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Everything posted by GnarlyOwl

  1. OK, my GM and I are not clear about one aspect of your response to my post regarding Clairsentience and Only through senses of others... Can Mind Scan be used to locate the "other" sufficiently to allow Clairsentience through senses of others as I suggested? If not, how might a character sufficently sense such an "other" (who is not present) to allow the use of C/OTSO? Thanks!
  2. Assuming Clairsentience is bought with Only Through the Senses of Others, and mobile perception point: 1. Does the character have to see the 'other' before able to use them? 2. What if the 'other' walks out of sight after the clairsentience has begun? 3. Assuming the answer to #1 is yes, can the character do a mind scan to find the "other" first, and then use their senses even though there is no line of sight to the "other"? 4. Would the character have to maintain the mind scan thoughout to do this? 5. Would the character have to put indirect on the clairsentience to do this?
  3. Sorry! I meant Rapid File optional maneuver and by Offensive Shot the Ranged Martial Art Maneuver of that name. I will be taking Rapid Archery Talent as well. Thanks. Gnarly
  4. Can Rapid shot be used with the Offensive Shot maneuver? What about Rapid Archery with RS and OS? http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43951&highlight=%22offensive+shot%22+%22rapid+archery%22 If I only want to apply the Talent to the one maneuver (OS), how might that be done? Thanks in advance. Gnarly
  5. Re: Making people fall down The problem with KB is that (1) this guy causes a local earthquake which wouldn't send people flying and (2) I dont want it to do damage. I will look at the Change Enviro. Thanks!
  6. I am tring to make a Siesmic Shock power that knocks everone down in an Explosion Area of Effect. The Character stamps his foot and everone in a radius who is standing on the ground would have to roll DEX to remain standing. I think this is a takedown manuever made AOE, but I cannot seem to make it inside a MP. Would this be legal? Steve
  7. I am tring to make a Siesmic Shock power that knocks everone down in an Explosion Area of Effect. The Character stamps his foot and everone in a radius who is standing on the ground would have to roll DEX to remain standing. I think this is a takedown manuever made AOE, but I cannot seem to make it inside a MP. Would this be legal? Steve
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