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Posts posted by spaceprincessecho

  1. Re: When do you Abort?


    Usually, in our games, the GM tells the person when he starts to Abort (assuming he hasn't already acted that phase) whether the attack is one where Dodging or Dive for Cover is correct.


    GM: "He's about to hit you with his blaster."

    Player: "I dodge."

    GM: "It's an area effect weapon, you'll have to Dive for Cover."

    Player: "I dive for cover."


    I think this is how I'd usually handle it. I feel it's more like I'm working with the players to make a fun game.

  2. Re: Limits on Killing attacks?


    My general philosophy involves not giving strict limitations on what powers/levels of such a character can have. I just require a player to think about its character, why does the character do what he does? What sort of things does she believe, especially in regards to how her powers interact with the world?


    Although, if a character shows up at my table with 90% of his points in a KA, I'll probably take some objection to that. Likewise with anything else that strikes me as problematic for the campaign, but I'd leave it at a case-by-case judgement rather than predefining such rules.

  3. Re: Game-Time Pop-Quiz for GM's


    Spoon-Bender has Telekinesis 20 STR and decides to make a 'Telekinetic-Punch' against Square-Jaw who is slowly walking towards him. His 4d6 punch doesn't affect Square-Jaw in the least and he's too heavy to lift with his Telekinesis. Spoon-Bender decides to 'Haymaker' his 'Tk-Punch'. How much damage would it do if he hits?


    I'm inclined to go with 6d6 - Haymaker is 1.5x damage, right? - but that seems too easy. I infer there is some 'catch' that applies specifically to this scenario.

  4. Re: Game-Time Pop-Quiz for GM's


    Wicked Lazer fires his Nasty Beam (3d6+1 RKA with +2 STUNx) at young sidekick Wonder Boy and hits. If Wonder Boy's ED/rED is 20/10 and Wicked Lazer rolls 11 BODY and a '4' on the STUNx die' date=' how much damage does [b']Wonder Boy[/b] take? What if he rolls a '1' on the STUNx die?


    1 BODY, 35 STUN. If he rolled a 1 on the STUNx it'd be 1 BODY and 2 STUN. Reasons: If you have any resistant defence against an attack, you get to apply your full defences towards the STUN from that attack.


    The GM is having the villian Bio-Flame do battle with the Mighty Mahogany Man, a new PC. Bio-Flame lets loose with his Terrible Torch power (9d6 EB AP) and burns the Wooden Warrior. Mighty Mahogany Man has 25 ED and 25% Energy Damage Reduction, but he also has a Vulnerability to Flame Attacks (1.5x STUN). If Bio-Flame rolls 29 STUN damage on the dice, how much does the Mighty Mahogany Man take?


    Important point: None of Mighty Mahogany Man's defences shut down for fire. Second important point: It is susceptability that denies defences (IIRC). Conjecture: Vulnerability applies before defences. Fairly confident statement: Damage Reduction applies after defences. Final output: Mighty Mahogany Man takes 14 STUN (assuming I rounded properly when applying DR).


    Powerman (SPD 5) did a full move and smashed through the skylight on Phase 3. On Phase 5 he flies a half-move towards the Terror Team and blasts Fear with a pushed Power Blast. Powerman then declares he's going to do a Presence Attack on Loathing (SPD 4), the remaining member of the team. When does his Presence Attack go off? Will Loathing get a chance to respond?


    Immediately. Presence Attacks take no time at all, and can be done at any time, even on another character's phase or after you've attacked. So, no, Loathing doesn't get to respond between the Power Blast and the Presence Attack.


    Checking my answers on this, I see I am...

    1. Right/wrong. I added the +2 to the 1d6-1 at the onset, coming up with a total STUNx of 1d6+1.

    2. Wrong. Query: In the question you said he had 25 ED, in your answer your calculations reflect 13. How does this occur?

    3. Right.

  5. Re: Game-Time Pop-Quiz for GM's


    1. Ninja Boy has Find Weakness with Martial Arts and makes his Find Weakness roll against Tough Dude's Resistant Defenses. Tough Dude has 30PD/30ED with 30 active points of Damage Resistance. How much defense does Tough Dude get to apply against Ninja Boy's Martial Attacks?

    2. Blaster Girl was just hit by an Entangle (6 Def, 5 Body) on her last phase. On her next phase she uses her Power Blast to try and break out of the Entangle and rolls 11 Body. Is her phase over? What if she rolled 16 Body vs. the Entange?

    3. Knuckles has a 50 STR and has Armor Piercing as a Naked Advantage on STR. If he throws a Haymaker punch how much damage does it do and is it still Armor Piercing?

    4. Knuckles also has 10" of Running and decides to do a 10" Movethrough attack. How much damage does he do and is it still Armor Piercing?

    5. Mr. Sneaky has a 25 STR and has a Hand to Hand attack with the advantages Armor Piercing and Reduced End (0 End) (50 active, 33 real). How much damage can he do with a Haymaker punch and how much End does it cost him?


    1. If I remember FW correctly, it'd be 15 PD he gets. Unless resistent defence isn't reducable by FW... but that brings up the question as to whether the DR is for is PD or ED, or both (and if so in what proportion).

    2. Yes and yes. Making an attack ends your phase.

    3. That looks like 15d6 and yes, armour piercing.

    4. Oh... I don't know the movethrough/moveby rules offhand. Based on my previous answer I'd say it's still AP, though.

    5. That's a little complicated, because the advantages aren't on his STR. So... he gets 5d6 from STR, which costs him 2 END (not AP). Then he gets 5d6 from the HtH, which costs 0 END and is AP. Then we toss in Haymaker, which off the top of my head is 1.5x STR damage, implying that the HtH adds seperatly (being not STR). Total, then, is 12.5d6 damage, 5d6 of which is AP, for 2 END.


    Checking your answers to the quiz, I see that I am...

    1. wrong

    2. wrong

    3. wrong

    4. wrong, simply by not knowing, but I got the AP part right

    5. wrong, but I got the END part right

  6. Re: If AVLD, why not DVLA?


    As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter how many points it costs. It's only going to ever appear on an NPC and I don't need to worry about points for them. So I would go with the simplest construct and call it done' date=' which would most likely be Desol.[/quote']


    I don't quite understand your logic here. If it's only going to be used for NPCs and you don't track points for them, why not just write 'immune to fire' on the character sheet? The only purpose behind finding an actual construct to perform the effects is to derive a point cost for the immunity.

  7. Re: Explosion meets Force Wall: what happens?


    I would start with special effects and work logic from there. For example, a thrown grenade would pass through a physical-transparent force wall, even if the actual attack damage is energy (although said force wall would nicely contain the blast so it didn't hurt anyone outside :) ). My logical sense tells me that yes, a force wall should block (in most cases) an explosive attack and force it to explode early. On aborting, I would rule that placing the force wall to force the explosion to harm the attacker (or intentionally hitting anyone else, for that matter) is not a defensive action. I agree with Rapier's suggestion that an aborted force wall should only go up in the adjacent hex to you, at most.

  8. Re: What blocks senses and powers?


    I think X-Ray vision is often abused in the game.


    Mind you I'd abuse it if I had it in reality... 'Oh Lois.....'


    'Oh Lois' what? 'Oh Lois, you have really sexy bones'? X-Ray wouldn't ignore clothes and not flesh. Now, an N-Ray vision that's only stopped by 'living people' would let you ignore clothing nicely... :cheers:

  9. Re: Gestures and Restrainable


    That's worth a little' date=' but not really an additional -1/4. After all, the brick could simply squeeze if he wanted to do damage. It's only if you have Gestures on some powers and Incantations on others that this would apply.[/quote']


    Well, yes, but a squeeze doesn't allow you to add your +10d6 HA Wizard-Destroying Fist manoeuvre.

  10. Re: A very unusual character


    Otherwise, I might consider (even though this is really expensive) using Duplication - Cannot Combine and give them duplicate yet equal stats (other than mental stats).


    But then you run into issues...if you hit LeftSide Annie, RightSide Shirley would still take STUN. Definately not an easy one.


    For that, just use the feedback limitation for duplication.

  11. Re: DEX is used too much


    2) Answer me this' date=' why should someone with good dex be better at fighting - attack, I understand might (should) be better at avoiding getting hit - I'm not convinced OCV and DCV should be linked to the same characteristic.[/quote']


    I'm quite in favour of using dexterity to hit an opponent (one of my many qualms with D&D/D20). I feel it should be so because the attack roll (in HERO, as well as other games using the same logic for dex to hit) represents you connecting your weapon with the other guy. This is purely a contest between how quick you are with the weapon and how quick he is in moving away. Now, obviously, training has a big effect on the outcome here (on both sides), but at its core level it's a contest of speed.

  12. I'm a bit new to the boards, and I see scattered about are people making references to a 'fred'. I've picked up that this refers to the HERO 5th edition book, but I'm really rather curious as to how such a moniker came about.

  13. Re: Exotic Methods for Executions?


    There's always the old classic of defenestration, although if we're in a fantasy game that includes magic, we could go with the following:

    Magically liquefy the victim's bones, then grab by the feet and beat into a nearby convenient stone wall.

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