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  1. Re: Religious Magic Idea: Looking for feedback.... That's a creative approach. Another approach, not a better one, is to do it as Summoning drawing on an end reserve with a rec that only recovers by observing rights. But that may be just about my tendency to over define at the expense of role playing...
  2. Re: VPP: Unique Skill For Every Power? I like your system. Especially wands adding to the skill roll.
  3. Re: VPP: Unique Skill For Every Power? The only power modifier that I would think of as global would be the limitation "Each Power Requires A Unique Skill (-?)" applied to the control cost of a VPP. I'm undecided on what that ? should be so I can't post the math. I might be biased in thinking (-1 1/2) or that might not be enough.
  4. Re: VPP: Unique Skill For Every Power? A multipower is too costly and the "feel" is wrong anyway. One difficulty I have with the magic systems I've looked at is that they are too limited. If I may put it this way, there is a difference between "style of magic limitations" and "limitation of diversity of effects". (I know I am being criminally abstract...) How about this... there should be limitations that have to do with the difference between the way a shaman does magic and the way a sorcerer does magic. But eventually there comes a level of skill such that any effect is doable. Converting a MP to a VPP I don’t like. Converting the system I’m describing to a more conventional VPP would be consistent with my notion of how magic should be handled.
  5. I'm hoping for some input on the level of disadvantage it would be to require a unique skill for every power used out of a VPP. This would seem like a good solution for magic. The specific structure would be that every "spell, combination of power/advantage/disadvantage/special effect, would have a unique skill for that combination and only that combination. Possibly with complimentary skills. i.e. "Fireball" skill having a complimentary skill, KS: Fire Magic? (This might seem convoluted but magic in the Hero System has never worked right for me.)
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