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Everything posted by cmagoun

  1. Re: FYI: why more people aren't playing HERO (rpg.net) I had been an avid Hero player for many years, but had since given it up. Well, interestingly enough, the discussion over at RPGnet (Killer Shrike is a fine ambassador) and with a local game store owner convinced me to pick up the 5th Edition of Hero and give it a look. It is a very interesting product -- certainly a worthy successor to the Hero games I grew up playing. Still not sure I would use it for fantasy... or (strangely enough) even supers for that matter. However, I am considering running a sci-fi game in the coming months and I think I will run Star Hero... now I just have to soak up all the new stuff. Later, Chris Magoun Runebearer RPG -- http://www.runebearer.com
  2. Re: Questions About Star Hero Thanks for the links and suggestions. I am currently working on a custom system to build and purchase starship hulls and components as well as a modified combat system. I am hoping to have a rough draft soon. Thanks Again, Chris Magoun Runebearer RPG -- http://www.runebearer.com
  3. After a long break from the Hero System, I picked up the black monolith which is the Revised 5th Edition. I anticipate running a science-fiction campaign in the coming months and I have almost settled on Hero for the system, as opposed to picking up Traveller d20, or writing my own game. Now, I am deciding whether to pick up Star Hero and I have a few questions for those with more knowledge and experience: 1. I own tons of gaming material, including most every Traveller book in existance. I have gamed for years. I don't need gobs of general "these are all of the genres in science fiction" advice, nor do I need an overview of potential jump technologies, or another star system generation chart. Does Star Hero bring anything else to the table to make it a must-buy? What extra bit of rules, or cool subsystem does it give you that makes it necessary have to run a sci-fi game? 2. I would like to run a sci-fi game in which the PCs' ship and the operation of that ship plays an important part. I think the Hero vehicle system is a little to abstract for this type of treatment. Does Star Hero include, or has someone worked up a system for, determining the mass/volume/cost for a starship device and how much a starship can hold? I am working on such a system now, but I would love to see someone else's take on this. Thanks for everything, Chris Magoun Runebearer RPG -- http://www.runebearer.com
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