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Posts posted by Rikathos

  1. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


    Union Jack: Been a fan of this character since I started picking up back issues of the "Invaders" A great pedagree of people donned the mask and loaded the Webley.I loved the Cassidy illustrated limited series.


    Thunderstrike A mortal proved to the gods to have the heart of a Noble hero and given the gift of a new Hammer. I loved the normal joe trying to impersonate Thor.


    Hawkeye Wisecracking badass with a bow


    The Spirit of 76' Another Character I ran across collecting the Invaders. Like Captain America but in a Patriot outfit and Bullet proof cloak. I think of this character would have a lot of potential. There would be lots of room to expand on this character.


    Antman/Giantman I always thought Pym got a bum wrap.

  2. Re: If You Had To Play a DC Character…


    Ooo what a toss up...




    Due to his down to earth attitude. Also he was discovering his Father and Brother's legacy. There was a lot of wonder and curiousity to the character.And he didn't take Sh*t from anyone not even the Bat.

    And let's not forget the important role he played in Superman being sent to earth.

    2) The Flash (Any incarnation)

    I love the power and versatility of Speedsters.


    3) Superman

    C'mon, Like you wouldn't want to be an Icon? Love it when the writers show the humanity of the character.

  3. Re: What Comic Book Titles are you Buying (Not Reading, Buying)


    #1 and #2

    Green Arrow


    JSA Classified


    Justice (Limited Series)

    Infinite Crisis (Limited)

    Next Wave

    The Ultimates

    Hawkman (Soon to be Hawk Girl)

    Fantastic Four

    The Thing

    The Astonishing X-men

    Teen Titans

    Jack Staff

    Blue Beetle

    All Star Superman


    Supreme Power/Squadron Supreme

    Marvel Zombies (limited Series)

    Thunderbolts (TPBs)

    And I just picked up The Essential Iron Fist (nice stuff)


    A few others I forget, that's most of them.

  4. Re: Sick of Wolverine


    Is it wrong to imagine Wolverine as a Wille E. Coyote or Daffy Duck figure?

    Constantly taking damage no human much less hero could take and coming back for even more. Oh the possiblities!

    Hence my glee at remembering how Frank Castle blew his face off with a Shotgun.


    The only times I liked the character were the X-Men Vs. the Hellfire club. Getting his density increased falling through the floor and then ending up in the Sewer with a look etched on his face that there would be a reckoning!

    And the Limited Series Miller did in the 80's with Wolvie. Ninja's gotta love the ninjas. And of course Wolvie getting pierced by 50 arrows.


    That's it, now..he is tired and grossly overused as a marketing idea.


    Which begs the question. "What Marvel title has he NOT been in?"

  5. Re: Super Bases and the Gm's who love them


    Its an association of Villians.


    They will need to keep a low profile.

    There is at lease one Scientist.

    Two to Three Mercenaries.

    An Alien

    And the other is very hard to explain.


    It has been proposed that the group makes some of its funds Harvesting organ's and genetic material. From Either Meta's or Norms depending on the Current Market.


    The Base will be presented to them as a reward after their first adventure if they don't die.


    None have suggested having minions. However I would like to keep it open for them to construct what they will need in the future.

  6. I know I know its all about location location location.


    Well, I've got that figured out.


    I'm trying to create a base for a Villian game I am running and I've never plotted out the points and created one within the Hero System before.


    I know all good Base's need a computer and of course there is the structure


    But I was wondering if there are any source material books or sites that could be a helpful resource?


    I would also invite any creative input from the community at large.


    What would you put in your Super base?


    I know I want basic structure and a computer. I'll let the characters customize it to their liking. Should there be more?


    Your thoughts?

  7. Re: Advice on GMing superhero campaigns?


    I found sitting down with my group and asking them What they wanted and didn't want in the Campaign and wrote a list.

    That helped me avoid overused plot hooks and helped me understand what kind of game the players wanted.


    Flexibility, can't stress that one enough. Can't speak for everyone but I HATE being "Run over by the Plot wagon". You should have a basic plot in place but don't force it. Let the characters play through what you've given them.

    If they don't go precisely in the direction you wanted you can gently nudge them with npc's or clues. This can make your job a little harder but it will increase the players enjoyment. At least in my opinion.


    Remember their disadvantages. But don't beat them over the head with them.

    Yes they are there to limit the characters and help add dimension to them.

    But if you keep beating the characters over the head with it session after session it can get old fast. Example..Hunted by

    "Oh look its Him...AGAIN!"



    Never be afraid to ask what happens after they bring down the bad guy.

    Or if the bad guy gets away....

    This leads me to a brief aside. Even if you've spent hours making your villian or villians and the characters wack them in record time no matter how you increase their stun or defenses. Let it happen. If you think they would try to escape, let them try. But if the characters stop them. Let them...


    Back to what I was saying. The bad guys lost? Who hired them? Will they send someone to shut up those that where captured? Suddenly your Heroes are protecting the Villians from something far worse then they first thought.

    The Bad guys lost and now they get their day in court. But can your Heroes testify? Will it threaten their secret ID? What if the Villians will go free if the Heroes don't testify?

    You can take the plot anywhere you want often with the Players help.

    What they do should have an affect on the world and they will have to deal with the outcome good or bad.


    If you want to keep a comic book feel, I like to describe the Comic book cover of the nights session. Following the classic style of putting a piece of the coming adventure in the picture you describe. It may sound corny but I enjoy giving the characters a sneak peak to pique their interest. And if I need to toss a few red herrings I can do it in the description.

  8. Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


    Sex in Comic books is like having Wolverine show up in ALL your company's titles.

    It sells. Its a gimic. Take a look at the Previews catalog and the lesser known comic company's products. Sexy Spider Chicks with large breasts trying to eat people or any other variation as long as you have gratuitous violence and big breasts.

    But that's what gets the fans to buy the comic.


    The easiest way to let your opinion be heard is to buy or not buy the product.

    You don't buy it, comic cancels. No fuss no Muss. Let the market decide.

  9. Re: DC's turn toward the dark


    I do not know why I am feeding the fire of this discussion that has devolved into whether or not Superman would kill or not?

    You have given distinct and direct examples of Superman NOT killing or mucking about with peoples minds.


    No where in your examples does it provide definative proof

    That if Lex Luthor (Not anyone else) killed (As in Gone down and joined the Choir Invisible, Dead, This Reporter is most certainly Dead. Not Resting. No Voom. Dead. This is the farthest example of life out there. Dead. Bereft of Life. Worm food. No chance for resesatation. Kacked. Kicked. She's a freakin' Corpse.) Lois Lane.

    I submit to you that if Lois Lane was killed by Lex Luthor himself. And Superman saw it or found out about it. Lex Luthor would be so much paste.

    Now remember...Lex Luthor...Killing not massaging or caressing Lois Lane with his Evil.

    Killing her. Him not a flunky or a malevolent force controlling Lex Luthor to do it.

    Not a parallel dimension version of Lex or Lois the REAL deal. Lex + Lois = Superman willing to kill out of anguish and pain. Blind Kryptonian Fury on his Ultimate foe Lex Luthor.


    And do we count Justice League Unlimited in this debate or do we keep strictly to the Comic?

  10. Re: DC's turn toward the dark


    I'm not going to duel with some one far more intimate with the details of Superman.


    However...The character involved was not Lex Luthor.


    Hell even in Kingdom Come Superman couldn't kill the Joker.


    I think Lex get's under Supes cape. And the debate over this detail is moot when considering the current topic.


    (Insert Diagram of Tangent here) ;)

  11. Re: DC's turn toward the dark


    I don't know what is going on in the heads of writers for DC, but I am catching a theme. Perhaps the writers are taking a good hard look at what it means to be a hero.

    Certainly not killing people as a regular way to resolve the plot.

    But the Heroes Identity is what is core to the character.

    What makes the Character tick. What keeps him putting on the tights and stopping the law breakers.

    People. The very people they protect and love.

    Superman for instance. He for all purposes is Physically indestructible. Except of course for Kryptonite and Magic.

    But Emotionally and Mentally? The Man is vulnerable.

    If Lex Luther killed Lois Lane, Superman's love. Before Luther could say

    "Its a bird its a..urk."

    He'd have a hole in his chest from Superman's heat vision.

    That's Supermans weakness, the people he cares for and loves.

    That's where the drama of the character is. That is what the current writers are exploring in their themes. What pushes the characters buttons.

    The threat of their secret identities being revealed to the world and all of their loved ones and associates lives put at risk.

    Now do I think good ol'Pennyworth would kill for Batman?


    For his love of Bruce and his realization that even though his crusade is destructive it is needed.

    To what lengths are Heroes and those they love willing to go to in order to protect the greater good.

    Now do I think Alfred should be depicted doing that?


    If you do look at the Paneled artwork they give you the idea that Alfred killed the man. But they do not show it. They let the reader's imagination fill in the blanks.

    Any number of possibilities could have occured.

    Perhaps Alfred views killing them as a means to an end. A move need for the greater good of Batman.

    Me personally, I think there are far more sophisticated ways of taking care of the situation besides breaking in and taking the evidence, you could easily discredit the reporter and ruin his credibility. However, you run the risk of creating a future enemy.

    But then, that's what comic's do.

    Maybe this sudden change in writing direction comes from creators realizing that at $2.99 a pop lil'Johnny can't afford a comic these days.

    Where as an adult could.

    This division can be seen in Marvel's attempt at making comics more accessable to younger kids with "Marvel Age" comics.


    I guess it boils down to whether you like it or not.

    I'm sure that sales figures will certain attest to whether it was a successful idea that interested consumers or not.

  12. Re: DC's turn toward the dark


    Perhaps much of the debate over DC's dark turn is that the child in us all identifies with the characters and their incarnation when we first encounter them.

    But with the changing of times,writers, and artists the perspective changes the heroes we love change. And that is the problem many of us have.

    The Change.

    I kind of remember pre-crisis DC so bear with me. If memory serves me right There were multiple Earths and versions of each Hero. There was a lack of continuity in the titles. DC sales where not that good and they needed to recharge their titles and reinvent themselves. Then we have Crisis. Since Crisis there has been a big shift toward continuity and in so doing some of the characters changed and became different.

    That is an example of the Change. And my point being is that pre-Crisis DC seemed a bit too sanitized. Too static.

    And I know you all are sophisticated enough to realized that as a story unfolds the main pro-tagonists change. In a novel or short story this can happen very quickly.

    With comics I think working within the comic's normal cycle it takes longer.

    Unless you end the series and restart it abruptly.


    Perhaps I'm not expressing myself well enough....

    How about Pre-Crisis Superman. Was there anything besides Kryptonite that this guy couldn't handle? Was there any suspense in what the character did?

    No, you know Superman was going to save the day and everything was going to reset back to the way things where each time. Like a cartoon you can blast'em beat'em chop'em and everything will be all better next time.

    That to me seems boring. Why read a Superman comic when you know he's always going to win?

    Now don't get me wrong, I like my goodguys to win. But its how they win that makes it interesting to me. How the problem or threat effects the people and enviroment around the hero and in turn how the change in the people around them affects the Hero.

    I like the journey not the destination in the comics.


    And due to that there has to be change.

    I believe that the dark storylines are only the set-up to a big payoff.

    Darkest before the Light kind of thing.

    And I like Geoff John's writing as well as Grant Morrison's writing.

    What I read about their plans for a Post-Crisis DC Universe(Comicshop News Article not sure # 942?943?) The two writers wanted to bring some of the secondary and little used characters of the DC universe to the fore-front. Hence Morrisons take on the Seven Soldiers of Victory and the New Blue Beetle whom ever that is.

    Not bust down the walls and rip everything up and remake the Universe.


    So I think we need to hang on and keep our hands inside the ride and see what happens to the DC Universe.

  13. Re: DC's turn toward the dark


    I have no problem with expression of opinion Chuckg.

    At least you didn't swear at me...my sensitive feelings and all. ;)


    Ooo look something for you to obsess about.


    As for this Dark turn in DC. I like it.

    I liked Ted Kord, and I liked Barry Allen.

    Things change, I'm looking forward to finding out what they have in store for us.

    Can it be any worse than Zero Hour? I think not.

    Now the discussion for a while seemed to focus on the Continuity of the universe.

    IE the whole GA age thing amongst other details.

    I think with the Catalog of characters that DC has I think they do a remarkable job of at least attempting some sort of continuity. Unlike Marvel.

    Which I know that's a whole other debate and off topic.

    But I'm curious to see where the Infinity Crisis will take the DC universe.

    Where as House of M..I really don't care.

  14. Re: DC's turn toward the dark


    This ain't my fight. And far be it for a lesser member of this board to jump into it.


    I have a question Chuckg.


    You have stated your opinion and others have stated yours. The others seem to have a different opinion than yours and do not seem to be changing it.


    What is the point of continueing this? You are wasting energy and time getting mad over something you can't change. Picking apart peoples comments will only devolve this discussion further. You going to just keep butting heads until someone gets banned and this thread dies...Unless you like it.

    And if so...Let's get You and Master Blaster into the Thunderdome and have at it.

    We could do a pay per view.


    Okay...I'm done. Commence with the verbal drawing and quartering.

    I can at least say I had the stones to try reason.

  15. Re: Build your own "New Avengers"!


    Some thoughts on New Avenger teams.


    Street Avengers

    The Falcon (Chair Man)

    Luke Cage

    Iron Fist


    Black Widow


    Jim Rhodes (Technical Advisor or Armored Hero)



    Avenger's Probation Team

    Taking the example of the 2nd Roster of the Avengers including

    Wanda and Quicksilver former Villians and The Thunderbolts.

    Perhaps keep them Thunderbolts but associated with the Avengers

    Maybe throw in a little bit of the Suicide Squad by forcing Villians as part of their sentence to work with the team. Perhaps they have security Collars or some way to keep them in check besides other team members.

    Black Knight

    Song Bird (Chair Woman)

    Mach 5


    Speed Demon

    Whirl Wind

    Silver Samurai

    The Super Skull (Yeah, Why not. Could be interesting and he may not ultimately be a hero. A Hero only in Protest)


    The Champions (A.K.A. West Coast Avengers)


    Long Shot




    Ms. Marvel (Chair Woman)



    Avengers Prime (A.K.A. The Big Guns)

    Captain America (Chairman)


    Iron Man

    Quick Silver


    Yellow Jacket



    Wonder Man

  16. Re: New Avengers?


    I agree that Astonishing X-Men is top notch it brought me back to the book and actually made me like the characters again.


    I really wish that Marvel would just STOP with the over exposure of Wolverine.

    Tired and annoying marketing device. Sales flag in a book, quick add Wolverine!


    Now, as for the New Avengers....(Blinks at the screen)....

    Everyone hated me on this thing previously for daring to not like Battle Star Galactica...You can all hate me for Not likeing the new Avengers one bit.


    Line up and form a Que if you like.


    I like "Powers" by Bendis I collect it and enjoy it thoroughly.

    If I could stomach the art on Daredevil I think I would collect that too.

    As for the "New" Avengers.

    My gripe about "I know! Let's cancel a comic and restart it at #1" aside.

    Along with the Death and now apparent resurection of Hawkeye....


    My biggest gripe about the team is Spiderman.


    He shouldn't be there, in my opinion.


    He can hang with the big boys there is no doubt. But the Feel of the character his roots are the streets. Helping the Little guy out instead of tussling with Count Nefarious or Ultron. He's the wild card that shows up and saves the day.

    Not the Comedy relief he was portrayed in the first 6 issues of the series.

    Yeah, he cracks wise to set his Enemies on edge but the guy has earned at least some respect. So why is he made the Clown?


    I have no problem with Spiderwoman, Captain America, Iron Man, or Luke Cage.


    Uh...Sentry? Introduced in a Mini-Series and correct me if I am wrong ( like I know you want to) Did the Mini Series really do any decent sales?

    You know what? You want to suddenly shunt in a character and make him Marvel's answer to Superman fine. But lets not pretend Bendis isnt' force feeding that concept to us. Sentry? Who freakin' cares.


    Wolverine: As it was previously mentioned in another reply. How many FREAKIN teams can they toss this overused twit on?

    Although as an aside....I want to see Wolverine guest star in Archie...

    I mean they had the Punisher do it. Why not? Heh.


    Now twit? Okay, maybe not so much. As with any character if they are written well then its forgivable, but he isn't really written well here.

    I too miss Samurai Wolverine. Wolverine that wasn't made to be the *** of the team.


    Please...Wolverine is the "IT" factor for the New Avengers?

    He's this Generations answer to Captain America?

    Bendis actually thinks we will buy this?

    What part of Wolverine is desirable or even admirable except for the fact that his Healing factor can keep him from picking up any STD's.




    I did like the art though.


    And I feel bad for J.M.S. on Amazing Spiderman doing his best to make Lemonade out of Lemons. I just can't read that book anymore.


    Thankfully he still is writing Supreme Powers, and now the Fantastic Four.


    I think I'm done. Quick I voiced an opinion.


    Bring the Sarcastic hate laced replies.

  17. Re: Inspirational Reading


    The campaign I am currently running is a dark Super's group but on a much larger scale than street vigilantism. I am trying to give it a

    Authority, Ultimates, Powers feel. I find the DC book a great resource for skills and feel for the campaign.

    As for other influences I think would be helpful to a DC game would be


    Books by Philip K. Dick (Blade runner, Scanner Darkly and a host of others Hollywood is now turning into movies)


    Along with Raymond Chandler, I suggest Ross Macdonald and James Ellroy.

    All three deal with Los Angelos of the 40's and 50's but there is a nice dark gritty feel to their work. Especially Ellroy's "White Jazz".


    I am reading a series of books currently by Jasper Fforde that aren't your typical Dark Crime scenario but I don't know where to classify it.

    It feels like the off beat television program "The Avengers" but it has gritty elements to it. Hard to nail down but if anyone is looking for something off beat and different. Check out "The Eyre Affair" and its sequels following the adventures of Thursday Next.

    I mention it only due to the versatility of the Champions system and that the book deals with Special Ops groups, Alternate Histories, Vampires, Criminal Masterminds and fantastic science.


    Anyone ever see the Movie "Remo Williams: The adventure begins" ?

    Its based on a series of books by Richard Sapir & Warren Murphy.

    A Police Officer who's life is stripped away by a covert Intelligence agency

    called CURE. He is retrained by Chiun Master of an ancient form of Korean Martial arts known as Sinanju. He is a one many army vs. Crime. He is

    "The Destroyer". Fun little series of books. Why no one has turned it into a T.V. show I'll have no idea.


    Speaking of Television...I posted it in another section but I recommend

    The Television program "MI-5" (Its known as "Spooks" in England)

    Outstanding show. Deals with the British Agency charged with protecting

    England from Terrorists. Its on A&E Saturdays @10:00PM Eastern time.

  18. Re: The President wants to talk to you


    I'm thinking he's found out that someone high up in the government (or an allied government) has been kidnapped and replaced by an alien or other bad guy. You wouldn't want to see the Avengers beating up Tony Blair' date=' even if the President told them it's a good idea. So you put a team of nobodys out there for plausible deniability.[/quote']


    Something along those lines...


    The President has asked the Heroes to attend a Parade or Event for the country. What he really is doing is looking to get a message to the group.

    Aliens have taken over his administration and are using him as a figure head.

    He cannot trust SAT/Primus for they may have been infiltrated. They are watching him closely and he and his family desperately need the groups help.




    The NSA has brought to the Presidents attention a strange video tape that turned up mysteriously which shows a live news report from a week,month,whatever from today that shows the Supergroup killing the president violently.

    Where did the Tape come from? Will the Heroes Kill the President?

  19. Re: PREDATORS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    By the time I got around to opening this thread there were already a lot of posts and I only had time to skim them all right now so, if some of these ideas have already been posted, sorry.


    1. Give us a corrupt policeman and/or federal agent, they are great snakes-in-the grass to obstruct the heroes with.


    2. Computer crime is good, give us an uber-hacker.


    3. A con-man or an enemy spy-type would be fun to spring on the characters. Someone who is patient and very good at what he does. He can get into the character's confidence and then several months down the line sell them out to his real employeers (crimelords or whoever).


    4. I want a good wheelman. A delivery driver of sorts. A person who will dilever anything or anybody regardless of legality, for the right price. A person with a reputation of never failing his task.[/quote





    What he said.


    I will quote other peoples excellent ideas later and maybe include a couple of my crummy ideas too. ;)

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