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Brawler's Achievements

  1. Re: Cybernetics Thanks for the reply. I don't like the Focus idea, since it is not removable with a Grab, but I do like the idea of using Limitations. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I don't think there are any easy rules solutions. I'll probably go with Limitations and a lot of flavor text. If anyone has any better suggestions, please let me know.
  2. I am very curious as to how to simulate a person with a cybernetic limb. Specifically, should the limb have separate BODY and DEF? I mean, damage to a cybernetic limb wouldn't cause bleeding or STUN, and also wouldn't recover BODY unless repaired. Thoughts?
  3. Hi Steve, Thanks for the reply, but I don't own the Revised Edition. I only have the basic 5th Edition Rules. Any suggestions for solving this without me having to go out and buy the revised edition?
  4. Does a character with LS: Extended Breathing still not get to Recover, even on Post Segment 12 (from H5e p.285)? If this is the case, then the power doesn't really simulate the ability to function normally for really extended periods while holding one's breath. Would it be simpler to buy Self-Contained Breathing with a Continuous Charge to simulate the ability to function normally for long periods underwater while holding one's breath?
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