical manifestation and needs support, etc. This seems to most accurately reflect the ability to go up hill on the ice slides while retaining the normal manueverability of running instead of the limited turn mode of flying.


    I would appreciate anyone's explanaition of the advantage and comments on the power construct above.


    Thanks in advance.

  17. Re: How would you build this


    I second Nexus' suggestion. Have an MP with one slot HTH variable SFX, second slot HKA variable sfx, a third RKA varliable sfx (ranged bladed weapons), etc. The most limited version of variable lim can be set to a narrow group such as edged weapons, etc. This means that the player would not be able to say "Oh, I summoned a silver sword for the werewolf and a fire bo staff for Iceman."


    If you don't want to use an MP, try a VPP 0phase change, no skill roll, limited powers (only real weapons). Figure out the AP of the biggest weapon in the UMA and go with that. I think an VPP is a bit overkill in this situation, but it would work.


    With respect to your duplicate question, each duplicate will be able to use whatever powers they have (unless otherwise limited) without reference to the other duplicates. Therefore, Dup A could be using slot A and Dup B using slot B.


    Edit: Oddhat's MP is what I was thinking... except with the optional variable SFX.

  18. Re: The Brotherhood of Mutants (Con Game III)


    Yah, formatting problem, he's actually a 15.


    Ah, that makes much more sense. Sorry I didn't catch that.


    Does anyone have a comment on his TK powers? Does it make sense? Is it legal to have to separate powers that combine? What I was trying to do is show that he can lift things that aren't metal but he has much greater strength over metal.


    I see what you are trying to do. Technically (at least in 5E) you cannot add powers between frameworks (5E, p. 203, under General Rules). However, you can have a power in a framework add to one that is outside of a framework.


    Since I assume you do not care too much about points for a Master Villan, you could eliminate the EC and instead put Drains as an EC (-1/4) lim on each of the current EC slots. Or, you could buy the powers as naked powers outside of either framework.


    For an example of the latter, check out Gravitar in CKC.

  19. Re: The Brotherhood of Mutants (Con Game III)


    Go job on the various characters. Sounds like it will be a fun game.


    I had a couple of quick thoughts based on a very quick pass.


    I have not read the ultimate Xmen, but I agree with the previous poster that 40 str seems off for Toad.


    One idea for mastermind is to give him Images (only versus sentient beings, -1/4 or -1/2) to replicate the AOE Mental Images.


    For Magneto, I think the scrap metal of opportunity should be OIF, not OAF... it is more readily accesible than an OAF.


    As I said, good job!

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