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Everything posted by NotKnocker

  1. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... This is a note for all Borrible fans everywhere - and, if any of you have managed to nick a laptop, to all Borribles too. For some reason or another, possibly because of the anti-authoritarian, non-conforming message of the books, they have never been a huge commercial success. I want to change this. Despite the books' lack of success, I somehow keep bumping into people who know, and love, all three Borrible novels. I know there is a fan base out there that could give these books the recognition they deserve, and I believe that if this fanbase could be reached through word of mouth then this recognition would follow. But for this word of mouth to work, we need a lot of mouths. That can mean you, if you would like it to. If you are interested in trying to give the Borribles the success they deserve - in terms of recognition more than anything else; money just ain't Borrible - then please get in touch with me: notknocker@hotmail.co.uk - please note that this _is_ at hotmail.co.uk, and _not_ at hotmail.com. I would like to hear your ideas as to how you think you can help. I don't want you to sell anything, or buy anything (again, it just ain't Borrible); but I do want recognition for the books. Whatever the idea is, please do it, but also please let me know, so I can pass it on to other people to use. The reverse applies: if you would like some ideas as to how you can help, please get in touch. Thank you all. If we don't speak again, to paraphrase another proverb, have a good life. Not Knocker. notknocker@hotmail.co.uk
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