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Wizard Eater

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  1. Re: A Psionic "Computer"? And how to build it... The whole thing doesn't have to be 'psionically themed.' Yeah, the computer can communicate thru psi, see remotely, and make cloak and make images of itself. But the "probability drive" is very unreliable and dangerous, so ordinary warp- or hyperdrive is used normally, and the psi drive is used only when speed is of the utmost importance, since it can place it AUs or LY's off position, change the inhabitants in strange ways, or destroy it alltogether. And it still needs armor like any other ship. Oh, and the creature you're thinking of is an Episiarch. Its towering monomania and solipsism give it godlike powers of psi. but its a dangerous, insane creature, kept under heavy restraint and training by the Tandu (their Uplift Patrons)
  2. Re: Creating Races yeah, well what if a creature's skin has acidic secretions? with a small RKA Perisitant Damage Shield Always on, every member of that race has a "power". its not an ability that an individual can improve upon (ok, with some bio-engineering, it can), its just a fact of biology for them.
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