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Posts posted by geekvoid

  1. Re: Illiteracy...


    I've got an NPC in a cyberpunk campaign I've been running that has the same problem. I gave him a decent Deduction roll to work with and a bit of an obnoxious personality to cover up his lack of ability. For me, it's less of write up problem as a roleplaying issue on my part. I keep having to remind myself that he's not stupid, he just can't read. Hence, he tends to stay a bit quiet until he has a good grasp of what's going on before he speaks up. Then again, he's not a major villian...

  2. Re: Looking for A.I. Scenarios


    I don't know if it'll work for you at all, but the Shadowrun line just wrapped up a huge AI arc not too long ago. It started with Renraku Arcology: Shutdown and progressed from there. (Just google it and take a look at the various reviews)


    In short, the rogue AI was pieced together from a spontaneous AI. Deus then shutdown an entire complex with over a hundred thousand people in it and turned it into his personal playground and the hostages into his personal playthings. If you want a little dark, take a look. Even if you don't use it, it might give you some ideas?

  3. Re: Starting points for rookies in established campaign

    I like this approach' date=' as it allows the new players to see the effects of XP on a character's development. Some of the commentary in previous HERO revisions said something about "There's a difference between a character built on 350 points and a character built on 250 points plus 100 points experience. The 350-pt character will likely have a larger attack, but the 250+100 character will have a broader range of capabilities, and will likely be more fun to play."
    "Whoa! 3-foot Dew spew! 2 extra bonus XP for you - one for the base spew and one for distance!" :)

    [/quote']The campaign went through a couple of revisions, to be honest. I wasn't around for the first incarnation, but my character was built on 150 base, 100 disads. Then after a number of months, the focus changed, and the GM upped the power level and gave us carte blanche to tweak our PCs to our hearts content. We went with that for awhile, with old players dropping out and new ones coming in. The new players went wild with cool powers and toys and such. I, on the other hand, kept the power mostly low, used foci for my main character and spent well over 100 pt on background skills. She's may not be able to consistently match the other PCs for power level and effect, but they'd be in serious trouble without her, as she's the teams doctor, tinkerer, gadgeteer...well, all around geek, really. Since tech in general is hard to come by, the more powerful guys with the big guns and the cyberware realize she's useful to have around. That, and she IS more than capable of handling herself in a fight.As for the Dew Spew, I'm thinking you've seen our gaming sessions! Without the sound, hopefully, as we can be brutal when we get started with the harassment... :shock:
  4. Re: Starting points for rookies in established campaign


    This happened with my gaming group not all that long ago. If I remember correctly, the GM had them make the character at the caqmpaign standard which I want to say was 300 points. After that was done, he gave them half the average XP of the existing characters and let them spend it however they wanted, tho he did make some suggestions. Once they started playing, they got the same amount of XP as everyone else, unless they did something particularly outstanding or made some highly entertaing comments about the other players that made said GM laugh and spew Mt Dew across the table...

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