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Doc Samson

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Posts posted by Doc Samson

  1. Re: Seeking opinion on Succor, Self Only


    There is no cap on points added from Succor, as confirmed by Steve Long.


    That 6d6 Succor to PRE can keep on adding 6d6 every single attack action, the only limits being how much END and time the character has to keep building. Allow a self only Sweep, and if you have the END for it you can boost your PRE by 12d6, 18d6, or however much the GM allows per phase.


    The potential for balance problems is considerable.


    Very True. Though we allow Succor in our campaigns, it doesn't exempt the character from our 60 AP max rule (i.e. a stat can't be Succored above 60 APs). The same goes for large VPPs.

  2. Re: Harpoon Man -- Advice Needed


    Ok, I'm still a little stuck on point 4, the stick-into-someone trait.


    Clinging: Useable on Others seems to be the solution, but the actual description of Clinging doesn't really explain how this works. Could anyone give me a run-down, or point me to somewhere in the rules with more detail?


    Stretching will cover this as well. Use a simple Grab to stick it into them and then you can pull them as you wish. Focus or Physcial Manifestation will cover the SFX that it is not your body but a harpoon. Hope that helps. "GET OVER HERE!"

  3. Re: Amalgam Universe Campaign


    How do you pronounce OMMTBH?


    Ok, in that case I recommend an amalgam of Atom Smasher (an old Iron man and Black Goliath villain) and Solomon Grundy...that's right, it's Atomic Grundy! (an extreme "wedgie" for all you civilized folks).

  4. Re: Amalgam Universe Campaign


    Another of my players is still concocting a character, but he's pretty much set on using Thor as the Marvel part.


    Thoughts? I'll have the characters up later.


    Thor + Captain Marvel (Shazam) = The Northman

    Wisdom of Odin

    Strength of Magni

    Stamina of Modi

    Power of Thor

    Courage of Baldur

    Speed of Hermod

  5. Re: Three years later...


    Some good juices flowing above already. Here are some suggestions. Hope they help.


    1. Have an Arch-Villain type baddie kill the NPC group bringing the heroes out of retirement.

    2. Have the NPC group become villains and the group comes out of retirement to "take care of their own".

    2a. Real villains - they have had enough of her wook and now just want to be rich and powerful.

    2b. Framed - they have been set up by an evil organization (the government?) into doing something bad. They may have been tricked, but they still have to pay for their crimes.

    3. Hero Fight! - not getting the respect they deserve, the NPCs challenge the "old guard" to a public sparring match. After losing, they fade from the public eye (but maybe return later?).

    4. Friends - Have the NPCs contact the heroes with some revelation about a common nemesis (Viper?). The teams join together to form a supergroup and combat their common enemy. Sometimes having NPC heroes as part of the "team" can add flavor to the time between story arcs.

  6. Re: Character Concept Question


    Here is a different source concept that I would like some assistance on please. I got wondering on the abilities of a character based around the number zero would be. Here are some questions that I would like answered and feel free to add any comments of your own independent of these questions:


    1) What would be his/her abilities/powers/skills/etc?

    2) How would this affect him/her?

    3) Would he/she be a hero :dyn or villian :hail: ?


    Regardless of the answers he/she should be limited to 350 pts, geared towards a supers campaign, and all of the other usuals.


    Hmm...the others already beat me to some good ideas. here's what I am thinking anyway.


    1) Zero Mass - Desolidification package including life support. Near Zero mass could be duplicated with Damage Reduction.

    Zero Gravity - Flight and/ or Gliding

    Zero Point Energy (absolute zero) - A paralysis or freezing attack. Could be done with a Transform or an Entangle.


    Another term for zero is null. Another term for nothingness is Void.

    A Null Field might be built using Suppress and Darkness.

    Void Travel could be used to duplicate EDM or Teleportation.


    2) Zero is often the designation for the first of something. Perhaps the character could be the first superhuman in your campaign world, or the first from whatever source (ground zero) bestowed the powers (experimental subject zero).


    3) I could see either.


    Other random stuff from Wikipedia

    Zero has been proposed as the atomic number of the theoretical element tetraneutron. It has been shown that a cluster of four neutrons may be stable enough to be considered an atom in their own right. This would create an element with no protons and no charge on its nucleus.


    As early as 1926 Professor Andreas von Antropoff coined the term neutronium for a conjectured form of matter made up of neutrons with no protons, which he placed as the chemical element of atomic number zero at the head of his new version of the periodic table. It was subsequently placed as a noble gas in the middle of several spiral representations of the periodic system for classifying the chemical elements. It is at the centre of the Chemical Galaxy (2005).

  7. For example, lets say I want it to take a full Turn for my character to achieve his maximum size, what limitation is appropriate? Extra Time makes a power interruptable, so that would seem to be prohibitive of using the power in combat. Gradual Effect seems to be too small a limitation for the effect. How would you buy Growth that takes awhile to achieve it's maximum effect, but is useable while increasing? Thanks in advance for help.

  8. Re: Drain variable stat power


    I agree with the Variable Effect, but I don't like the idea that the ultimate power costs less than the original structure. For example, I don't think 3d6 should cost 30 x 1.25 / 1.5 = 25 points.


    I would apply a higher limitation (say -1 as NCC-effects only) on the advantage only. Thus, the cost of 3d6 is 30 + [30 x 1/2 / 2 =] 7 = 37 points.


    I think this is the way to go. -1 Level of NCC on a naked Variable Effect advantage.

  9. Re: Toying with new character concepts


    Mentalist without Mental Powers has tons of possibilities. Arkham's idea about pyrokinetics (Indirect EB) is exactly the type of stuff I was thinking.


    Some other thoughts...


    Spirit Channeling (Images)

    Psychokinesis (Telekinesis)

    ESP (Clairsentience maybe including Post- and Pre- cognition)

    Astral Travel (Desolidification or EDM)

    Psychic Healing (Healing)

    Body Control (numerous Transform effects)

    Speaking in Tongues (Universal Translator)


    Do a search under Parapsycology online for tons of ideas.


    [edit] Concepts 1 (generic Metamorph) and 3 (generic Transform) seem pretty standard just with a specific special effects.

  10. Re: Force Field LImitation Question


    It could be built either way - It's going to depend a lot on play styles. At least one of our Champions GMs frowns on Stats in power frameworks especially when there is a clear alternative so in his game it would likely end up being a Force Field.


    I agree with this. The choice of going FF over other Powers (like Power Defense or Mental Defense) or Characteristics usually depends on what the GM will allow in a Power Framework.

  11. This is character I played some time ago. He was alot of fun to play but he could also be used as a misunderstood villain. As his powers are bought via Multiform, you need to be prepared ahead of time to get the most use out of him. He may be a bit thin on skills for some, but it would be easy to dump the Regen and Life Support to free up points for more background stuff.



    Val Char Points

    20 STR 10

    20 DEX 30

    20 CON 20

    20 BODY 20

    18 INT 8

    20 EGO 20

    20 PRE 10

    18 COM 4

    8 PD 4

    8 ED 4

    4 SPD 10

    10 REC 4

    50 END 5

    50 STUN 10

    10" Running 8

    5" Swimming 3

    4" Leaping 0

    170 Total Characteristics Points



    Cost Name

    5 Animal Handler 14-

    5 Breakfall 14-

    10 +2 with HTH Combat

    3 Scientist

    2 1) SS: Biology 13- (3 Active Points)

    2 2) SS: Veterinary Medicine 13- (3 Active Points)

    2 3) SS: Zoology 13- (3 Active Points)

    3 Scholar

    2 1) KS: Animals (3 Active Points) 13-

    2 2) KS: Judo (3 Active Points) 13-

    2 3) KS: Karate (3 Active Points) 13-

    5 +1 with a group of similar Skills

    2 WF: Common Melee Weapons

    45 Total Skills Cost



    Cost Name

    2 Reputation: Super Animal Rights Activist (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6

    2 Total Perks Cost



    Cost Name

    1 Resistance (1 point)

    1 Total Talents Cost



    Cost Power END

    105 Unstable DNA: Variable Power Pool (Mimicry Pool), 70 base + 35 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1), Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (175 Active Points); Only for Multiform (Multiform is an alternate form of the character with exact copies of an animal's abilities and ability related disadvantages.; -1/2), Only to Mimic Animal Abilities (-1/2), Abilities May Only be as Powerful as the Mimicked Animal's Abilities (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect does a predefined amount of damage; -1/2)

    22 Healing 1 BODY, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 0

    5 Life Support (Longevity: Immortal) 0

    132 Total Powers Cost



    Cost Disadvantage

    20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

    5 Enraged: When animals are harmed (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14-

    25 Hunted: Genetch Agents and Mutants 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

    15 Hunted: The Police 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

    5 Money: Animal Rights Spokesman Poor

    25 Psychological Limitation: Protective of animals and the environment (Very Common, Total)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Very Common, Moderate)

    15 Reputation: Extremist Animal Rights Advocate, 14-

    20 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Severe)

    5 Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Occasionally, Minor)

    150 Total Disadvantages Cost



    Instinct wears a sleeveless deep orange colored costume with dark brown gloves, boots, belt, and shoulder pads. His mask covers his upper face but leaves his hair and lower face exposed. His chest symbol is a gold paw print.



    Silas Theron always had a strong love of animals and "wanted to be a vet when he grew up” for as long as he could remember. When he got into College, the sciences captured his imagination and solidified his belief that Veterinary School was a surely the path he was meant for. Whether it was poor grades in the non-sciences or the distractions of sports, he never got the acceptance letter to veterinary school he eagerly craved. As he still wanted to work with animals and had a strong aptitude for science, he decided research would be a good second choice for a career. Unfortunately for him, the places where science and animals cross paths are not very kind to the animals. For a long time he ignored his guilt by telling himself it was for the “betterment of humanity”, but eventually his guilt caught up with him. He was working in a genetics laboratory that experimented on transgenic animals at the time. A particularly brutal experiment convinced him that he had had enough and he set his mind to getting out of the research field. Consumed with guilt, he decided that quitting his job was not enough. To redeem himself, he decided he needed to put an end to the place where he himself has taken part in the experimentation on animals. Using a recipe he found on the internet and chemicals he was able to acquire in the research laboratory, he created a bomb with the intention on destroying the building he worked in. He stayed late one night and waited until after everyone else had left. He then evacuated all the test animals from the building. His inexperience in the proper handling of explosives caused him to mix the chemicals improperly and as a result they exploded much sooner than he anticipated. He was still inside the genetics lab when the shockwave blasted him through a rack of hazardous chemicals. He body was trapped under a mixture of rubble, viral vectors and potent mutagens. The last thing he remembers was looking at his crushed legs and thinking was “Well, I don’t think the doctors would be able to fix that anyway even if I somehow got out of here.” He awoke beneath some foliage in the woods that surrounded the research facility campus with no memory of how he survived or escaped. Later he would attribute it simply to “good instincts”. In the coming weeks he discovered that he had the ability to mimic the attributes and abilities of any animal he could think of. His also takes on some minor flaw related to the animals he imitates. With a bit of practice, he quickly mastered his new powers and set out to be a superhero. Becoming a superhero felt to him like he had discovered his secret, but true, calling. He now uses his powers to protect not only people, but also animals and the environment. His strong belief in animal rights sometimes puts him at odds with the authorities, though he seeks to avoid violent conflicts with the police. He is able to eek out a meager living as a public speaker at animal rights rallies and conventions and he frequently attends high profile animal rights protests to be in the public spotlight.



    Instinct is motivated by a strong compassion for animals and a deep seated guilt over his past involvement in animal research. Though he genuinely cares for people, his first priority is to the animals and the environments in which they live. He is overconfident in his animal born abilities to handle any situation. Though his strong belief in animal rights has often put him at odds with the authorities in the past, he seeks to avoid violent conflicts with the police as he knows that will only hurt his cause. He regrets the rash decision that lead him to blow up his former employer’s building and he realizes that if this information became public, it could ruin his credibility as a hero.



    "If people were more like animals the World would be a better place."



    Though his powers allow him to fill many different rolls on a team, Instinct feels most comfortable filling the role of the team’s "Big Man" or “Brick”. He often mimics an animal’s strength, size, or weight to give himself superhuman strength and durability. When solo, he will employ various animal senses and modes of movement to stalk his prey. His only limitations seem to be the weaknesses he inherits from the animals he imitates and the boundaries of his own imagination.



    Though GeneTech is after him, it’s not for the reason Instinct thinks. He assumes they want revenge on him for destroying one of their animal research facilities, but in fact, it is because they want to capture him to study his DNA and retrieve what could be the only remaining sample of the experimental mutagen they were working on. The research they are performing is highly illegal and violates numerous laws. It is for this reason that they have not reported his terrorist act to the police. They fear that public knowledge of their vendetta would bring the unwanted attention of the authorities. In their last encounter, one of the agents on a GeneTech recovery team referred to Instinct as Subject "Prime-8”. Though Instinct hasn’t drawn any conclusions from this as of yet, the agent was severely reprimanded for his indiscretion.


    Character created with Hero Designer (version 2.42)

  12. Re: Help Building Mimic Type Character


    Eclipse (Evil Unleashed or The Ultimate Metamorph) is a mimic character.


    She's built with a VPP; Only For Multiform.


    This is definatley way to go as it allows you to copy Skills, Perks, and Talents as well as Powers and Characteristics. Here is a possible build allowing you to copy any 350 pt. or less character (just change the base and control costs for higher or lower level campaigns)...


    Variable Power Pool (Mimicry Pool), 70 base + 20 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (175 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; [Character can Activate the VPP but has no control over the powers he gets.] -1), Skin Contact Required (-1), Only For Multiform [Each Multiform is an alternate form of the original character with exact copies of the target’s abilities and related Disadvantages] (-1/2), Powers May Only Be As Powerful As Target's Powers (-1/2), VPP Only Mimics Target's [innate] Powers (-1/2), Requires Successful HTH Attack Roll (-1/2), Cannot Retain Copied Powers [Forms] (-1/4)


    If you want to be able to do this on sight alone, remove the HTH Roll (-1/2) and Skin Contact (-1) Limitations. If you only want to be able to copy humanoids, add that as a Limitation (sounds like a -1/2). IMHO, I think only being able to copy the abilities of one person at a time is a pretty big Limitation (maybe -1) as the mixing and matching of abilities is where this type of character shines. I hope this gives you a starting point.

  13. Re: You know you've got problems when...


    This really happend and the character did not survive it.


    You know you've got problems when... you charge into a room and all the minions target you with a BODY Drain.


    I was dumb to run in alone.


    You know you've REALLY got problems when... you look down on your character sheet and see you forgot to take any Power Defense.


    This was even dumber as I was the group's Brick.

  14. Re: Make everyone fight at your level... a heroic fighter in a supers world.


    Treating this as two issues:


    1) "I turn off all your powers so we can fight fair" is not a fair fight. It's like going up against a guy bigger and stronger than yourself and saying it's only a fair fight if you can cut his tendons before the fight starts to get rid of his Strength advantage. That said, the easiest way to do it in HERO is a big AOE Suppress versus all Superpowers and a second versus all Supertech, letting the GM define each to his satisfaction.


    2) It's dead easy to create a cinematic Martial Artist who can hold his own versus most 250-450 point Supers without giving him any obvious Superpowers. Start with the Super Skills in Pulp Hero and Dark Champions and work from there. Find Weakness and Martial NNDs take him past the defenses of most Supers, Rapid Attack and Two Weapon Figgthing (HtH) to let him pump out as many attacks per phase as most speedsters, Damage Reduction and Armor defined as Pain Control and DCV levels to push him up to your campaign limits defined as "Always Moving" allow him to slug it out in HtH without getting squished, etc. You can even add in some thrown weapons and a ranged martial art to deal with flying blasters a bit better.


    I'm not a fan of the whole "What would you do without your powers" trope. You always have more abilities to lose, and in a setting where Superpowers are possible at all I fail to see how they're less a part of you than anything else your genes and training caused you to develop.


    I may be way off base here, but what I think he's looking to do is "give Superman the Red Sun Treatment." What I mean by this is, he's a norm (well a marts norm) and he wants to turn super baddies into norm abddies (not incompetent, just not super) while they fight him. It's a plot device used by villains for ages. Note that the hero still wins, he just has to do it without his powers. I think i remember a de-powerd Clark kent kicking lex Luthor's but before.

  15. Re: Make everyone fight at your level... a heroic fighter in a supers world.


    I wracked my brain over this for a few weeks while designing a similar character. I tried numerous Drain and Suppress builds, but they are always mammoth in cost for relatively little effect. Here is a few things I did. Though expensive it was a fun character.


    Some of the suggestions above are very good.


    Damage Reduction is a great unresistable way to simulate reducing a foes damage (as opposed to increasing your resistance). It's also great to represent a "Personal Suppression Field". You could scale (via a limitation) the amount of DR based on the attack. For example 75% Resistant Damage Reduction, Limited Power: Each level of DR (25%, 50%, and 75%) Only Applies to 4d6 of an attack (in order from 25% to 75%).


    I used an NND vs. Normal Characteristics Maxima for one attack. This one will get argued but even in the supers heavy DC universe it's hard to argue that NCM is not extremely common, just not for supers. Ultimatley it's up to the GM and we are not talking about extreme damage here anyway.


    For another attack I had an AVLD vs. PD of 8 and below (norm max). It's not alot of defense but everyone has it. Again this will be up to your GM. An alternative might be AVLD vs. Lack of Weakness.


    To simulate that my normal attacks affected everyone equally, my GM allowed an Uncontrolled Find Weakness. At the 15- level I was usually able to make 2-3 rolls (obviously less or none if they had Lack of Weakness) which would bring even the mightiest PD down to reasonable levels.


    Armor Piercing and Penetrating attacks can also be used to simulate "Suppressed Defenses" though Hardened is a common defense.


    There are alot of ways to reduce an opponent's OCV and DCV to normal levels. You can simply buy up CSLs with OCV and DCV, but I imagine if you don't want any stats in superhuman ranges, you may not want superhuman skill levels either. You can use Penalty Skill Levels, but they are resistable with Power Defense. Finally, and this one will surely bring jeers from your GM, you can buy a Change Environment "Suppression Field" vs. OCV and DCV, No Range and Self Only. It doesn't make sense until you read the Stealth Suit example under CE in 5ER. It's expensive but unresistable.


    I hope this helps or at least gives you a few ideas. I have to warn you though, to achieve this effect you will probably spend more points than others in your group to be roughly the same power level.


    [edit] Also, don't forget to take just a few points of Combat Luck or Damage Resistance so you don't get shredded by killing attacks.


    [editII] The one problem I was not able to beat was superuman SPD scores. I finally settled on a 0 END Continuous SPD Suppress, Limited to reducing SPD down to 4 (norm max). Again, not a cheap power.


    [editIII] Heh, I'm remembering why I retired this character. Not having a superhuman movement power sux. Make sure you save points for a vehicle (doesn't feel very super though).

  16. Re: The Things That I've Learned Facing Bricks


    AP limits can be a problem themselves when applied without regard to the special nature of Bricks.


    Assuming a typical 60 AP limit the typical 60 STR Brick can always make a 16d6 attack without resorting to a Haymaker.




    Move Through with 12" of Leaping. Yeah, it's a -2 OCV maneuver but it doesn't take an extra Phase like Haymaker either.


    I don't think this is Brick specific. Movement damage can also be used by those who use HKAs and HAs (such as Martial Artists and melee Weapon Masters) and is most frequently used by the Speedster AT. By the way, I always liked your name (Hyperman).

  17. Re: The Things That I've Learned Facing Bricks


    Thinking a bit more on this, are bricks really that much of a problem in the era of AP limits? 12d6 is 12d6 whether it comes at the end of a set of knuckles or from a blast of radiation. Or do a lot of games use more appropriate limits? Or are character points the only limits used in many cases?


    I've been interested in coming up with a solid "Rule of X" formula for a while. Maybe Attack AP = 2xOCV + 10xSPD + Power AP? Set the limit at 130 AAP for an average of: 10 OCV, 5 SPD, and 12d6. A brick might go with a 10/4/14d6 split instead. A martial artist might go with 12/6/9d6. Hmm...


    Anyway, it just doesn't seem like this should be as big of an issue if AP limits are used.


    You make a good point. I don't think Bricks are any sort of problem, especially when compared to the effectiveness of other ATs such as the Mentalist (this is by no means a Mentalist bash, just an acknowledgment that Mental Powers are very effective for their relative cost). They do however tend to have an AP max STR (strength is also prertty effective for the cost, plus you get 10 pts. free) and AP max Defenses. In the comics, this combination ususally makes them the fist into a battle and the last one out. This can be a little intimidating to less combat focused ATs (such as the Gadgeteer who tends to spend as many points skills as attack powers). Even from a Balance standpoint, I don't see this as a problem but I can understand why less combat oriented ATs may want to be aware of effective tactics to use against the more combat oriented ATs (including Martial Artists who usually end up exceeding damage or CV caps due to the way Martial Skills are buit.)

  18. Re: The Things That I've Learned Facing Bricks


    I play alot of Bricks. if I were to use that knowledge to take one out, here is what I look for.



    - Grabs: Have a Grab defense or it will be a short fight (even shorter if the Brick has powers such as Extra Limbs, a Clinging Damage Shield, or extra Casual STR). Defenses include abilities such as Teleportation, Desolidification, and a high Contortionist roll. At the GMs option, Growth, Shrinking, and Stretching may also be used to escape a hold.

    - Move Throughs: Avoid these at all costs. When you see one coming, abort to any defense maneuever or power you can. If you can take a full Brick Move Through without being Stunned, then you are a Brick.

    - Haymaker: Easy enough to avoid, and avoid them you must, unless you are Stunned. Abort to get out of the way if you have to.



    If possible, find out what Defensive Powers you are up against. With GM approval, Analyze, KS: Bricks, Detect Defenses, or even Telepathy can be used to determine this. Though Bricks spend more on defense than any other AT, they are bound to have an Achilles Heel. Find Weakness, Adjustment Powers, Mental Powers, ect. can take a Brick without the proper defense down fast. Knowing if a Brick has a Vulnerability or Susceptibity that you can exploit is another way to punch through a Brick's normally formidible defenses.


    Movement Powers

    Try to find out what mode of transport the Brick uses. Don't assume you can just Fly away! Some Bricks Fly too. Move Through specialists can be as fast as a speedster, during their phases. Be aware that Leaping, a very common Brick movement power because it is based on STR, is half the cost of other popular movement powers such as Flight and Running. Running away doesn't work when your full move is equal to the Brick's half-move. Be especially wary of the Tunneling Brick, as a Brick that can attack an opponent while at a DCV penalty is a scary thing (Extra Limb single target Grab Sweep anyone?).



    This is often a weakness in many Brick builds as you cant's squash what you can't hit. Flash, Darkness, and Invisibility against the Brick's targeting senses will obviously mitigate alot of damage. A well built Brick may have an alternate targeting sense. Knowing what it is could mean the difference between victory and immense pain. As it can become very expensive to cover all your sense groups, AVLD vs. Flash Defense can be a good tool to exploit this common weak spot (Sorry Bashmaster, I don't know why you didn't take any FD vs. Smell, heck you don't even have a nose!).



    It is of the utmost importance to know before you pick a fight with a Brick (see above for suggestions on how to determine this) if the Brick in question has any unusal special abilities, such as a devestating heat vision attack or an adrenal disorder. All Bricks use STR (mostly)! A Brick without alot of Power Defense can be dramatically reduced in power with a small amout of STR loss (math available upon request). Drain is good for this and if you can afford the END, Suppress is even better. Finally, if you get attacked by a Brick while unprepared, lay down and play dead. Nevermind, that's bears.

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