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Everything posted by Taedis

  1. Can indirect be applied to missle reflection legally?
  2. Re: The Gilded Age Campaign I almost forgot the pulps and radio. Clark Savage training Clark Kent then turning over the Fortress of Solitude works. As does the Shadow training Bruce Wayne after a young Wayne figures out his secret ID, not the ones that we read about in the stories, but the one that is alluded to by Farmer in his biographies. Of course that last part may be too much of a rip-off of Tim Drake. And what about Margot Lane's little sister Lois? God, I'm a geek. Thanks
  3. Re: The Gilded Age Campaign Sadly most of the better Marvel characters are Silver Age and I've made an (arbitrary) rule that I would only work with Golden Age characters. That said I really like your idea about Krypton's destruction leading to the creation of the FF. About 10 years ago I did a crossover thing set in the modern day. One of the bits I used as background was Krypton being destroyed by Galactus (which I guess was used when the FF met Superman a few years later.) The notion that Galactus' actions created the Fantastic Four is too good to pass up. Once this campaign hits the Silver Age (or I skip ahead) this will be part of the back story. Thanks loads.
  4. Re: The Gilded Age Campaign
  5. I'm building a world where the golden age characters are examined in a more modern light. Hence the Gilded Age. When all is said and done I will present my players with the option of making any golden age character from any company (Timely, DC, Fawcett, Quality, Lev Gleason etc.) I have been thinking of ways to tie bits of disparate continuity together and coming up with..... well I suppose the term would be retcons, but that doesn't seem right. For example. Instead of blond haired Steve Trevor washing up on the shores of Paradise Island it's Steve Rogers. Diana returns to "man's world" with the injured hero after modelling her costume on the Captain America uniform under his amy fatigues and the eagle mural on his downed plane. His indestructible round shield would be a gift from the gods to replace his heavily dented original. I want this to be good so I'm looking to get as many helpful suggestions as possible. Thanks in advance.
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