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Posts posted by Yar

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Collected from a short (6 adventure) campaign centered around medium-power heros in a White Wolf / World of Darkness-esque Washington, DC.


    GM: "Yes Pete, you probably can trade your soul for a new crossbow. Don't tempt me."


    Player 1: "I don't know how to SCUBA."

    Player 2: "All you have to do is breathe and let the shark drag you."


    Player: "I don't want to let [the chained up werewolf] go. Oh, what the hell - I'm a dragon."


    OOC: "Remember to buy your chainsaw with Darkness to Sound."


    GM: "He's a demon lord."

    Player 1: "Any weaknesses?"

    Player 2: "Lactose intolerant."

    Player 3: "We throw cows at him."


    "I can find out if she's normal. [To the GM] What's her DCV?"


    Player 1: "There's no down side to stealing evil demonic artifacts!"

    Player 2: "Says the corpse on the floor."


    Player with prehensile tongue: "I taste the Force Field... it's evil!"


    Player 1: "Why does it suck to live in DC?"

    Player 2: "It's all the demons."

    Player 3: "Are we still talking in-game?"



    And, of course, character concepts that didn't make it:


    An assassin with Aid powers that only work on vampires: Slayer the Vampire Buffer.


    An undead creture of the night who kills his victims with a floor polisher: Vampy the Buffer Slayer.

  2. A mage has a multipower with a fire-based Energy Blast and a cold-based EB. She attacks with the Firebolt, and the surviving enemy mage retaliates with a Suppress. Is the Frostbolt affected?


    On the one hand her arguement is that they are separate "powers" and the enemy doesn't even know that the Frostbolt exists. The enemy must make an INT, PER or PS roll to identify the Firebolt, then an attack roll to hit with the Suppress - which then affects *only* the Firebolt.


    On the other, the Suppress does *not* have the "only one type of SFX" limitation. As written, the Suppress appears to affect all spells based on "Energy Blast" regardless of special effect or caster's knowledge of their existance.


    What happens?

  3. I purchase WF: Blades and WF: Thrown weapons, so I can pick up a knife and use it in melee, or throw it.


    Now I purchase 1d6 of Deadly Blow with all melee weapons. This applies to all melee weapons regardless of how they're used, correct?


    Case in point, a knife is a Hand Killing Attack. Just because it also has the advantage "Can Be Thrown" does *not* mean it is no longer an HKA. Knives are Hand Kiling Attacks useable at range, not Ranged Killing Attacks.


    As such, Deadly Blow with melee weapons should apply to thrown knives.


    Is this a correct interpretation of the rules as written?


    Thank you.

  4. I purchase WF: Blades and WF: Thrown weapons, so I can pick up a knife and use it in melee, or throw it.


    Now I purchase 1d6 of Deadly Blow with all melee weapons. This applies to all melee weapons regardless of how they're used, correct?


    Case in point, a knife is a Hand Killing Attack. Just because it also has the advantage "Can Be Thrown" does *not* mean it is no longer an HKA. Knives are Hand Kiling Attacks useable at range, not Ranged Killing Attacks.


    As such, Deadly Blow with melee weapons should apply to thrown knives.


    Is this a correct interpretation of the rules as written?


    Thank you.

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